Dr Peter Seaman
- Honorary Lecturer, Public Health Programme Manager (School of Health & Wellbeing)
Glasgow Centre for Population, Health, Third Floor, Olympia Building, Bridgeton, G40 2QH
Garnham, L., Rolfe, S., Anderson, I., Seaman, P., Godwin, J. and Donaldson, C. (2022) Intervening in the cycle of poverty, poor housing and poor health: the role of housing providers in enhancing tenants’ mental wellbeing. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 37(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1007/s10901-021-09852-x) (PMID:35250411) (PMCID:PMC8873072)
Nicholson, D., McCormack, F., Seaman, P., Bell, K., Duffy, T. and Gilhooly, M. (2017) Alcohol and healthy ageing: a challenge for alcohol policy. Public Health, 148, pp. 13-18. (doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2017.02.021) (PMID:28404528)
Seaman, P., Edgar, F. and Ikegwuonu, T. (2013) The role of alcohol price in young adult drinking cultures in Scotland. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 20(4), pp. 278-285. (doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.765386) (PMID:23864771) (PMCID:PMC3709883)
Ross, N. J., Church, S., Hill, M., Seaman, P. and Roberts, T. (2012) The perspectives of young men and their teenage partners on maternity and health services during pregnancy and early parenthood. Children and Society, 26(4), pp. 304-315. (doi: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00338.x)
Seaman, P. and Ikegwuonu, T. (2011) ‘I don't think old people should go to clubs’: how universal is the alcohol transition amongst young adults in the United Kingdom? Journal of Youth Studies, 14(7), pp. 745-759. (doi: 10.1080/13676261.2011.588946)
Seaman, P. and Ikegwuonu, T. (2010) Young People and Alcohol: Influences on How They Drink. [Research Reports or Papers]
Seaman, P. J., Jones, R. and Ellaway, A. (2010) It's not just about the park, it's about integration too: why people choose to use or not use urban greenspaces. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 7, 78. (doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-7-78) (PMID:21029448) (PMCID:PMC2978120)
Wilson, N., Fleming, S., Jones, R., Lafferty, K., Cathrine, K., Seaman, P. and Knifton, L. (2010) Green shoots of recovery: the impact of a mental health ecotherapy programme. Mental Health Review Journal, 15(2), pp. 4-14. (doi: 10.5042/mhrj.2010.0366)
Jones, R., Seaman, P., Ellaway, A. and Kendall, R. (2008) It's More Than Just the Park: Facilitators and Barriers to the Use of Urban Greenspace. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hill, M., Turner, K., Walker, M., Stafford, A. and Seaman, P. (2006) Children's perspectives on social exclusion and resilience in disadvantaged urban communities. In: Tisdall, E.K.M., Davis, J., Hill, M. and Prout, A. (eds.) Children, Young People and Social Inclusion: Participation for What? Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 39-56. ISBN 9781861346636
Hill, M., Turner, K., Walker, M., Stafford, A. and Seaman, P. (2006) Children’s perspectives on social exclusion and resilience in disadvantaged urban communities. In: Tisdall, K., Davis, J. and Hill, M. (eds.) Children, Young People and Social Inclusion: Participation for What? Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 39-56. ISBN 9781861346629 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781861346629.003.0003)
Seaman, P. (2006) Family size and structure. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Household structure. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Relative deprivation. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Social exclusion. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Social stratification. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Fairhurst, K., Wyke, S. , Ziebland, S., Seaman, P. and Glasier, A. (2005) “Not that sort of practice”: the views and behaviour of primary care practitioners in a study of advance provision of emergency contraception. Family Practice, 22(3), pp. 280-286. (doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmh728)
Ziebland, S., Wyke, S. , Seaman, P., Fairhurst, K., Walker, J. and Glasier, A. (2005) What happened when Scottish women were given advance supplies of emergency contraception? A survey and qualitative study of women's views and experiences. Social Science and Medicine, 60(8), pp. 1767-1769.
Seaman, P., Turner, K., Hill, M., Walker, M. and Stafford, A. (2005) Parenting and Children's Resilience in Disadvantaged Communities. Series: Parenting in practice. National Children's Bureau: London, UK. ISBN 9781904787709
Sweeting, H. and Seaman, P. (2005) Family within and beyond the household boundary: children's constructions of who they live with. In: McKie, L. and Cunningham-Burley, S. (eds.) Families in Society: Boundaries and Relationships. Policy Press: Bristol, UK, pp. 95-110. ISBN 9781861346438
Fairhurst, K., Ziebland, S., Wyke, S. , Seaman, P. and Glasier, A. (2004) Emergency contraception: why can't you give it away? Qualitative findings from an evaluation of advance provision of emergency contraception. Contraception, 70(1), pp. 25-29. (doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2004.02.012)
Glasier, A., Fairhurst, K., Wyke, S. , Seaman, P., Walker, J., Lakha, F. and Ziebland, S. (2004) Advanced provision of emergency contraception does not reduce abortion rates. Contraception, 69(5), pp. 361-366. (doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2004.01.002)
Seaman, P. and Sweeting, H. (2004) Assisting young people's access to social capital in contemporary families: a qualitative study. Journal of Youth Studies, 7(2), pp. 173-190. (doi: 10.1080/1367626042000238703)
Garnham, L., Rolfe, S., Anderson, I., Seaman, P., Godwin, J. and Donaldson, C. (2022) Intervening in the cycle of poverty, poor housing and poor health: the role of housing providers in enhancing tenants’ mental wellbeing. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 37(1), pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1007/s10901-021-09852-x) (PMID:35250411) (PMCID:PMC8873072)
Nicholson, D., McCormack, F., Seaman, P., Bell, K., Duffy, T. and Gilhooly, M. (2017) Alcohol and healthy ageing: a challenge for alcohol policy. Public Health, 148, pp. 13-18. (doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2017.02.021) (PMID:28404528)
Seaman, P., Edgar, F. and Ikegwuonu, T. (2013) The role of alcohol price in young adult drinking cultures in Scotland. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 20(4), pp. 278-285. (doi: 10.3109/09687637.2013.765386) (PMID:23864771) (PMCID:PMC3709883)
Ross, N. J., Church, S., Hill, M., Seaman, P. and Roberts, T. (2012) The perspectives of young men and their teenage partners on maternity and health services during pregnancy and early parenthood. Children and Society, 26(4), pp. 304-315. (doi: 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00338.x)
Seaman, P. and Ikegwuonu, T. (2011) ‘I don't think old people should go to clubs’: how universal is the alcohol transition amongst young adults in the United Kingdom? Journal of Youth Studies, 14(7), pp. 745-759. (doi: 10.1080/13676261.2011.588946)
Seaman, P. J., Jones, R. and Ellaway, A. (2010) It's not just about the park, it's about integration too: why people choose to use or not use urban greenspaces. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 7, 78. (doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-7-78) (PMID:21029448) (PMCID:PMC2978120)
Wilson, N., Fleming, S., Jones, R., Lafferty, K., Cathrine, K., Seaman, P. and Knifton, L. (2010) Green shoots of recovery: the impact of a mental health ecotherapy programme. Mental Health Review Journal, 15(2), pp. 4-14. (doi: 10.5042/mhrj.2010.0366)
Fairhurst, K., Wyke, S. , Ziebland, S., Seaman, P. and Glasier, A. (2005) “Not that sort of practice”: the views and behaviour of primary care practitioners in a study of advance provision of emergency contraception. Family Practice, 22(3), pp. 280-286. (doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmh728)
Ziebland, S., Wyke, S. , Seaman, P., Fairhurst, K., Walker, J. and Glasier, A. (2005) What happened when Scottish women were given advance supplies of emergency contraception? A survey and qualitative study of women's views and experiences. Social Science and Medicine, 60(8), pp. 1767-1769.
Fairhurst, K., Ziebland, S., Wyke, S. , Seaman, P. and Glasier, A. (2004) Emergency contraception: why can't you give it away? Qualitative findings from an evaluation of advance provision of emergency contraception. Contraception, 70(1), pp. 25-29. (doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2004.02.012)
Glasier, A., Fairhurst, K., Wyke, S. , Seaman, P., Walker, J., Lakha, F. and Ziebland, S. (2004) Advanced provision of emergency contraception does not reduce abortion rates. Contraception, 69(5), pp. 361-366. (doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2004.01.002)
Seaman, P. and Sweeting, H. (2004) Assisting young people's access to social capital in contemporary families: a qualitative study. Journal of Youth Studies, 7(2), pp. 173-190. (doi: 10.1080/1367626042000238703)
Seaman, P., Turner, K., Hill, M., Walker, M. and Stafford, A. (2005) Parenting and Children's Resilience in Disadvantaged Communities. Series: Parenting in practice. National Children's Bureau: London, UK. ISBN 9781904787709
Book Sections
Hill, M., Turner, K., Walker, M., Stafford, A. and Seaman, P. (2006) Children's perspectives on social exclusion and resilience in disadvantaged urban communities. In: Tisdall, E.K.M., Davis, J., Hill, M. and Prout, A. (eds.) Children, Young People and Social Inclusion: Participation for What? Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 39-56. ISBN 9781861346636
Hill, M., Turner, K., Walker, M., Stafford, A. and Seaman, P. (2006) Children’s perspectives on social exclusion and resilience in disadvantaged urban communities. In: Tisdall, K., Davis, J. and Hill, M. (eds.) Children, Young People and Social Inclusion: Participation for What? Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 39-56. ISBN 9781861346629 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781861346629.003.0003)
Seaman, P. (2006) Family size and structure. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Household structure. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Relative deprivation. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Social exclusion. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Seaman, P. (2006) Social stratification. In: Odekon, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Series: Sage eReference library. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412918077
Sweeting, H. and Seaman, P. (2005) Family within and beyond the household boundary: children's constructions of who they live with. In: McKie, L. and Cunningham-Burley, S. (eds.) Families in Society: Boundaries and Relationships. Policy Press: Bristol, UK, pp. 95-110. ISBN 9781861346438
Research Reports or Papers
Seaman, P. and Ikegwuonu, T. (2010) Young People and Alcohol: Influences on How They Drink. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jones, R., Seaman, P., Ellaway, A. and Kendall, R. (2008) It's More Than Just the Park: Facilitators and Barriers to the Use of Urban Greenspace. [Research Reports or Papers]