English Language & Linguistics
Employability and Work-related Learning
The following links are to websites and resources related to employment during and after University, skills and attributes for employability, and work-related learning.
University of Glasgow, Graduate Attributes
This site provides links and information on Graduate Attributes, employability and PDP for staff and students alongside numerous links to other resources available within the university.
University of Glasgow Careers Service www.glasgow.ac.uk/services/careers
Your first port of call for information and advice related to employment, both during and after your university career.
University of Glasgow Careers Service, Graduate Employability pages www.glasgow.ac.uk/services/careers/studentsgraduates/graduate/graduateemployability
These pages include information on how to improve your employability in line with those skills sought by graduate employers and tips on how to enhance the skills you already have.
Aiming University Learning @ Work (AUL@W) www.glasgow.ac.uk/services/aulw
AUL@W focuses on work-related learning to enhance students’ employability. In this site, you can find out about AUL@W’s pilot projects with various departments in the University of Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian, and St Andrews.
Higher Education Academy, English Subject Centre careers pages www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/resources/careers
This site describes what employability is and how it relates to students. The section entitled ‘Employability – why bother?’ lists the top ten skill areas sought by employers when interviewing graduates. See also the links to employability projects funded by the HEA, including And What Do You Do Now? project at Keele, and Videos Interviewing English Graduates project at Liverpool.
Higher Education Academy, Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies www.llas.ac.uk/resources/paper/2124
The HEA subject centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies is also concerned with many of the aspects of a degree in English Language & Linguistics. This link is to a paper which details the nature of employability in this subject area, and offers case studies and employers’ views of employability. See also the resources relating to employability, accessible from the main site index.
Graduates for Growth www.graduatesforgrowth.co.uk
This is a website for both graduates and employers, which provides advice and guidance in applying for jobs, writing a CV and covering letter, preparing for interviews etc. Graduates can register their details to be informed of potential job openings in their chosen career.
Prospects www.prospects.ac.uk
Prospects is the UK’s official graduate careers website. The site contains advice and further links on job prospects, careers advice and postgraduate study. It also contains tools to upload your CV and have it critiqued by those in the know, search graduate jobs and postgraduate opportunities, and a forum to discuss issues relating to graduate jobs with other graduate students.
Skills Development Scotland www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk
This organisation aims to deliver comprehensive information, advice and guidance for careers and learning as well as extensive support for skills development. Graduates can seek advice on training, modern apprenticeships, and getting ready for work, as well as searching current vacancies within Scotland.
Enhancement Themes, Employability links www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/Links/default.asp#Employability
Employability links from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Here you can find links to Scottish sites related to employability and skills development, such as Young Enterprise Scotland, AGCAS Scotland, Careers Scotland and the North of Scotland Graduate Careers Partnership
Enhancing Graduate Employability www.enhancingemployability.org.uk
Based at Oxford Brookes University, this project aims to enhance the employability of graduates through the HE curriculum. The site contains various case studies on employability at other institutions, through a variety of disciplines.
Here Comes the Boss www.herecomestheboss.com
Career Advice on Video. The site allows students to discover companies and employers that match their interests, and to get commercially savvy, improving their chances of getting the dream job – all via the medium of video. The site also lists current graduate jobs and general career advice.