Data Detective

Published: 5 May 2022

Link data to stop the spread of a mystery disease, University of Glasgow

Data Detective is an online game to show how you to link data securely to help stop the spread of a mystery disease…

The aim of Data Detective is to show how and why data are shared in research. People are assigned to two teams, each with different data. They are then asked to complete some simple sums to identify which school is going to be targeted next by the outbreak of an infectious disease. The data are fixed so that both teams come up with different answers. The teams need to share data and recalculate sums in order to get the correct answer.

Play the Data Detective Game

Data Detective was developed by public health researchers at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow.

Want to play Data Detective face to face with two teams? 

Click to download all the materials needed

If you’ve been a Data Detective, please let us know on Twitter @theSPHSU #DataDetective #ScienceOnTheSofa

You can find lots more activitie and resources to explore health and health inequalities on the MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit website


First published: 5 May 2022