The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 10 versoBackBACKBackF10r Folio 10 recto   Folio 11 recto F11r

549   With litel mouth, and rounde to see;
550   A clove chynne eke hadde she.
551   Hir nekke was of good fasoun
552   In lengthe and gretnesse, by resoun,
553   Withoute bleyne, scabbe, or royne.
554   ffro Jerusalem unto Burgoyne
555   Ther nys a fairer nekke, iwys,
556   To fele how smothe and softe it is.
557   Hir throte, also white of hewe
558   As snawe on braunche snawed newe.
559   Of body ful wel wrought was she
560   Men neded not, in no cuntre,
561   A fairer body forto seke.
562   And of fyn orfrays hadde she eke
563   A chapelet: so semly oon
564   Ne werede never mayde upon;
565   And faire above that chapelet
566   A rose gerland had she sett.
567   She hadde a gay mirrour,
568   And with a riche gold tresour
569   Hir heed was tressed queyntly;
570   Hir sleves sewid fetously.
571   And forto kepe hir hondis faire
572   Of gloves white she had a paire.