Aeronautical Engineering BEng/MEng
Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 3 ENG3001
- Academic Session: 2024-25
- School: School of Engineering
- Credits: 20
- Level: Level 3 (SCQF level 9)
- Typically Offered: Runs Throughout Semesters 1 and 2
- Available to Visiting Students: No
- Collaborative Online International Learning: No
Short Description
This course promotes the understanding of incompressible fluid mechanics and will also provide an understanding of the aerodynamic forces generated on wings and bodies in incompressible flow and the ability to predict them.
Examination 50%
Two laboratories and a mini-project 25%
Individual coursework 25%
Main Assessment In: April/May
Course Aims
In Fluid Mechanics, this course aims to encourage understanding of incompressible fluid mechanics through application of potential based analysis, boundary layer theory and empirical correlations. The aim in Aerodynamics is to provide an understanding of the aerodynamic forces generated on wings and bodies in incompressible flow and the ability to predict them.
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course
By the end of this course students will be able to:
Fluid Mechanics
■ derive the fundamental fluid flow equations based on conservation laws and simplify these to obtain the potential flow model
■ develop awareness of the limitations introduced by physical assumptions
■ solve the potential flow equations for simplified geometries
■ evaluate the mechanism of lift generation in a rotating cylinder
■ make comparisons between laminar and turbulent flow
■ evaluate the implications for attached and separated flow
■ calculate the velocity induced by a system of vortex filaments
■ analyse reduced order models including standard techniques and develop useful quantitative tools towards the prediction of flows over aerofoils, wings, bodies and other aircraft components (e.g flaps, controls etc.) in low-speed flows.
■ demonstrate intuition on the physical processes that occur in low-speed aerodynamics that underlay the prediction of their effects on flight surfaces.
Experimental Work
■ Run a large-scale wind tunnel experiment using a variety of instrumentation techniques
■ Write a concise laboratory report, that includes a data analysis, an assessment of the accuracy of the experimental data and limitations of the techniques employed, and an appreciation of the risks involved in running experiments on an industrial scale.
Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits
Attendance at all laboratories
Attendance at all tutorials
Timely submission of all assignments
Attendance at all tests and examinations, gaining a nonzero mark