Published: 1 September 2021

Learn how immune cells communicate to get rid of a virus, University of Glasgow

Stopping viruses from making you ill is all about communication! At CoIMMUNicate we want you to understand what happens when you have a viral infection and how your immune cells talk with each other to get rid of the virus.

Watch our video How do cells send messages? below and have a go at our simple activity to see how cells can warn each other of a viral attack.


How Do Cells Send Messages? 


How Do Cells Send Messages Activity Worksheet


This activity was created by Dr Megan MacLeod and Dr Kerrie Hargreave, University of Glasgow. In partnership with Dr Matthieu Poyade and Orla McCorry, The Glasgow School of Art and staff, Anna Cain and pupils from Anderston Primary School.

First published: 1 September 2021