Research & Teaching
- Almeida, Dr Joao (Lecturer)
- Bailey, Professor Nick (Professor)
- Barkas, Miss Betsy (Research Assistant)
- Behrens, Dr Silvia (Research Associate)
- Bell, Professor Karen (Professor of Social and Environmental Justice)
- Beveridge, Dr Ross (Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies)
- Bishop, Dr Ellen (Civic Imaginaries Research Associate)
- Chambers, Dr Stephanie (Senior Lecturer)
- Cioarta, Dr Ionut (Tutor in Urban Studies, Research Associate)
- Cox, Dr John (Lecturer)
- Crawford, Dr Fiona (Lecturer in Transport Planning)
- Cullingworth, Dr Jane (Research Fellow)
- Davituri, Ms Sopio (Tutor in Urban Studies)
- Dewison, Ms Natalie (Research Associate)
- Du, Ms Xingyi (Research Assistant IDEMAPS)
- Earley, Dr Alice (Research Associate)
- Forsyth, Mr Lewis (Tutor in Urban Studies and Social Policy)
- Frey, Professor Joe (Knowledge Exchange Broker)
- Gardner, Dr Alan (Lecturer)
- Gawlewicz, Dr Anna (Senior Lecturer)
- Georgiou, Dr Michail (Research Associate)
- Gibb, Professor Ken (Professor in Housing Economics)
- Gigante, Dr Lucrezia (Research Associate in Urban Studies)
- Gray, Professor Cindy (Interdisciplinary Professor of Health and Behaviour)
- Grek, Professor Sotiria (Professor of Science, Knowledge and Public Policy)
- Gurney, Dr Craig (Senior Lecturer)
- Hafner, Mr Sebastian (Research Associate)
- Hastings, Professor Annette (Professor of Urban Studies)
- Heppenstall, Professor Alison (Professor of Geocomputation)
- Hill OConnor, Dr Clementine (Kentigern Research Fellow)
- Hoolachan, Dr Andrew (Lecturer in Urban and Regional Planning)
- Howcroft, Dr Michael (Future Leaders Fellow)
- James, Dr Gareth (Research Fellow)
- Joss, Professor Simon (Professor of Urban Futures)
- Kamete, Professor Amin (Professor of Spatial Planning)
- Kerr, Professor Anne (Professor of Science and Technology Studies)
- Laidler, Mrs Fay (Research Assistant)
- Lawson, Ms Louise (Lecturer)
- Lawson, Dr Victoria (Research Associate)
- Laycock, Miss Penelope (Lecturer)
- Li, Dr Luning (Research Associate)
- Li, Dr Qiaosi (Research Associate)
- Livingstone, Professor Nicola (Professor in Real Estate)
- Lowton, Dr Zubeida (Lecturer)
- Mack, Mr Colin (Lecturer)
- Mackenzie, Professor Mhairi (Professor of Social Policy and Inequalities)
- Madgin, Professor Rebecca (Professor of Urban Studies)
- Mah, Professor Alice (Professor in Urban and Environmental Studies)
- McArthur, Dr David (Reader)
- McCandlish, Dr Alison (Lecturer in City Planning)
- McCartney, Professor Gerard (Professor of Wellbeing Economy)
- McGachie, Dr Michelle (Lecturer)
- Meth, Professor Paula (Professor in Southern Urbanism)
- Mullins-Jacobs, Mrs Róisín (Research Assistant)
- O'Brien, Dr Philip (Senior Lecturer)
- Oyedokun, Dr Tunbosun (Lecturer in Real Estate)
- Pajarito Grajales, Mr Diego (Research Associate)
- Panayotova, Dr Plamena (Tutor in Quantitative Methods)
- Pattaro, Dr Serena (Research Fellow)
- Pearson, Professor Charlotte (Professor of Social Policy)
- Porto de Albuquerque, Professor Joao (Professor in Urban Analytics)
- Quyoum, Dr Aunam (Research Associate)
- Ramsay, Dr Rhona (Research Associate)
- Raturi, Dr Varun (Research Associate in Transport Analytics)
- Ryan, Dr Anastacia (Lecturer)
- Satsangi, Dr Madhu (Lecturer)
- Serin, Dr Bilge (Lecturer)
- Sinclair, Dr Michael (Lecturer in Urban Analytics)
- Smith, Dr Bob (Knowledge Exchange Broker)
- Stephens, Professor Mark (Ian Mactaggart Chair in Land, Property and Urban Studies)
- Stewart, Dr Alasdair (Lecturer in Social and Public Policy)
- Stewart, Professor Ellen (Professor of Public Policy and Health)
- Stewart, Dr Joanna (Lecturer in Urban Studies)
- Sun, Mr Maoran (Research Assistant)
- Thomas, Dr Linda (Research Associate)
- Thomson, Professor Harriet (Professor of Energy, Sustainability and Inequality)
- Tipping, Ms Sarah (Research Associate)
- Treanor, Professor Morag (Professor of Social Policy and Inequality.)
- Ulbrich, Dr Philipp (Research Associate)
- Verduzco-Torres, Dr Jose Rafael (Lecturer in Urban Analytics)
- Waite, Dr David (Senior Lecturer)
- Wang, Dr Yang (Research Assoc. in Transport Modelling and Informatics, Lecturer)
- Wardle, Professor Heather (Professor)
- White, Professor James (Professor of Planning and Urban Design)
- Wong, Dr Mark (Senior Lecturer)
- Wright, Professor Sharon (Professor of Social Policy)
- Yao, Professor Jing (Professor of Urban Analytics)
- Young, Dr Graeme (Lecturer in Social and Public Policy)
- Zhao, Professor Qunshan (Professor of Urban Analytics)
- Zhu, Dr Jingyi (Research Associate)
- Zhu, Mr Mingyu (Research Assistant)
- Zhuang, Dr Liyuan (Lecturer)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Alim, Mr Tanvir (PhD Student (Tutor), PhD Student (Tutor))
- Chen, Ms Huan (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Urban Studies)
- Chou, Ms Jean Tzu-Yin (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Coyle, Miss Molly (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Urban Studies)
- Feng, Miss Zixin (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Fetrat, Mr Mohammad Anwar (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Greenslade, Miss Anna (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Urban Studies)
- Le, Ms Linh (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Maurer, Miss Olivia (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Urban Studies)
- Ou, Miss Yunbei (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Tang, Miss Tianyi (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Watson, Mr Andrew (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Xi, Ms Huizi (PhD Student (Tutor))
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Adamiuk, Mrs Yevdokia (UBDC Administrator)
- Allen, Ms Jane (Journal Editor)
- Alvarez Solanilla, Ms Barbara (Senior Research Engineering Manager)
- Awan, Dr Faraz Malik (Data Scientist)
- Clarke, Mr Andrew (Data Scientist (Digital Storytelling Engineer))
- Corrigan, Mr Glenn (Communication & Engagement Officer)
- Devadas, Mr Mayukh (Global Gambling Control Scorecard Development Intern)
- Gielink, Ms Grace (UBDC Project Officer)
- Harkin, Mrs Ruth (Urban Studies Journal Editorial Assistant)
- Laughtland, Mrs Marion (Editorial Administrator for the Urban Studies Journal)
- Lyle, Mrs Julie (Journal Manager)
- Macbeth, Miss Julia (Editorial Administrator)
- McEndoo, Dr Suzanne (Events Officer)
- Muhlhause, Ms Swantje (Global Gambling Control Scorecard Development Intern)
- Rees, Mr Ieuan (Knowledge Exchange, Communications and Engagement Officer)
- Serra, Mr Luis (Data Scientist - Spatial Analytics)
- Sinclair, Ms Heather (Information Services Officer)
- Strudwick, Mr Edward (CaCHE Business Manager)
- Ves, Mr Nick (Data Scientist - Spatial Data Management)
- Vissicchio, Miss Florencia (Research Intern)