Watch the recording of this session here Passcode: f7h1th$T 


Dr Katy Tant, James Watt School of Engineering     

‘Industrial Inverse Problems and the Centre for Data Science and AI’

I’ll begin this session with a brief introduction to myself and my central research interest: industrial inverse problems. The science of inverse problems concerns the development of frameworks which allow us to work backwards from observed data to derive insights about the world around us.

Next, I’ll discuss my new role as Director of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Programme at the University’s Centre for Data Science and AI. My first task in this role is to engage with colleagues from COSE and beyond to identify key themes and mechanisms for driving cross-disciplinary collaboration in data science and AI.


Dr Tao Zhang, James Watt School of Engineering

 ‘Towards Future Flight: High-fidelity modelling and inverse design techniques for aerodynamics and noise’  

I work in the areas of fluid mechanics & aerodynamics and the closely related aero-acoustics. My work focuses on solving forward (modelling) and inverse (design &optimisation) problems constrained by highly non-linear PDEs. These deliver fundamental tools supporting knowledge discovery and engineering innovations in wide disciplines, including green energy, environment, and particularly Future Flight technologies. My work contributes to the world-leading Helicopter Multi-block 3 (HMB3) CFD framework developed at UofG. In this presentation, I will brief particular novelties in my work including mesh-free CFD methods, adjoint sensitivity extraction, and applications to Advance Air Mobility. 

I look forward to cross-disciplinary collaborations with data sciences & AI, and computational/experimental mechanics for novel methodology development. On the application side, I look forward to contributing engineering innovations and knowledge discoveries to green energy (wind/tidal energy), future flight (Advanced Air Mobility), and environment (urban flows and pollution).


Dr James Gilgannon, School of Geographical & Earth Sciences

‘Using time-resolved experiments to pull apart the relationship between deformation and metamorphic reactions in the Earth’

I use x-ray transparent deformation apparatus to capture the full temporal and spatial evolution of reacting and deforming rocks with time-resolved synchrotron micro-tomography experiments. I specialise in image analysis and leverage deep learning workflows to process the large digital outputs of my experiments. I currently work in a team of researchers from several universities who design experiments and come together to deliver them. I am open in general to collaborations and insights from any interested researchers. I hope that my experiments will help me answer fundamental questions about the relationship between deformation and metamorphism. I plan to use my Leverhulme Early Career fellowship as a springboard to a larger funding application.


First published: 30 January 2025