The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 61 versoBackBACKBackF61r Folio 61 recto   Folio 62 recto F62r

3139   And seide, 'Bialacoil, telle me why
3140   Thou bryngest hider so booldly
3141   Hym that so nygh the roser?
3142   Thou worchist in a wrong maner;
3143   He thenkith to dishonoure thee,
3144   Thou art wel worthy to have maugree
3145   To late hym of the roser wite;
3146   Who serveth a feloun is yvel quitte.
3147   Thou woldist have doon gret bounte,
3148   And he with shame wolde quyte thee.
3149   ffle hennes, felowe! I rede thee goo!
3150   It wanteth litel it wole thee sloo;
3151   ffor Bialacoil ne knewe thee nought,
3152   Whanne thee to serve he sette his thought;
3153   ffor thou wolt shame hym, if thou myght,
3154   Bothe ageyns resoun and right.
3155   I wole no more in thee Affye,
3156   That comest so slyghly for tespye;
3157   ffor it preveth wonder well,
3158   Thy slight and tresoun every deell.'
3159   I durst no more there make Abode,
3160   ffor the cherl, he was so wode;
3161   So gan he threte and manace,
3162   And thurgh the haye he dide me chace.