Staff and Postgraduate Research Students
The College Research Ethics Committee considers staff and postgraduate research (PhD/EdD) student applications.
Application forms and notes on how to complete them are available below, please consult the Information for Applicants section of this website for specific guidance on ethics issues. See Application Process Summary for details on submission process.
An Ethics Application Form, Participant Information Sheet and Privacy Notice are mandatory in all applications.
A Data Management Plan is required for all research that generates data and outlines how data will be handled both during a research project, and after the project is completed. This should also be uploaded to the ethics application, to provide detail for reviewers and for integrity/auditing purposes. Templates are available below.
See Data Management Advice March 2023 relating to online survey platforms.
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA): For all research proposals involving the collection, processing and/or storage of data derived from human participants a DPIA is now also required to be prepared. The DPIA is the responsibility of the researcher and advice should be sought from the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Office. Projects that are considered high risk may require the DPIA to be reviewed by the DPFIO. See Risk Classifications.
There is a Non Standard Data Form which is required if you are using online data, this is the Protocol for Research Dealing with Non Standard Data, which is available below. Do I need to use the Non Standard Data Form? (Word Doc) See also Information for Applicants Research using Non Standard Human Data.
Retrospective approval cannot be given and any data collected without ethical approval cannot be used. It is important that you allow enough time for your application. Initial reviews should take two to three weeks but most applications require resubmission and it may take a further two to three weeks to complete the review. Applications should be submitted at least six weeks in advance of the intended start date for data collection.
Note: If have not received initial feedback from the reviewers on your application after 16 working days, please contact the ethics administrator
There is a process for requesting amendments to an approved ethics application. The form 'Staff and PGR Student Request for Amendments to an Approved Application' should be submitted to the ethics inbox:
There is an expedited review capacity when this is genuinely required. The 'Request for Expedited Review' form should be submitted to the College ethics lead: in advance of an application.
Ethics Forms and Guidance Notes: Staff and PGR
An Ethics Application Form, Participant Information Sheet and Privacy Notice are mandatory in all applications. A Data Management Plan should also be provided. Templates are available below.
For all research proposals involving the collection, processing and/or storage of data derived from human participants a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is also required. It is recommended that you contact Data Protection & Freedom of Information Office for guidance on this. The DPIA is not part of the formal ethics application process, if you have any queries related to this please contact the DPFIO at The DPIA should be uploaded with your ethics application.
You should refer to the Online System Guides in the section below for assistance in uploading your application.
Templates and guidance notes for application documents are given below, all are in Word format.
Application Form
Staff and PGR Ethics Application Form
Notes Version Staff and PGR Ethics Application Form
Protocol for Research Dealing with Non Standard Data Do I need to use the Non Standard Data Form?
Staff and PGR Protocol for Research with Non Standard Data
With Notes Staff and PGR Protocol for Research with Non Standard Data
Supporting Documents:
- Participant Information Sheet
Staff and PGR Sample Participant Information Sheet
With Notes Staff and PGR Sample Participant Information Sheet
- Privacy Notice
- Data Management Plan
Data Management Plan for Staff
Data Management Plan Template for PGR Students
- Data Protection Impact Assessment Template
- Sample Consent Form and Notes
- Observation Proforma
Observational Proforma Guidance
- Risk Guidance and Risk Assessment Form
Graduate School PGR Risk Assessment Form
- Easy Read Forms
Easy Read Plain Language Statement
- Child Plain Language Statement Templates
Child Plain Language Statement FAQ Style College
Child Plain Language Statement College
Amendments to an Approved Application:
- Amendment Request Form
Staff and PGR Student Request for Amendments to an Approved Application
Expedited Review:
- Expedited Request Form
If you genuinely require an expedited review, please complete the following form and contact the ethics administrator
Amendments to Approved Applications: Staff and PGR
If you find you need to make changes to your research project after you have received ethical approval you must submit an Amendments Request Form to the College Research Ethics Committee (CREC) and ensure that the changes are approved before you apply them to your project.
Minor Amendments
Minor amendments which do not alter or bring any additional ethical considerations only need to be considered by one reviewer and therefore can be processed within 5 working days, Minor amendments include:
- changes to key research team members,
- changes to the timescale during which during which the data collection will take place or extension of overall approval period,
- minor changes to consent materials eg. to update contact details of reflect changes to the approval dates, or,
- inclusion of new research sites and/or participant groups, with the caveat that new sites and/or participant groups are similar to those already approved and nothing else will change, eg. the same protocol will be used and already approved documents will be used.
Major Amendments
Major amendments which modify your original research design in ways that affects the ethical issues associated with the project require more intense scrutiny, involving two members of the CREC, and therefore may take up to 10 working days to provide a response. Examples of major amendments include:
- moving from in person to online methods of data collection, or
- adding a new participant group to include potentially vulnerable people.
Please note: If the review team consider the changes proposed to amount to what could be considered a different project to that originally approved, they will require that a new ethics application be submitted through the online Research Ethics System. If you are unsure whether the level of changes proposed constitute major amendments or will require a new ethics application, you should seek advice from the College Ethics Lead, in the first instance.
You can submit an Amendments Request Form via the link found in the Ethics Forms section above. The form should be submitted with any accompanying amended documentation, such as a Participant Information Sheet, Consent Form etc. with any changes highlighted.
Where possible, amendments requests will be forwarded to the original reviewers for consideration. Please note that the reviewers may request some clarification before confirming acceptance of the changes proposed.
Only once confirmation of approval is received can the project utilise these amended provisions. Failure to obtain this approval means that you are not in receipt of ethical approval, which could have serious consequences.
Late Submissions: Staff and PGR
The College of Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee considers all PGR student and staff applications. Initial reviews should take two to three weeks. Please note that most applications require changes to be made and resubmitted and it may take a further two to three weeks for reviews to be completed. Applicants should ensure that they have applied at least six weeks prior to their intended start date for data collection. Data collection cannot proceed until ethical approval is confirmed or the researcher may be in breach of academic code of conduct.
Applications that are submitted less than six weeks before the data collection is due to begin may not be considered within the requested turnaround period, save in exceptional circumstances, such as applicant illness, or funder requirements such as very short-term grants. Delay in starting research will not normally be accepted as an exceptional circumstance for expediting the processing of the application.
If there are exceptional circumstances that require a quicker turnaround a query should be sent to the College Ethics Lead, via email, though please note such requests cannot necessarily be accommodated.
Responsibility: Staff and PGR
It is the student’s responsibility to submit applications timeously and in the proper format. Once you have received your ethical approval document, you are required to keep this. You will be asked to include it with your thesis, not in the form of an Appendix, but loose inside the front cover so that it can be checked and then removed to ensure anonymity for the marking phase.
It is the Supervisor’s responsibility to:
- Communicate the importance of ethics in research to students
- Support the development of a full and sensible application, with focus on risk and risk minimization
- Guide students in keeping to the approved project, dealing properly with any amendments
- Inculcate an attitude of respect for ethical principles in research
It is the Staff researcher’s responsibility to:
Ensure that applications are made as timeously as possible, taking into account the requirements of the ethical review process. You should also ensure that you retain your ethical approval document for your own records as this may be required by funders or research supervisory bodies.
Supervisor Notes: PGR
When making an application, supervisors should ensure that the following points are considered:
- How the welfare of participants and researchers will be ensured and that no harm is done either to them, or to the reputation of the University of Glasgow, funders and/or partners.
- How confidentiality will be ensured and if appropriate, anonymity.
- How can voluntary participation be ensured?
- Making sure consent is informed and documented, usually in writing.
- How long will the data be retained for and how will it be stored securely.
- Is it appropriate to destroy the data and if so, when.
- If the research is international, does it comply with ethical guidelines in the country they are working in as well as with University of Glasgow guidelines?
Most postgraduate research students are applying for ethical approval for their thesis research. If you are a supervisor of research students, your involvement and participation in the ethical approval process is very important.
You should consult the Risk Guidance February 2020 (Word Doc) which is available from the Forms Section above.
If your student is conducting data collection away from Glasgow, they are required to complete a Graduate School PGR Risk Assessment Form, which is available from the Forms section above. This should form part of the research preparation.
As supervisor you should discuss research ethics with the student as relevant to their particular study and help them to fill in the application form.
You may find it helpful to refer to the College Ethics Reviewer Notes for more detail on what the reviewers will be looking for in the application.
Application Process: Postgraduate Research Students
Once a student has created their application online in the online Research Ethics System, it should be forwarded to their named supervisor, who can now complete their consideration of the application.
As supervisor you must:
- Complete the statement on Ethical Risks and confirm that you are submitting the application for review by signing and dating this section.
- Complete the Declaration end section confirming the acceptance of code of practice by signing and dating this section.
- Once satisfied with the application, submit it for review to the College Research Ethics Committee through the online Research Ethics System.
The application will be returned if steps 1 and 2 are not completed or if the application does not include the appropriate supporting documentation (e.g. Participant Information Sheet (also known as Plain Language Statement), Privacy Notice, Consent Form, Interview Questions etc.
In the ethics review process there are two stages:
1. Administrative review: this is intended to check:
- That the application form is fully completed, including the supervisor requirements.
- That the dates allow sufficient time for application processing.
- That all supporting documents are uploaded.
- That the supporting documents provide the required information and that there is a good standard of presentation in documents to be given to potential participants.
The administrator may return the application to request amendments to fulfil these requirements. Once these details have been approved; the administrator forwards the application for full academic (ethical) review.
2. Ethical review: two reviewers are assigned to each application: A Committee Reviewer and a Lead Reviewer.
- The Committee reviewer has two weeks to review and upload their comments. The application is then passed to the
- Lead Reviewer who has a further one week to collate both their comments and complete the final review and outcome.
Please note that in certain circumstances, this process may take longer, such as if further guidance is sought from the University Ethics Committee, or other advisor in relation to specific issues within the application.
Online System Guides for PGR Students
There are specific guides to the steps in the online process provided here; they are also available in the Help section of the online Research Ethics System.
You should create your application using the forms and guidance available on the ethics website. Once you have uploaded your application, your supervisor is required to check, approve, sign and forward the application for review.
If your application is returned at any stage, guidance notes are provided here to assist in the resubmission process.
(All PDF format)
Online System Guides for Supervisors
There are specific guides to the steps in the online process provided here; they are also available in the Help section of the online Research Ethics System.
The student should create their application using the forms and guidance available on the ethics website. Once they have uploaded their application, you are required to check, approve, sign and forward the application for review.
If the application is returned at any stage, guidance notes are provided here to assist in the resubmission process.
(All PDF format)
How to Supervise a Student Application Returned by Administrator
How to Supervise Student Application Returned by Committee
Online System Guides for Staff
There are specific guides to the steps in the online process provided here; they are also available in the Help section of the online Research Ethics System.
The application should be prepared using the forms and guidance notes available on the ethics website. Staff applications are sent directly to the ethics administrator for initial review.
If your application is returned at any stage, guidance notes are provided here to assist in the resubmission process.
(All PDF format)
How to Delete a Staff Draft Application
Appeals: Staff and PGR Students
If you are dissatisfied with the decision made by the College Research Ethics Committee, you should in the first instance discuss this with the Convenor/Ethics Officer. If discussion is unable to resolve the issue, an appeal may be made to the University Ethics Committee. However the University Committee will not normally interfere with a decision to require revisions to the project, such as to amend an information sheet or consent form. The University Ethics Committee is concerned with the general principles of natural justice, reasonableness and fairness of the decision made by the College or School Committees.
The University Ethics Committee will provide general advice to the College Research Ethics Committee and will refer the matter back to them with that advice for them to make a decision.