Research & Teaching
- Ang, Ms Jen (Professor in Practice)
- Azzutti, Mr Alessio (Lecturer in Law and Technology)
- Barnes Macfarlane, Dr Lesley-Anne (Senior Lecturer)
- Bayram, Mr Sefki (Research Assistant)
- Belton, Ms Felicity (Lecturer in Private Law)
- Boag, Mr David (Deputy Director: Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Bogle, Dr Stephen (Senior Lecturer in Private Law)
- Brown, Dr Alan (Senior Lecturer)
- Busby, Professor Nicole (Professor in Human Rights, Equality and Justice)
- Campbell, Dr Mat (Senior Lecturer)
- Cannilla, Dr Ana (Lecturer in Public Law)
- Cannon, Dr Catriona (Lecturer in Equality Law)
- Carruthers, Professor Janeen (Professor of Private Law)
- Chadwick, Dr Anna (Senior Lecturer)
- Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna, Dr Katarzyna (Senior Lecturer)
- Chalmers, Professor James (Regius Professor of Law)
- Christodoulidis, Professor Emilios (Chair of Jurisprudence)
- Cifrodelli, Mr Gabriele (Research and Teaching Assistant)
- Cooper, Dr Elena (Senior Lecturer)
- Crampin, Dr Joseph (Lecturer in International Law)
- Cunningham, Dr Graeme (Lecturer in Private Law)
- Devaney, Dr James (Senior Lecturer)
- Dukes, Professor Ruth (Professor of Labour Law)
- Eben, Dr Magali (Senior Lecturer in Competition Law)
- Elliston, Miss Sarah (Senior Lecturer)
- Erickson, Professor Kristofer (Professor in Social Data Science)
- Esser, Professor Irene-Marie (Professor of Corporate Law and Governance)
- Ezike, Dr Obiora (Lecturer in Commercial Law)
- Farmer, Professor Lindsay (Professor of Law)
- Farnhill, Ms Ally (Tutor)
- Faulkner, Mr Gavin (Lecturer)
- Finlay, Professor John (Professor of Scots Law)
- Fletcher, Professor Maria (Professor)
- Foran, Dr Michael (Lecturer in Public Law)
- Fradera, Dr Kat (Research Associate)
- Furgal, Dr Ula (Lecturer)
- Geelhoed, Dr Miranda (Research Associate)
- Geiss, Professor Robin (Professor)
- Gill, Professor Chris (Professor of Socio-Legal Studies)
- Godfrey, Professor Mark (Professor of Legal History)
- Goldoni, Professor Marco (Professor of Philosophy of Law)
- Gormley, Dr Jay (Early Career Fellow in Criminal Law and/or Evidence)
- Gutierrez, Dr Arantxa (Lecturer)
- Hawke, Miss Boudicca (Research Assistant)
- Hirsch, Dr Philipp-Alexander (Academic Visitor - Humboldt Fellowship)
- Iljadica, Dr Marta (Senior Lecturer)
- Iramina, Ms Aline (Lecturer in Law, Digital Resources Research Assistant - CREATe)
- Janaby, Dr Mohamad (Lecturer in International Law)
- Jokubauskaite, Dr Giedre (Senior Lecturer)
- Keane, Mr Eamon (Lecturer in Evidence and Criminal Procedure)
- Kennefick, Dr Louise (Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law)
- Kinghan, Professor Jacqueline (Professor of Law and Social Change)
- Kretschmer, Professor Martin (Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Director of CREATe Centre)
- Lee, Dr Joyman (Lecturer)
- Leverick, Professor Fiona (Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice)
- Li, Dr Zihao (Lecturer in Law and Technology)
- Lindsay, Mr Bobby (Senior Lecturer)
- Lobato, Dr Julieta (Research Associate)
- Lovat, Dr Henry (Senior Lecturer)
- Luca, Dr Stefan (Postdoctoral Researcher in Platform Regulation)
- MacNeil, Professor Iain (Professor / PGR Supervisor)
- Mair, Professor Jane (Professor of Private Law)
- Marzal, Professor Antonio (Professor of Law)
- McCarthy, Professor Frankie (Professor of Private Law)
- McDermott, Mr Cameron Wong (Lecturer in Social Change and Clinical Legal Education)
- McDiarmid, Professor Claire (Professor of Criminal Law and Children's Rights, Head of School, Law)
- McPhail, Miss Fiona (Lecturer in Welfare Rights / Social Justice)
- McPherson, Dr Rachel (Senior Lecturer)
- Meletti, Mr Bartolomeo (Senior Lecturer)
- Methymaki, Ms Eleni (Lecturer in International Law)
- Metzger, Professor Ernest (Professor - Douglas Chair in Civil Law)
- Mullen, Professor Tom (Professor of Law)
- Murdoch, Professor Jim (Professor of Public Law)
- Naidoo, Dr Livashnee (Senior Lecturer)
- O'Flynn, Dr Micheal (Senior Lecturer)
- Ozcelik Olcay, Dr Asli (Senior Lecturer)
- Papadaki, Dr Matina (Lecturer in International Law)
- Pavlakos, Professor George (Professor of Law and Philosophy)
- Pavlou, Dr Vera (Senior Lecturer)
- Peevers, Professor Charlie (Professor of International Law)
- Porangaba, Dr Luis (Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law)
- Pues, Dr Anni (Senior Lecturer)
- Rahmatian, Professor Andreas (Professor of Commercial Law)
- Raible, Dr Lea (Senior Lecturer)
- Ramsey, Ms Joanne (Lecturer)
- Rasulov, Professor Akbar (Professor of International Law)
- Reader, Dr David (Senior Lecturer in Competition Law)
- Reid, Dr Dot (Senior Lecturer)
- Reilly, Dr Adam (Lecturer)
- Robbie, Professor Jill (Professor of Property Law and the Natural Environment)
- Scholtes, Dr Julian (Lecturer in Public Law)
- Schwartz, Dr Alex (Senior Lecturer in Public Law)
- Scott, Mr Paul (Senior Lecturer in Law)
- Sergakis, Professor Konstantinos (Professor of Capital Markets Law and Corporate Governance)
- Solana, Professor Javier (Professor of Law and Finance)
- Stobo, Miss Victoria (Digital Resources Research Assistant - CREATe)
- Stylianou, Professor Konstantinos (Professor in Competition Law)
- Sutton, Dr Rebecca (Senior Lecturer in International Law)
- Tams, Professor Christian (International Law Chair and Director of the Glasgow Centre for International Law and Security (GCILS))
- Thies, Professor Anne (Professor of International and European Law)
- Thomas, Dr Amy (Lecturer in Intellectual Property and Information Law)
- Tomkins, Professor Adam (Professor - John Millar Chair of Public Law)
- Trewern, Ms Kerry (Director: Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Tripkovic, Dr Bosko (Senior Lecturer in Legal Theory and the Philosophy of Law)
- Varga, Dr Andrea (Lecturer in International Law)
- Vern, Dr Flora (Senior Lecturer in Property Law)
- Williams, Dr Rebecca (Lecturer in Environmental Law)
- Williamson, Ms Shanti (Lecturer)
- Zhang, Dr Chi (Lecturer)
- Zhang, Dr Zinian (Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law)
- Zhu, Dr Mingzhe (Lecturer in Just Transition)
- Zysset, Dr Alain (Reader)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Abkowicz-Bienko, Ms Nika (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Alarcon Lopez, Ms Paola (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Bak, Ms Julia (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Ballantyne, Mx Michael (Tutor)
- Cameron, Ms Christy (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Campbell, Mr Euan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Caroli, Miss Valeria (Tutor)
- Charman, Mr Troy (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Convery, Mr Anthony (Tutor)
- Deng, Miss Adela (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Ferguson, Miss Elaine (Tutor - Law)
- Forsyth, Miss Saba (Tutor)
- Fuhrmann, Mr Remi (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Garcia-Munoz Alhambra, Dr Antonio (Tutor - Law)
- Guichardaz, Ms Heloise (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Haughton, Mr Jamie (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Japhet, Miss Ebiere (PhD Student (Tutor))
- Johnson, Mr Tom (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Kennedy, Miss Nairne (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Luke, Miss Shiona (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Marsh, Ms Clare (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- McKenna, Mr Allan (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- McLean, Mr Isaac (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- McPhail, Miss Eilidh (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Mohashin, Mr K M Shazzad (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Ovattananavakhun, Mr Pudit (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Piperides, Mr Andreas (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Raduncheva, Ms Nadezhda (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Ramaglia Mota, Mr Carlos (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Rayner, Mr Andrew (Graduate Teaching Assistant)
- Rea, Miss Anna (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Regan, Miss Molly (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Reilly, Miss Phoebe (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Richford, Ms Athene (Tutor)
- Stewart, Mr Calum (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Strain, Mr Thomas (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
- Zaiter, Ms Dawn (Tutor)
- Zhou, Miss Shining (Graduate Teaching Assistant - School of Law)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Addas, Miss Jewel (International Exchange Intern)
- Barbour, Miss Rosa (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Bell, Miss Carys (Diploma in Legal Practice Intern)
- Burden, Miss Emma (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Cameron, Ms Christy (Employability Intern)
- Canu, Ms Giulia (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Choudary, Mrs Zoma (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Cruickshank, Mr Joshua (International Exchange Intern)
- Dean, Miss Sarah (Employability Administrator)
- Donnelly, Mr Jack (International Exchange Intern)
- Ehlinger, Dr Arthur (Knowledge Exchange Officer – Creators’ Earnings & Contracts Hub)
- Gordon, Ms Fiona (School of Law Workshop (Law Library) Administrator)
- Graves, Mrs Zoe (Senior UG Administrator)
- Hamilton, Mr Ryan (Learning and Teaching Administrative Assistant)
- Heraghty, Mr Thomas (Resource Planning Lead)
- Holmes, Miss Susan (Senior Postgraduate Administrator)
- Howie, Ms Brooke (Erasmus Mundus Coordinator)
- Jardine, Mrs Janet (Student Recruitment Manager)
- Kettles, Ms Amy (Learning and Teaching Administrative Assistant)
- Lacok, Mr Gustav (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Laughland, Miss Gemma (Diploma in Legal Practice Intern)
- Lavery, Ms Donna (Learning and Teaching Coordinator)
- Marshall, Mrs Nicole (Glasgow Open Justice Centre Manager)
- Masterton, Ms Denise (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Mayers, Mr Solly (Research Intern)
- McBain, Ms Meg (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- McGhee, Mrs Marion (Research Support Administrator)
- McKinnon, Mr Steven (Student Mobility & International Experience Administrator)
- McKnight, Dr Amy (Head of Professional Services)
- Millar, Ms Kate (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Mohankrishnan, Miss Meera (Research Intern)
- O'Donnell, Dr Ruth (Student Experience and Digital Engagement Manager)
- O'Hara, Miss Caitie (Learning and Teaching Administrator)
- Ollig, Mr Ian (Learning Technologist)
- Oyewo, Mrs Lola (Events and Engagement Coordinator)
- Pappas, Ms Mersene (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Pec, Mrs Marta (Research Administrator – CREATe Centre)
- Ritchie, Mr Eugene (Research Intern)
- Rodriguez Perez, Mr Felix (Data Developer (CREATe))
- Rosie, Mr Robert (Personal Assistant to the Head of School)
- Smith, Mrs Nicola (Senior Programmes Administrator)
- Sobieraj, Miss Aleksandra (CREATe Centre Manager)
- Thomas, Miss Alice (International Partnership Administrator)
- Walker, Mrs Amanda (Learning & Teaching Operations Manager)
- Weir, Mr Craig (Operations Assistant)
- Wierzbicki, Mr Matt (Learning & Teaching Operations Coordinator)
- Yasav, Ms Beste (Digital Media Intern)
- Yi, Ms Weiwei (CREATe Digital Engagement Administrator - Internship)
- Agostini, Mrs Federica (Affiliate)
- Allan, Miss Deborah (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Anderson, Ms Lorna (Diploma in Legal Practice. Family Law tutor.)
- Anderson, Dr Ross (Affiliate.)
- Ansaldi-Baltazar, Professor Octavio (Visiting Scholar)
- Apaloo, Mrs Gracia (Affiliate, Research Assistant)
- Arrabal Ward, Dr Catharine (Affiliate)
- Ashraf, Mr Waqqas (DPLP Tutor)
- Atria, Professor Fernando (Visiting Academic)
- Attwooll, Ms Elspeth (Affiliate)
- Baig, Miss Sabrina (DPLP Tutor)
- Banerjee, Ms Ananya (Research Assistant)
- Bashir, Mr Imran (DPLP Tutor)
- Bashir, Mrs Zibya (Affiliate)
- Battersby, Mr Bruce (Diploma in Legal Practice. Privat Client Tutor.)
- Baxter, Ms Bernadette (Senior Tutor- Family Law - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Beadsworth, Mr Andrew (Diploma in Legal Practice. Criminal Litigation tutor.)
- Beagrie, Mr Derek (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Bell, Mr Colin (Diploma in Legal Practice. BEFPA tutor.)
- Bell, Miss Lyndsey (Reserve tutor. Civil Litigaation.)
- Bennett, Ms Claudia (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Human Rights.)
- Bennie, Mrs Anne (Senior Tutor - Civil Litigation - Diploma in Professional Practice)
- Bingham, Ms Joanna (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Blair, Mrs Rachel (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Blyth, Mr Douglas (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Boag, Mr Roderick (Affiliate)
- Boyd, Mr Christopher (Affiliate. School of Law.)
- Brown, Mr Ewen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Brown, Mr Leslie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Brown, Mrs Tracey (Affiliate)
- Bruce, Ms Denise (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Bujanda-Valiente, Mr Vladimir (Tutor in Human Rights. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Burke, Mr Kieran (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Commercial Awareness.)
- Burrow, Ms Sheona (Affiliate)
- Burrows, Professor Noreen (Emeritus Professor of European Law)
- Caldow, Mrs Fiona (Diploma in Legal Practice. Reserve Tutor in Civil Litigation.)
- Campbell, Mrs Nicola-Jane (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Canning, Mrs Marie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Cannon, Ms Chloe (Commercial Contracts tutor. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Capaldi, Mr Louis (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Carmichael, Mrs Helen (Reserve Tutor. Advanced Civil Litigation.)
- Carnan, Mrs Fiona (Affiliate)
- Carnan, Mr Paul (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice.)
- Carter, Mrs Emma (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Carthy, Miss Jade (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Cartwright, Mrs Lindsey (Diploma in Legal Practice. Senior Tutor in Employment Law.)
- Carvel, Mr Ross (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Caves, Mrs Catriona (Diploma Tutor)
- Chambers, Mr Mark (Tutor. Criminal Litigation.)
- Chaudry, Ms Henna (Affiliate)
- Civitarese Matteucci, Professor Stefano (Visiting Academic)
- Clark, Mrs Julie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Clarke, Mr Frank (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor)
- Coates, Mrs Katie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Collingham, Mr Douglas (Diploma in Legal Practice. Property Law and Conveyancing tutor.)
- Convery, Mr Anthony (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice, Tutor. European Human Rights Project)
- Craemer, Ms Judith (Affiliate)
- Craig, Mr Alasdair (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Craig, Mrs Gillian (Diploma in Legal Practice. Senior tutor. Civil Litigation.)
- Crawford, Miss Eilidh (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Crawford, Mr Ross (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Crilley, Mr Noel (Diploma in Legal Practice. Corporate Tutor.)
- Crolla, Ms Sofia (Diploma Tutor)
- Crombie, Mr Graham (Affiliate)
- Cusine, Mr Douglas (Visiting Researcher)
- Dalton, Miss Fiona (Reserve Tutor. Business Ethics, Financial and Practice Administration.)
- Danks, Mr Richard (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Deazley, Professor Ronan (Co-producer: Display At Your Own Risk. CREATe.)
- Deeming, Miss Eleanor (Tutor in Human Rights. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Denholm, Mrs Hilary (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Dickson, Mr David (Diploma Tutor)
- Dickson, Mr Graeme (Diploma Tutor, Affiliate)
- Dingwall, Dr Joanna (Visiting Lecturer in International Law)
- Dissake, Mrs Natalie (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Civil Litigation.)
- Donaldson, Miss Emma (Diploma in Legal Practice. Private Client Client tutor.)
- Doncaster, Miss Julie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Doull, Ms Kirsty (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Dowling, Mrs Amy (Diploma Tutor)
- Dunn, Mr Alastair (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Easton, Mr Stuart (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Edgar, Mrs Nicola (Affiliate)
- Emmerson, Mrs Hazel (Diploma in Legal Practice. Criminal Litigation tutor.)
- Ennis, Ms Sarah (Diploma in Legal Practice. Commercial Awareness tutor.)
- Erickson, Professor Kristofer (Affiliate)
- Ewing, Mr Liam (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Farrell, Mr Gregory (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Criminal Litigation.)
- Farrell, Mr Raymond (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor)
- Feechan, Mrs Catherine (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Ferguson, Ms Rachel (Affiliate)
- Flyte, Mr Terence (Affiliate)
- Forrest, Miss Edith (Diploma in Legal Practice. Reserve Tutor in Advanced Criminal Litigation.)
- Fraser, Mrs Morag (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Fraser, Mrs Sheena (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- French, Mr Craig (Senior Tutor - Human Rights - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Frigeri, Mr Matteo (Affiliate)
- Furse, Professor Mark (Affiliate)
- Gailey, Ms Karen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Gallanagh, Mr Terry (Reserve Tutor)
- Galletly, Mr Peter (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Gerber, Mr Kenneth (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Gkouvas, Dr Triantafyllos (Visiting Academic)
- Glushchenko, Ms Iryna (Ukrainian Collaboration Project Participant)
- Gow, Mr Jonathan (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Graham, Mr Michael (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Grant, Mr William (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Greaves, Professor Rosa (Affiliate)
- Guthrie, Professor Tom (Professor Emeritus)
- Hague, Miss Hermione (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Hamilton, Mrs Hazel (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Hannay, Mr Philip (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Hardman, Mr Jonathan (Honorary Lecturer)
- Hart, Mrs Catherine (Joint Senior Tutor. BEFPA. Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Hastings, Mr Mark (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Healing, Ms Sarah (Affiliate)
- Heeney, Miss Caroline (Diploma in Legal Practice. Commercial Contracts Tutor.)
- Henderson, Mr David (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Hirsch, Dr Philipp-Alexander (Visiting Fellowship)
- Holloway, Ms Lesley Anne (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Houston, Dr Susan (Affiliate)
- Hunter, Mr Andrew (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Hynd, Mrs Jan (Diploma in Legal Practice. Private Client Tutor.)
- Inglis, Mr James (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Inkster, Mr Brian (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Innes, Miss Steph (Commercial Contracts tutor. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Irvine, Ms Charlotte (Student Support/L & T Support)
- Ismail, Mr Amir (Reserve Tutor. Conveyancing and Property Law.)
- Ispir, Ms Rumeysa (Affiliate)
- Jagpal, Mr Daradjeet (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Janaby, Dr Mohamad (Visiting Lecturer)
- Kean, Ms Barbara (Affiliate)
- Keith, Mrs Alison (DPLP Tutor)
- Kelly, Dr Christine (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Kennedy, Mr Steven (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Kerr, Mr Jamie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Kinnear, Mr Neil (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Klafkowska-Wasniowska, Ms Katarzyna (Visiting Scholar, Visiting Scholar)
- Knox, Mrs Eilidh (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- La Hovary, Dr Claire (Affiliate)
- Lahmann, Dr Henning (Research Affiliate)
- Lane, Dr Robert (Guest lecturer in European Law)
- Latta, Mr Fraser (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice.)
- Law, Ms Janie (Guest lecturer)
- Leckie, Mrs Kirsten (Affiliate)
- Lennox, Mr Gordon (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Lilburn, Mrs Laura (diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Lin, Dr Ou (Visiting Academic)
- Line, Mrs Sylvia (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Loney, Ms Denise (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Lynch, Ms Maura (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Macarthur, Ms Kirsty (Tutor. Commercial Contracts. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- MacDonald, Mr Alan (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- MacKay, Mr Ronald (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Mackenna, Mr Ronald (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Mackenzie, Mr Roger (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Mackie, Mr John (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- MacNeil, Professor Iain (Affiliate)
- Macpherson, Mrs Claire (Private Client tutor. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Madden, Mr Alasdair (Student Assistant. Erasmus)
- Magowan, Ms Caroline (Diploma in Legal Practice. Civil Litigation Tutor.)
- Maguire, Mrs Claire (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Makris, Dr Stavros (Affiliate)
- Manson, Mrs Karina (DPLP Tutor)
- Manson, Mr Scott (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Civil Litigation.)
- Margoni, Dr Thomas (Visiting Professor)
- Marshall-Kilcoyne, Ms Lisa (Diploma Tutor)
- Martin, Mr David (Affiliate)
- Massey, Mr Simon (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Matheson, Mrs Maureen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Maxwell, Mrs Kay (Diploma in Legal Practice. BEFPA tutor.)
- McCabe, Miss Katrina (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor)
- McCafferty, Mrs Dawn (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- McCallum, Miss Margaret (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- McCarthy, Mr ian (DPLP Tutor)
- McCusker, Mr Charles (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Mcdermid, Mrs Lesley (Diploma in Legal Practice. Property Law and Conveyancing tutor.)
- McDonald, Mr Alan (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- McElroy, Mr John (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Mcerlean, Miss Louise (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- McGill, Ms Karen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- McGinley, Mrs Alannah (DPLP Tutor)
- McGinn, Mr James (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- McGowan, Mrs Michelle (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor)
- McGrattan, Mrs Diane (Affiliate)
- McGuigan, Miss Siobhan (Tutor in Private Client Law. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- McInnes, Mrs Thembe (Tutor in Commercial Contracts. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- McIntyre, Mrs Stacey (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- McKay, Mrs Alison (Diploma in Legal Practice. Private Client Tutor.)
- McKenzie, Ms Emma (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- McKie, Mr David (Diploma in Professional Legal Practice Tutor)
- McKinlay, Ms Julie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- McKinnon, Mrs Fiona (Affiliate)
- McLaren, Mr Kenneth (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- McLean, Professor Sheila (Professor Emerita of Law and Ethics in Medicine)
- McMahon, Ms Lyndsay (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- McNair, Ms Rhona (DPLP Tutor)
- Mcnaught, Ms Claire (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Private Client Law.)
- McPherson, Mr Roderick (Affiliate)
- McWilliams, Mr Gerald (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Meneely, Mr James (Commercial Conveyancing tutor. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Miller, Mr Christopher (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Miller, Mr Colin (Diploma in Legal Practice. Commercial Contracts Tutor.)
- Millmann, Miss Saskia (Research Associate)
- Milvenan, Mr Ross (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Moore, Mrs Karen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Morgan, Mr David (Diploma in Professional Legal Practice. Tutor in Employment Law.)
- Morgan, Mr Frankie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Moy, Mr Stewart (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Corporate Law)
- Mullan, Mr Owen (Diploma in Legal Practice. Human Rights Tutor.)
- Munn, Mrs Fiona (Diploma Tutor)
- Murdoch, Mr Alistair (Affiliate)
- Murphy, Miss Michelle (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Murray, Miss Lynsey (Diploma in Legal Practice. Family Law tutor.)
- Neill, Mrs Jennifer (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Civil Litigation.)
- Nesbitt, Miss Jennifer (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Ning, Ms Hualing (Visiting Academic)
- O'Donnell, Miss Kirsty (Diploma in Legal Practice. Civil Litigation. Reserve Tutor.)
- O'Hanlon, Mr Mark (Diploma in Legal Practice. BEFPA tutor.)
- O'Neil, Ms Valerie (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- O'Neill, Ms Bernadette (Diploma in Legal Practice. Property Law and Conveyancing Tutor.)
- Pardo-Vergara, Professor Maria (Visiting Scholar)
- Parfery, Mr Alan (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Paton, Mr David (Diploma in Legal Practice. CSPL tutor.)
- Phillips, Mr Christian (Diploma Tutor, Affiliate)
- Piper, Mrs Fiona (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Piperides, Mr Andreas (Research Assistant)
- Provan, Mr Jack (researcher)
- Provan, Mr Roy (Diploma in Legal Practice. Commercial Conveyancing tutor.)
- Qazi, Miss Aymen (Affiliate)
- Quinn, Mrs Jennifer (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Employment Law.)
- Quinn, Mr Marc (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Quinn, Mrs Wendy (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Quither, Mr Steven (DPLP Tutor)
- Rae, Mr Paul (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Raleigh, Mrs Hope (Diploma Tutor, Affiliate)
- Reid, Miss Judith (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Criminal Litigation.)
- Reid, Ms Pauline (Diploma Tutor)
- Rennie, Mrs Jennifer (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Reynolds, Ms Lindsey (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice.)
- Riaz, Ms Ziqyia (Diploma Tutor)
- Ritchie, Miss Pamela (Affiliate, Research Assistant)
- Robb, Ms Katherine (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Robertson, Mrs Grazia (Senior Tutor. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Robison, Professor Muriel (Guest lecturer.)
- Ross, Professor Kenneth (Conveyancing tutor. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Russell, Miss Elaine (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Civil Litigation.)
- Salomon Bezerra Mouallem, Mr Pedro (Visiting Academic)
- Scholarios, Mr Nicos (Affiliate)
- Shaw, Ms Karen (Diploma in Legal Practice. Commercial Conveyancing tutor)
- Sheridan, Mr John Paul (Senior Tutor - Advanced Civil Litigation - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Sim, Mr Iain (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Simpson, Ms Fiona May (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice.)
- Simpson, Miss Sarah (Diploma Tutor)
- Singh, Mr Paman (Diploma Tutor)
- Sirel, Mr Andrew (Guest lecturer. Human Rights Law., Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Skinner, Mr Robert (Affiliate. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Sloan, Professor James (Honorary Professor)
- Smart, Mr Ian (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Criminal Litigation.)
- Smith, Mr Stephen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Smith, Mr Stephen (Diploma in Legal Practice. Employment Law tutor.)
- Spencer, Miss Amy (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Steel, Mr Murray (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor in Civil Litigation.)
- Stevens, Miss Carrie (Affiliate, Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Stevenson, Ms Seonaid (Affiliate)
- Stewart, Mrs Anca (Diploma Tutor)
- Stewart, Ms Karen (Private Client tutor. Diploma in Legal Practice.)
- Stewart, Miss Sarah (Diploma in Legal Practice. Private Client tutor.)
- Stobo, Miss Victoria (Affiliate)
- Strel Lencic, Mr Uros (Affiliate. CREATe.)
- Sutherland, Miss Jill (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Swan, Mr Stuart (Diploma Tutor)
- Syme, Mr David (Diploma in Legal Practice. Corporate tutor.)
- Tainsh, Mrs Jacqueline (Diploma in Legal Practice. Private Client tutor.)
- Tait, Mr Fraser (Diploma in Legal Practice. Employment Law tutor.)
- Terhechte, Professor Jorg (Honorary Professor)
- Thomson, Mr Alasdair (Diploma in Legal Practice. Legal Innovation and Technology tutor.)
- Thomson, Mr Steven (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Todd, Mr Andrew (Tutor Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Todd, Ms Jennifer (Diploma in Legal Practice. Human Rights Tutor.)
- Tran, Dr Kien (Affiliate)
- Vallance, Mr Stephen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Varney, Mr James (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Walker, Mr Andrew (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Walsh, Miss Amy (Diploma in Legal Practice. BEFPA tutor.)
- Wang, Dr Xiaoren (CREATe Fellow)
- Ward, Mrs Amanda (Affiliate)
- Watson, Miss Lindsay (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Whyte, Ms Patricia (Diploma in Legal Practice. Private Client tutor.)
- Wilson, Miss Gina (Official Coach. International Client Counselling Competition.)
- Wilson, Mr Stuart (Diploma Tutor)
- Winter, Mr Stephen (Tutor - Diploma in Professional Legal Practice)
- Wishart, Mr Robert (Affiliate)
- Wood, Mr Angus (Diploma in Legal Practice. Tutor.)
- Yasar, Ms Ayse Gizem (Affiliate)
- Youngson, Mr Alasdair (Diploma in Legal Practice. Criminal Litigation tutor.)
- Zhdankina, Mrs Larysa (Affiliate)
- Zhou, Miss Shining (Research Assistant)
- Zhu, Ms Yingying (Affiliate)
- Zunino, Dr Marcos (Visting Lecturer)
Honorary & Visiting
- Anderson, Dr Ross (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Burrows, Professor Noreen (Honorary Professor)
- Crawford, Professor Elizabeth (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Duffy, Professor Helen (Honorary Professor)
- Edwards, Professor Lilian (Honorary Professor)
- Gallagher, Professor Jim (Visiting Professor)
- Heald, Professor Paul (Honorary Professor)
- Hviid, Professor Morten (Honorary Professor)
- McBride, Dr Pauline (Honorary Teaching Fellow)
- Osler, Dr Douglas (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Pearson, Mr Graeme (Honorary Professor)
- Reed, Lord Robert (Honorary Professor)
- Robinson, Professor Olivia (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Ross, Professor Kenneth (Honorary Professor)
- Sloan, Professor James (Honorary Professor)
- Stasch, Dr Katharina (Honorary Professor)
- Terhechte, Professor Jorg (Honorary Professor)
- Vannet, Mr Alfred (Honorary Professorial Teaching Fellow)