Research & Teaching
- Armstrong, Ms Lisa (Research Assistant)
- Armstrong, Professor Sarah (Professor)
- Avsar, Mr Erdem (Tutor in Media, Culture and Society)
- Back, Professor Les (Head of Subject (Sociology))
- Batchelor, Dr Susan (Senior Lecturer)
- Belle, Dr Elisa (Research Associate)
- Benghellab, Dr Karolina (Lecturer)
- Berg, Dr Julie (Senior Lecturer in Criminology)
- Biggar, Dr Blair (Lecturer, Research Associate)
- Bochorishvili, Dr Anna (Tutor in Sociology)
- Brooks, Dr Oona (Reader)
- Brown, Dr Eleanor (British Academy - Post Doctoral Fellow)
- Brunner, Dr Richard (Research Fellow)
- Bunn, Professor Christopher (Professor of Applied Sociology)
- Burman, Professor Michele (Professor of Criminology)
- Burns, Dr Nicola (Senior Lecturer in Disability Studies)
- Chakraborty, Dr Mitaja (Research Assistant)
- Challinor, Ms Jennifer (Research Associate)
- Clover, Dr Anna (Research Associate)
- Creed, Dr Fabiola (Research Associate)
- Cross, Professor Jamie (Professor in the School of Social and Political Sciences (Sociology))
- Cullen, Ms Amy (Research Assistant)
- Cuthbert, Dr Karen (Lecturer)
- Davis, Dr Alicia (Senior Lecturer)
- Dawson, Professor Matt (Professor of Sociology)
- de Nadal Alsina, Dr Lluis (Lecturer in Media, Culture & Society)
- Duley, Miss Jeanne (Research Assistant)
- Duncan, Professor Jane (Professor of Digital Society)
- Edson Ferrie, Professor Jo (Professor of Sociology)
- Eldridge, Ms Alison (Tutor)
- English, Mx Kirstie Ken (Tutor in Quantitative Methods)
- Fedirko, Dr Taras (Lecturer in Organised Crime and Corruption)
- Flynn, Dr Emma (Tutor in Media, Culture and Society)
- Forrest, Miss Catriona (Lecturer)
- Fraser, Professor Alistair (Professor)
- Friskney, Dr Ruth (Research Fellow)
- Gibb, Dr Robert (Senior Lecturer)
- Gormley, Dr Caitlin (Lecturer)
- Happer, Dr Catherine (Senior Lecturer)
- Hawkton, Mr Gavin (Tutor in Media, Culture and Society)
- Hinde, Dr Dominic (Lecturer in Sociology (Media and Communications))
- Hoff, Dr Isaac (Lecturer (Media and Sociology))
- Hossain, Dr Adnan (Lecturer in Sociology)
- Humphrey, Dr Harvey (Lecturer in Social Research Methods)
- Ivana, Dr Greti-Iulia (Senior Lecturer)
- Johnson, Dr Kelly (Senior Lecturer in Criminology)
- Lawton, Dr Sam (Lecturer)
- Leicht, Dr Caroline (Tutor in Media, Culture and Society)
- Love, Miss Stephanie (Research Assistant)
- Lovelock, Dr Cassandra (Lecturer in Qualitative Methods and Inequality)
- Mabweazara, Dr Hayes (Senior Lecturer)
- Malara, Dr Diego Maria (Senior Lecturer)
- McBride, Dr Maureen (Lecturer in Sociology)
- McNeill, Professor Fergus (Professor of Criminology & Social Work)
- Meer, Professor Nasar (Professor in Social and Political Sciences)
- Mirza, Dr Nughmana (Lecturer)
- Mullen, Dr Ashli (Lecturer)
- Mulvey, Dr Gareth (Senior Lecturer)
- Nair, Dr Shalini (Lecturer in Criminology)
- Norberg, Dr Ida (Lecturer)
- Oustinova-Stjepanovic, Dr Galina (Lecturer in Sociology)
- Pasura, Dr Dominic (Senior Lecturer in Sociology)
- Paton, Dr Kirsteen (Senior Lecturer in the Sociology of Class)
- Piacentini, Dr Teresa (Senior Lecturer)
- Picker, Dr Giovanni (Senior Lecturer)
- Pickering, Dr Lucy (Senior Lecturer)
- Qvist-Baudry, Miss Emily (Research Assistant)
- Reilly, Dr Paul (Senior Lecturer in Communications, Media & Democracy)
- Reith, Professor Gerda (Professor of Social Sciences)
- Robinson, Professor Jude (Professor in Health & Wellbeing)
- Russell, Dr Cairsti (Tutor in Sociology)
- Saab, Dr Jade (Tutor in Nationalism, Gender and Migration)
- Sande, Dr Nomatter (Research Associate)
- Saunders, Dr Kristina (Lecturer in Sociology)
- Schinkel, Dr Marguerite (Senior Lecturer)
- Schwarze, Dr Tilman (Lecturer in Criminology)
- Scrinzi, Dr Francesca (Senior Lecturer)
- Silveira, Dr Carolina (Tutor in Media, Culture and Society)
- Smith, Professor Andrew (Professor of Sociology)
- Smith, Dr Emiline (Lecturer in Criminology)
- Snellgrove, Dr Miriam (Lecturer in Sociology)
- Spreckelsen, Dr Thees (Senior Lecturer in Research Methods)
- Stella, Dr Francesca (Senior Lecturer in Sociology)
- Sun, Dr Yu (Lecturer in Media, Culture & Society)
- Szakolczai, Dr Janos Mark (Lecturer in Criminology)
- Tranmer, Professor Mark (Professor of Quantitative Social Sciences)
- Tsitsou, Dr Lito (Lecturer in Sociology)
- Ukhova, Dr Daria (Research Associate)
- Virdee, Professor Satnam (Professor of Sociology)
- Waites, Dr Matthew (Reader)
- Ward, Dr Kenneth (Tutor in Media, Culture and Society)
- Watson, Professor Nicholas (Chair of Disability Studies)
- Wessels, Professor Bridgette (Professor in the Sociology of Inequalities)
- Winzler, Dr Tim (Tutor)
- Wiseman, Dr Phillippa (Senior Lecturer)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Adarsh, Mr Adarsh (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Economic and Social History)
- Balasingham, Mr Harishankar (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Beecroft, Mr Chase (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Brasio-McLaughlin, Mrs Teresa (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Crowley, Dr Annie (Research Associate)
- Darke, Ms Caroline (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Duley, Miss Jeanne (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Gabeler, Miss Barbara (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Economic and Social History)
- Gilmour, Ms Molly (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Gordon, Mr Montel (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Hanrahan, Ms Claire (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Kabir, Mr Mohammed (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Kazira, Ms Sarah (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Kinnear, Ms Isla (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Economic and Social History)
- Li, Miss Keying (PhD Student (Tutor))
- McCallum, Miss Jennifer (PhD Student (Tutor), PhD Student (Tutor))
- Moffat, Miss Natalie (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Molina, Ms Leslie (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Moosbrugger, Ms Kassandra (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Muradzada, Mr Nijat (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Economic and Social History)
- O'Carroll, Ms Martha (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Pilkington, Mr Danny (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Rao, Mr Rohit (PhD Student (Tutor), PhD Student (Tutor))
- Sanchez Hervas, Mx Antonio Ivan (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Economic & Social History)
- Smith, Miss Cassidy (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Ulysse, Mr Steveen (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Yin, Miss Yubo (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
- Zheng, Mr Congwei (Graduate Teaching Assistant - Sociology)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Broadbent, Ms Michaelagh (Editorial and Content Officer)
- Clarke, Ms Mia (Recovering Community Podcast Intern)
- Cobain, Mrs Rachelle (Centre Communications Officer)
- Harris, Mr Adrian (Project Co-ordinator)