Environmental Science & Sustainability (Dumfries Campus)
Student Testimonials
The programme has students from a wide range of countries. These include Estonia, Bulgaria, China, Belgium, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Germany, Singapore, Spain, Greece, Italy, as well as the UK.
The BSc Environmental Science & Sustainability programme can offer every student an individual pathway. The broad and extensive topics in the classes are there to guide you and broaden your horizons. Many of the assignments can be approached with your own individual interest that you can also pursue throughout the entire programme, as well as the placement (here or abroad) or your final dissertation. The small Dumfries campus allows you to fully engage in intimate classes and seminars that allows you to fully immerse yourself in your degree with other students. Furthermore, many fieldtrip opportunities are an exciting part of your education that other degree programmes cannot offer. Fieldtrips not only allow the opportunity to get to know the environment and culture around you; they also create connections with peers and lecturers out with the classroom. But in the School of Interdisciplinary Studies, as well as studying environmental subjects you will also create links with subjects in health, literature, languages and history and will gain many other necessary skills.
Der BSc in Umweltwissenchaften & Nachhaltigkeit bietet jedem Student einen einzigartigen Weg. Die breitgefaecherten Themen in den Vorlesungen geben einem einen Leitfadem und erweitern den Horizont. Nicht nur die Hausarbeiten, auch das Praktikum (Ausland oder GB) und die Bachelorarbeit koennen mit Themen aus dem eigenen Interessengebiet verknuepft werden. Die Vorlesungen und Seminare im Dumfries Campus sind klein, gemuetlich und man kann sich schnell wohlfuehlen. Des Weiteren gibt es viele Exkursionen ins Umland und stellen einen wichtigen und aufregenden Teil des Studiums dar, was anderen Unis nicht bieten koennen. Sie haben einen hohen Stellenwert das man nicht nur die Umwelt und die Kultur um sich herum kennenlernt, sondern auch seine Dozenten und Kommilitonen ausserhalb der Uni. In der Schule der Interdiziplinaeren Studien lernt man nicht nur ueber Umweltthemen sondern verknuepft Faecher wie Gesundheitswissenschaften, Literatur, Sprachen und Geschichte miteinandern und lernt dazu noch nuetzliche Faehigkeiten.
Leonie, Germany (2016-2020)
Studying Environmental Stewardship whilst working on a farm gives me a brilliant insight into how to apply the things we learn in my course to the real world. I think a combination of academic learning and practical learning is ideal for all students and participating in field work such as this is extremely beneficial for learning how to develop our skills.
Ben, UK (2014-2018)
I chose to study Environmental Stewardship at the University of Glasgow's Dumfries Campus, because the programme was very attractive- a variety of environmental topics, plus you can choose from a wide range of other subjects to add as optional courses.
During my first year I have gained new knowledge in the environmental sector and definitely broadened my horizons, while optional courses such as Text & Communication or French will certainly come in handy in my future job, as I am planning on working as an environmental consultant either in Canada or France, and for that it will be very useful to learn about persuasion, arguments and of course, how to speak French!
Aš pasirinkau studijuoti aplinkos mokslą būtent Glazgo universitete, Damfriso kampuse, nes programa pasirodė itin viliojanti- daug įvairių paskaitų aplinkosaugos tema, plius galima rinktis prisidėti papildomų dalykų iš įvairių kitų sferų.
Per pirmus metus sužinojau daug naujos informacijos aplinkosaugos srityje ir tikrai praplėčiau savo akiratį, o papildomi dalykai kaip Tekstas ir Komunikacija arba prancūzų kalba pravers mano ateities darbe, nes po mokslų planuoju įsidarbinti aplinkos konsultante Kanadoje arba Prancūzijoje, o tam labai naudinga buvo išmokti apie manipuliaciją, argumentus bei, aišku, prancūzų kalbą.
First year student from Lithuania (2013-2017)
Dumfries Campus is a great place to study because we have the opportunity to go out in the field and practice what we have learned in the lectures. I have always been keen on learning more about environmental issues, systems of the earth, and sustainable practices that can be implemented to tackle the problem of Climate Change and this course is giving me all of this in one. The teachers are always open and very approachable. Coming to Dumfries to study Environmental Stewardship has so far been the best choice I have made.
Le campus de Dumfries est un très bon endroit pour étudier car nous avons l'opportunité, en tant qu'étudiants, d'aller sur le terrain et de mettre en pratique ce que nous avons appris en cours. J'ai toujours été intéressé d'en apprendre plus sur les problèmes environnementaux, les systèmes de la terre, ainsi que les différentes options durables qui peuvent être utilisées pour réguler le problème du changement climatique; et ce cours m'a donné l'opportunité d'étudier tout ça à la fois. Les professeurs sont très ouverts et chaleureux. Venir étudier la Gestion de l'Environnement à Dumfries a été le meilleur choix que j'ai pu faire.
Julien, Belgium (2012-2016)
All the lecturers seem really passionate about their work which is great because it really shines through in their teaching. I also love to travel and my degree allows me to go and study abroad for a year. I would love to study in Canada and maybe even work there one day.
Jack, Scotland (2013-2017)
Employability and Careers
Why study an environmental science subject?
Job options for environmental scientists:
Examples of careers of students graduating from the degree:
- Environmental Consultant - onshore ecology with Natural Power
- Sustainability, Environmental and Health & Safety Consultant on international projects with ERM: Environmental Resources Management in Ireland
- Exotic Diseases Policy Officer for the Animal Health and Welfare Directorate
- River Annan Trust Intern
- Operations Manager, Renewable Heat Incentive, Ofgem
- Town planner in England
- Ecologist with Natural Power
- PhD research at the University of Glasgow, SRUC, University of Reading, University of Edinburgh
- Further study on a Masters programme at various universities
- Environmental consultant for an international consultancy firm
- Staff member at an Outdoor education centre
- Secondary School Geography Teacher following a teacher training programme
- Primary School Teacher following a teacher training programme
- Black Grouse Officer with the RSPB
- Ecologist and an ecological clerk of works for an environmental company
- Position within the Planning Department of a Scottish Council
- Laboratory assistant with SRUC