
Civil Engineering BEng/MEng

Business Planning and Management for Engineers ENG4085

  • Academic Session: 2024-25
  • School: School of Engineering
  • Credits: 20
  • Level: Level 4 (SCQF level 10)
  • Typically Offered: Runs Throughout Semesters 1 and 2
  • Available to Visiting Students: No
  • Collaborative Online International Learning: No

Short Description

Students will work in a team drawn from across the Faculty on a project which involves aspects of all the major disciplines of engineering, combined with broader considerations of project management, environmental issues, accountancy and quality management


Regular formal meetings of 30min, roughly fortnightly, for the team with a mentor and normally one of the project directors. Some of these will be replaced by lectures in the first semester. A concept presentation to the project directors and a final presentation to the project directors.

Excluded Courses





■ 15% Moodle Quiz.

■ 15% Pitch Presentation.

■ 20% Professional Conduct.

■ 25% Group Presentation (Recorded).

■ 25% Group Report

Main Assessment In: April/May

Are reassessment opportunities available for all summative assessments? No

It is not possible to offer reassessment in group project work in this course. Students failing to complete the group project work, without good cause, will receive a Credit Refused (CR) grade and will be required to re-attend the course the following year.

Course Aims

The aims of this course are to:

■ give students the experience of working in an integrated team on a design project that requires aspects of several major disciplines of engineering;

■ combined with broader considerations of project management, environmental issues, accountancy and quality management.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of this course students will be able to:

■ determine the engineering issues in their own field required for an interdisciplinary project, whose outcome is specified in only general terms (D1m);

■ assimilate information from a wide range of sources, including papers on unfamiliar topics (P4);

■ solve these specific, technical problems and integrate the results with those from the rest of the team (P2m);

■ develop a plan for the project including goals and deadlines, and assess their progress against it (S2);

■ address wider aspects of a project including planning application, environmental impact and end-of-life issues (D5);

■ draw up a financial forecast for the project including lifetime costing to assess its commercial feasibility (D3, S1, S1m);

■ estimate the commercial risks associated with a project (S2m);

■ recognise that practical projects are exposed to a range of uncertainties (P8);

■ assess the contribution of the project to sustainable development (S3);

■ work and communicate effectively in a team with engineers from other disciplines (P3, S5);

■ develop and obey a quality plan to ensure effective integration of contributing disciplines and conformance to appropriate standards (P7);

■ present their team's findings effectively as a written report and an oral presentation, at a suitable level for a well-informed engineer but not necessarily an expert (P3);

■ evaluate the outcome of the project, including a reflective analysis of their own strengths and weaknesses, those of their colleagues and the team as a whole (D6).


(The codes are those used by the Institution of Engineering and Technology to identify UK-SPEC learning outcomes for accreditation.)

Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits

Students are expected to attend all formal meetings with the team, contribute to all presentations and the final report, and make a significant contribution to the work of their team.