Students with disabilities and additional support needs

Students with disabilities and additional support needs are encouraged to apply to Go Abroad opportunities.

Some study exchange destinations are more suitable than others. There may be additional funding available.

To know your options visit additional support.

Equality & Diversity

Remember that different countries do not necessarily have the same laws and customs that you are familiar with in the UK. This includes protections under the Equality Act 2010.

If you identify with a protected characteristic group we advise you research the local laws, customs and support provision for minority groups. This includes if you have a disability, are LGBT or from a minority faith or ethnicity in your destination country.

Further information on Equality & Diversity.

Contact Us

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 0900-1700

Emails are monitored during office hours. You will receive an automated response to your email enquiry.

Contact outside normal business hours.

If you are in a crisis situation the University has a Crisis Team.