Getting Started

Students using laptop on benches

Thank you for your interest in leading a UofG Alumni Association.

You can read the Alumni Associations - Getting Started Guide to get an overview of how associations are established.

The Alumni Engagement Team will also provide you with the support and guidance you need to get your alumni association going. We will connect you with local graduates and help you organise events and activities.

We would recommend you take these initial steps:

  1. Draft an introductory email, which we can help you with and will send out on your behalf. This will give you an idea of the level of interest from alumni in your area to meet.
  2. Create a social media group for alumni to connect with one another, this could be a WhatsApp group, Facebook or LinkedIn group. This will help your alumni group to keep in touch and make plans.
  3. Pick a date and location for an initial get together and we will help you send invites and manage the RSVP list.

Before you get started as an Alumni Association Coordinator we would also recommend you read the Alumni Volunteering Guidelines and Best Practice and Alumni Associations Social Media Group Guidance.

If there are not enough alumni in your area to form an association, we would encourage you to become one of our Global Alumni Contacts.