Defend Stirling Castle

Published: 1 June 2023

Use cyber security skills to defend one of Scotland's most important historical sites with Historic Environment Scotland.

What do you get when you cross an ancient medieval castle with cutting edge cyber security? Use cyber security skills to defend one of Scotland's most important historical sites: Stirling Castle. No knowledge of long-swords required, only a willingness to learn how to defend yourself and others from cyber threats!

This is a guided online activity that will allow you to learn about cyber security while exploring Stirling Castle’s medieval defend mechanisms.

Start the activity and defend Stirling Castle!

Join us to learn what Intrusion Detection Systems are, explore the importance of having multiple layers of cyber security and learn how to keep your data protected while you discover what murder holes, trip steps, or mason’s marks are and why they were important to keep castles in Scotland safe and protected.

When you’re ready, you will have the chance to become a cyber security expert and defend the castle from a cyber-attack putting everything you’ve learnt into practice – Stirling Castle needs your help!

These resources have been created by Digital Skills Education and A Big Egg as part of Skills Development Scotland’s Discover Tech Skills Programme.

First published: 1 June 2023