Committee updates

Published: 24 May 2023

December COSE EDI committee meeting highlights

During our December COSE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion meeting, we had insightful discussions about our school and college initiatives, reaffirming our commitment to cultural change and inclusion through a data-driven approach as we look ahead to 2024. Here's a summary of some of the key themes discussed:

Ethics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2024: we agreed that our College EDI event in 2024 would revolve around Ethics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Recognising the rapid advancements and widespread integration of AI technologies across society, higher education and our university, there is a critical need for discussions surrounding the ethics of AI and the development of a robust ethical framework. We aim to proactively address emerging ethical challenges and ensure the responsible use of AI, you can find out more in our news section

Colleague engagement survey and disability: Insights from the colleague engagement survey in the latter half of 2023 shed light on areas needing improvement within COSE, particularly relating to disability and gender representation and experience. In the context of disability, the challenges discussed related to diagnosis timescales, accessibility, reasonable adjustment and information available, emphasising the importance of enhancing support for staff and students with disabilities. We reflected on our completed Disability Initiative, HESTIA (Honouring Everyone's Strength Through Inclusive Action), as part of Disability Awareness Month in November and December 2023. A report reflecting on the initiative is available on our webpage

Upstander initiative: Continuing our commitment to fostering a supportive and accountable culture within our community, we discussed the introduction of an active upstander initiative. This initiative aims to empower individuals to intervene in instances of discrimination or harassment, promoting a culture of support and accountability. Plans for implementing upstander training across various schools and units were discussed, reflecting our proactive approach to combating discrimination and fostering inclusion. You can find out more by reading about it in our News section.

Our discussions during the December COSE meeting underscored our continued dedication to driving meaningful change at the college level and beyond in 2024. The addition of the upstander training initiative and the emphasis on ethics in AI highlight our multifaceted approach to addressing EDI within the institution, positioning us for continued progress and impact in the years to come.

First published: 24 May 2023

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