{"accountingfinance-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Accounting & Finance at Glasgow has had an international reputation for high-quality research and teaching since 1925. Our Adam Smith Business School is in the 1 per cent of business schools in the world to be triple-accredited.", "content": "<p>We are a broad subject group, bringing together expertise in the main areas of:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Finance and market-based research</li>\n<li>Financial reporting</li>\n<li>Management accounting and control.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>We also have specialist knowledge of accounting education, accounting history, auditing and corporate governance. If you study with us, you will gain career-enhancing professional skills and a degree accredited by all the major UK professional accounting bodies.</p>\n<p>As a postgraduate student in Accounting & Finance, you will have access to excellent financial databases including Bloomberg, WRDS Compustat, CRSP, Datastream, BoardEx, FAME and Thomson ONE.</p>\n<p>Accounting & Finance boasts three computer laboratories which are equipped with accounting software Sage Accounts, statistical software such as STATA and Minitab, bibliography software such as EndNote, qualitative research software such as NVivo, and online data sources such as Company Analysis. You will also have access to a dedicated Social Sciences employability officer who can help you to enhance your employability and related skills.</p>" },"accountingfinance-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Accounting & Finance at Glasgow has had an international reputation for high-quality research and teaching since 1925. Our Adam Smith Business School is in the 1 per cent of business schools in the world to be triple-accredited.", "content": "<p>We are a broad subject group, bringing together expertise in the main areas of:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Finance and market-based research</li>\n<li>Financial reporting</li>\n<li>Management accounting and control.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>We also have specialist knowledge of accounting education, accounting history, auditing and corporate governance. If you study with us, you will gain career-enhancing professional skills and a degree accredited by all the major UK professional accounting bodies.</p>\n<p>As a postgraduate student in Accounting & Finance, you will have access to excellent financial databases including Bloomberg, WRDS Compustat, CRSP, Datastream, BoardEx, FAME and Thomson ONE.</p>\n<p>Accounting & Finance boasts three computer laboratories which are equipped with accounting software Sage Accounts, statistical software such as STATA and Minitab, bibliography software such as EndNote, qualitative research software such as NVivo, and online data sources such as Company Analysis. You will also have access to a dedicated Social Sciences employability officer who can help you to enhance your employability and related skills.</p>" },"archaeology-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Archaeology at Glasgow is a vibrant community of students and staff working together to investigate our shared past and its role in contemporary society.", "content": "<p>Archaeology has been taught at Glasgow for over 50 years and is recognised for its commitment to excellent teaching and research. </p>\n<p>We support diverse student and research interests by providing opportunities to take courses in and collaborate with colleagues in other disciplines.</p>\n<p>We have strong links with the University’s museum and art gallery, The Hunterian, and numerous private and public organisations.</p>\n<p>You will benefit from field experience, placements, and a variety of visiting guest speakers.</p>\n<p>Our Masters programmes address practical, theoretical and scientific methodologies through a collection of seminars, work placements and fieldwork. The MSc in Archaeology offers specialist pathways in landscape, Celtic & Viking and digital archaeology.</p>\n<h3>Research areas</h3>\n<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Scottish archaeology, particularly in the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods and the Celtic, Pictish and Viking areas</li>\n<li>Prehistoric artefacts, notably textiles and clothing</li>\n<li>Mediterranean and Near Eastern archaeology <br>with foci in Italy, Cyprus and Iraq</li>\n<li>Landscape archaeology</li>\n<li>Historical archaeology, particularly medieval Europe and contemporary Europe</li>\n<li>Battlefield and conflict archaeology</li>\n<li>Digital and computational archaeology.</li>\n</ul>" },"bahcm-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "At Glasgow, we’ve created multidisciplinary teams to address national and global biodiversity research challenges.", "content": "<p>Unique in the UK, the range of our research spans multiple biological levels, integrating:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Molecules and cells</li>\n<li>Individuals</li>\n<li>­Human populations and ecosystems.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Given the threats posed by environmental change and rapidly increasing human population, there has never been a more urgent need for a holistic approach.</p>\n<p>With this belief in mind, we bring together rigorous quantitative analysis, appropriate theoretical frameworks and predictive modelling to help us understand the interdependence of animal and human populations, ecosystems and the environment.</p>" },"bahcm-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "At Glasgow, we’ve created multidisciplinary teams to address national and global biodiversity research challenges.", "content": "<p>Unique in the UK, the range of our research spans multiple biological levels, integrating:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Molecules and cells</li>\n<li>Individuals</li>\n<li>­Human populations and ecosystems.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Given the threats posed by environmental change and rapidly increasing human population, there has never been a more urgent need for a holistic approach.</p>\n<p>With this belief in mind, we bring together rigorous quantitative analysis, appropriate theoretical frameworks and predictive modelling to help us understand the interdependence of animal and human populations, ecosystems and the environment.</p>" },"lifesciences-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "We have an international reputation for teaching and research in modern Biological & Biomedical Sciences", "content": "<p>We take a collaborative, crossdisciplinary approach to addressing the scientific challenges of this post-genomic and information age. If you choose to study with us you can benefit from an exceptional choice of degree programmes that attract students from across the globe.</p>\n<p>Our strengths include the academic breadth of teaching activities, innovative teaching practice and experienced staff committed to providing an excellent teaching and learning experience.</p>\n<p>Our competitive degrees utilise the research and teaching strengths of the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences to deliver research-led education and equip our graduates with the skills and attributes necessary for success in any chosen career.</p>" },"cancersciences-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "At Glasgow we bring together scientists and clinicians to promote and develop the best in cancer research, drug discovery and patient care.", "content": "<p>We work together to:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>identify the molecular changes that cause cancer</li>\n<li>develop drugs targeted to these changes</li>\n<li>bring new therapies through preclinical and clinical trials.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The Cancer Research UK Glasgow Centre brings together scientists and clinicians from research centres, universities and hospitals around Glasgow to deliver the very best in cancer research, drug discovery and patient care. The centre’s world-leading teams have made major advances in the understanding and treatment of many cancers.</p>" },"cancersciences-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "At Glasgow we bring together scientists and clinicians to promote and develop the best in cancer research, drug discovery and patient care.", "content": "<p>We work together to:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>identify the molecular changes that cause cancer</li>\n<li>develop drugs targeted to these changes</li>\n<li>bring new therapies through preclinical and clinical trials.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The Cancer Research UK Glasgow Centre brings together scientists and clinicians from research centres, universities and hospitals around Glasgow to deliver the very best in cancer research, drug discovery and patient care. The centre’s world-leading teams have made major advances in the understanding and treatment of many cancers.</p>\n<h3>Research areas</h3>\n<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Cancer biology and cell signalling</li>\n<li>Epigenetics</li>\n<li>Cancer stem cell biology</li>\n<li>Cancer imaging</li>\n<li>Chemoresistance in cancer</li>\n<li>Cancer and ageing</li>\n<li>Regulation of cancer cell death processes</li>\n<li>Genetics, genomics and systems medicine</li>\n<li>Immunotherapy for cancer</li>\n<li>Cancer clinical trials.</li>\n</ul>" },"cms-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "At Glasgow we bring together basic, translational and clinical research in cardiovascular and medical sciences.", "content": "<p>Our research groups are based in the purpose-built British Heart Foundation Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, the Sir James Black Building and the Royal Infirmary.</p>\n<p>Much of our teaching is delivered at the Teaching & Learning Centre at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, which combines NHS, University and research sector expertise on a single site. These state-of-the-art facilities enable us to focus on a comprehensive research and teaching agenda.</p>" },"cms-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "At Glasgow we bring together basic, translational and clinical research in cardiovascular and medical sciences.", "content": "<p>Our research groups are based in the purpose-built British Heart Foundation Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, the Sir James Black Building and the Royal Infirmary. Much of our teaching is delivered at the Teaching & Learning Centre at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, which combines NHS, University and research sector expertise on a single site. These state-of-the-art facilities enable us to focus on a comprehensive research and teaching agenda.</p>\n<h3>Research opportunities</h3>\n<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Cardiac research</li>\n<li>Vascular research</li>\n<li>Metabolic disease and diabetes research</li>\n<li>Renal research</li>\n<li>Stroke research</li>\n<li>Omics research</li>\n</ul>" },"celticgaelic-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Celtic & Gaelic at Glasgow brings together the teaching and research of the ancient, medieval and modern periods in the Celtic languages of Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Welsh.", "content": "<p>With links to archaeology, history and modern languages and cultures, we can provide you with a unique opportunity to study a range of fascinating languages and cultures.</p>\n<p>Gaelic has been taught at the University of Glasgow since the end of the 19th century and we are the only university to have a named Chair of Gaelic, which reflects our commitment to the language.</p>\n<h3>Research opportunities</h3>\n<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MRes.</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Modern and medieval Celtic languages</li>\n<li>Literature and cultures, especially modern Scottish Gaelic and Irish language and linguistics</li>\n<li>Modern Scottish Gaelic literature, 18th–21st centuries</li>\n<li>Gaelic linguistics</li>\n<li>Medieval Celtic literatures, especially early Irish/Gaelic and Middle Welsh</li>\n<li>Textual cultures of the medieval Celtic-speaking areas</li>\n<li>Medieval Celtic art</li>\n<li>Celtic place names of Scotland</li>\n</ul>" },"cees-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The study of Central & Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia has a long tradition at Glasgow: for over 60 years, our staff have covered developments in the region. ", "content": "<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Histories of communism and postsocialism</li>\n<li>Human rights and (in)securities in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia</li>\n<li>Migration and mobility</li>\n<li>Politics and international relations of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia</li>\n<li>Statehood, nationhood and identity</li>\n</ul>" },"chemistry-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "The University of Glasgow has fostered the talents of four Nobel Prize winners in chemistry. ", "content": "<p>Chemistry at Glasgow combines superb facilities with world-leading research groups covering all aspects of chemistry as well as the interfaces with biology, materials science and physics. </p>\n<p>99% of our chemistry research has been evaluated as \'world leading\' or \'internationally excellent\' in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].</p>\n<p>The School of Chemistry is also a member of ScotCHEM, which brings together seven universities in Scotland. ScotCHEM is committed to excellence and to providing the highest-quality postgraduate education and research experience.</p>\n<h3>Athena Swan Award</h3>\n<p>The school has an Athena Swan Bronze Award, demonstrating the school’s commitment to supporting women in scientific studies and careers, and to improving the working environment for all.</p>" },"chemistry-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "99% of our chemistry research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021]. The University has fostered the talents of four Nobel Prize winners in chemistry.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Chemical biology and precision synthesis</li>\n<li>Chemical photonics</li>\n<li>Complex chemistry</li>\n<li>Energy conversion and storage</li>\n<li>Heterogeneous catalysis</li>\n<li>Supramolecular, electronic & magnetic systems.</li>\n</ul>" },"computing-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Since 1957, when Glasgow became the first university in Scotland to have an electronic computer, we have built a reputation for the excellence of our Computing Science research and our graduates.", "content": "<p>Today, our School of Computing Science is one of the UK’s leaders in the field, setting itself the highest standards in research and in research-led learning and teaching.</p>\n<p>Our Computing Science Masters programmes provide you with the necessary skills and expertise that are required for a successful career in industry. We offer a range of specialist and conversion degree programmes that meet industry skill shortages in the UK and overseas.</p>" },"computing-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "98% of our Computing Science research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Autonomous systems</li>\n<li>Computing science education</li>\n<li>Computer vision and graphics</li>\n<li>Embedded, networked and distributed systems</li>\n<li>Formal analysis, theory and algorithms</li>\n<li>Healthcare technologies</li>\n<li>Human-computer interaction</li>\n<li>Inference, dynamics and interaction</li>\n<li>Information retrieval</li>\n<li>Machine learning</li>\n<li>Socially intelligent artificial agents</li>\n<li>Software engineering</li>\n</ul>" },"creativewriting-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Glasgow’s creative writing programmes are among the most prestigious in the UK, having launched the careers of many successful writers.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: DFA, MFA. Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Experimental poetry and poetics</li>\n<li>Literary and genre fiction</li>\n<li>Hybrid forms and literary experimental essaying</li>\n<li>Cross-medial projects, eg arts and writing practice</li>\n<li>Conceptual writing.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/creativewriting/">Postgraduate research opportunities: Creative Writing</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"dentistry-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Established in 1879, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School is the second-largest dental school in the UK. We provide postgraduate taught and research opportunities in a range of subjects.", "content": "<p>We benefit from comprehensive modern facilities for patient care, student clinical practice and training, and for education and research in dental and oral diseases and disorders.</p>" },"dentistry-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Established in 1879, Glasgow Dental Hospital & School is the second-largest dental school in the UK. We provide postgraduate taught and research opportunities in a range of subjects.", "content": "<h4>Postgraduate research opportunities</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/dentistry/">Dentistry (Community Oral Health & Oral Sciences)</a> </li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>The Dental School has a thriving community of postgraduate research students, from both the United Kingdom and overseas. Our PhD students come from a wide variety of clinical and non-clinical backgrounds including microbiology, immunology, dental public health, epidemiology, statistical modeling, psychology and behavioural sciences.</p>" },"economicsocialhistory-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Glasgow hosts the largest group of economic and social historians in Scotland.", "content": "<p>Economic & Social History has been taught at the University of Glasgow since the beginning of the 20th century, with R H Tawney thought to be the first appointment in the field. We are internationally recognised for research excellence in modern economic and social history, with exceptional strength in business and financial history, the history of medicine and social and gender history.</p>\n<p>Study with us and you will benefit from flexible degree programmes, small class sizes, an excellent range of library and archival resources and a supportive environment for learning.</p>" },"economicsocialhistory-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Glasgow hosts the largest group of economic and social historians in Scotland.", "content": "<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Modern economic and social history</li>\n<li>Business and financial history</li>\n<li>History of medicine</li>\n<li>Social and gender history</li>\n</ul>" },"economics-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Economics has a distinguished history at Glasgow dating back to Adam Smith, the father of modern economics.", "content": "<p>Today we have international expertise in:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Macroeconomics</li>\n<li>Financial economics</li>\n<li>Development economics</li>\n<li>International finance</li>\n<li>Econometrics</li>\n<li>Microeconomics</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Staff research directly informs our teaching, which means that if you study with us, you can benefit from up-to-date degree programmes that touch on key theoretical and policy issues.</p>" },"economics-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Economics has a distinguished history at Glasgow dating back to Adam Smith, the father of modern economics.", "content": "<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, international finance, financial economics, development economics</li>\n<li>Finance</li>\n<li>Quantitative finance </li>\n</ul>" },"education-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "In the School of Education, our goal is to enhance the educational experience and attainment of those living in Scotland, the wider United Kingdom and worldwide. We believe our postgraduate provision is transformative and underpinned by our core values of equity, diversity and social justice.", "content": "<p>The School of Education has a history and tradition of working collaboratively across groupings to develop innovative cross-cutting research. A key feature of our research is our commitment to placing educational research as part of an interdisciplinary agenda to support the development of more equitable societies in the spirit of social justice. Our research is a fundamental component of our teaching. To continue to be a world-class and progressive university, we are dedicated to bringing inspiring people together to change the world.</p>\n<p>Our areas of specialist knowledge include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Adult and community education</li>\n<li>Educational leadership and management</li>\n<li>Language and culture</li>\n<li>Science, engineering and technology education</li>\n<li>Teacher education and professional learning</li>\n<li>Citizenship and values education.</li>\n</ul>" },"education-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "In the School of Education, our goal is to enhance the educational experience and attainment of those living in Scotland, the wider United Kingdom and worldwide. We believe our postgraduate provision is transformative and underpinned by our core values of equity, diversity and social justice.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MSc Research.</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Culture, literacies, inclusion and pedagogy</li>\n<li>Education leadership and policy</li>\n<li>Pedagogy, praxis and faith</li>\n<li>People, place and social change</li>\n</ul>" },"engineering-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Glasgow has been delivering world-class engineering education and research since 1840.", "content": "<p>96% of our Engineering research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021]. </p>\n<p>We have world-leading expertise in the research and teaching of:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Aerospace engineering</li>\n<li>Biomedical engineering</li>\n<li>Civil engineering</li>\n<li>Electronics and electrical engineering</li>\n<li>Mechanical engineering.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Working at the cutting edge of technology, our research supports industrial innovation, helps preserve the environment and assists in the advancement of medical and biological science. By choosing to study with us you will take advantage of a broad range of degree programmes that set new standards in engineering education. All our technical degree programmes are accredited by the appropriate institutions.</p>\n<h4>Athena Swan Award</h4>\n<p>The school has an Athena Swan Bronze Award, demonstrating the school’s commitment to supporting women in scientific studies and careers, and to improving the working environment for all.</p>" },"engineering-pgr": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Glasgow has been delivering world-class engineering education and research since 1840.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).</p>\n<p>The School of Engineering has five research divisions; within these our research expertise covers the following areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/doctoraltraining/fuse/">CDT in Future Ultrasonic Engineering (FUSE)</a>: Experimental and computational aerodynamics, rotorcraft, systems, design, structures, space, energy and propulsion.</li>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/biomedicalengineering/">Biomedical engineering</a>: Advanced medical diagnostics, rehabilitation engineering and assistive technologies, biomaterials and synthetic biology.</li>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/electronicsnanoscale/">Electronics & nanoscale engineering</a>: Electronic, photonic, microsystem and nanofabrication technologies. Key areas of interest include sensors, telecommunications, quantum information processing, terahertz and millimetre wave technology, advanced microelectronic devices, device simulation, metrology and instrumentation.</li>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/infrastructureenvironment/">Infrastructure & environment</a>: Water and environmental engineering and mechanics and modelling of materials.</li>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/systemspower/">Systems, power & energy</a>: Energy, space systems, healthcare, manufacturing, wireless communications and automotive engineering. Key areas of interest include renewable energy and high-efficiency energy conversion processes, medical and industrial ultrasonics, materials, advanced and digital manufacturing, planetary exploration, space systems and wireless and radar systems.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The School is a partner in four Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) that bring together a critical mass of world-leading academics and industries to tackle multi-disciplinary challenges. Through high-quality cohort-based programmes and access to world-leading facilities, these CDTs will train innovation leaders in the following areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="https://www.cdt-piads.ac.uk">CDT in Photonic Integration and Advanced Data Storage (PIADS)</a></li>\n<li><a href="https://www.cdt-ism.org">CDT in Intelligent Sensing and Measurements (ISM)</a></li>\n<li><a href=" https://lifetime-cdt.org">CDT in Engineered Tissues for Discovery, Industry and Medicine (lifETIME)</a></li>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/autonomoussystems/">Aerospace sciences</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"englishliterature-pgr": { "heading": "", "introduction": "The University is one of the UK’s oldest, largest and most dynamic centres for the study of English literature and language.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil, MRes and MFA (Creative Writing).</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>African literatures in English</li>\n<li>American and Canadian literatures and cultures</li>\n<li>Colonial and postcolonial studies</li>\n<li>Critical theory</li>\n<li>Environmental, energy and spatial humanities</li>\n<li>History of the book</li>\n<li>Irish literature and culture</li>\n<li>Medical humanities</li>\n<li>Modernism and the avant-garde</li>\n<li>Poetry and poetics</li>\n<li>Textual scholarship and editing</li>\n<li>Travel writing</li>\n</ul>" },"filmtelevision-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The city of Glasgow is a prime international location for the study of film and television. As Scotland’s media capital, it is home to BBC Scotland, STV and numerous independent production companies.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.</p>\n<p>Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate research include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Television and film theories</li>\n<li>Screen histories, aesthetics and practices</li>\n<li>The national, transnational and world cinemas</li>\n<li>Film festivals and curation</li>\n<li>Screen media technologies and archives</li>\n<li>Gender, race, age, disability and class</li>\n</ul>" },"ges-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "97% of the research in our School of Geographical & Earth Sciences has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].", "content": "<p><strong>Athena Swan Award</strong></p>\n<p>The school has an Athena Swan Silver Award, demonstrating the school’s commitment to supporting women in scientific studies and careers, and to improving the working environment for all.</p>" },"ges-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "97% of the research in our School of Geographical & Earth Sciences has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res). Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Creative geohumanities</li>\n<li>Deep Earth and shallow crustal processes</li>\n<li>Environmental biogeochemistry</li>\n<li>Environmental change and sustainability</li>\n<li>Evolution of Earth’s surface</li>\n<li>Exploring vital geographies</li>\n<li>Geospatial technologies, GIS and remote sensing</li>\n<li>Planetary evolution and habitability</li>\n<li>Spatial politics and practices</li>\n<li>Stressed environments and communities</li>\n<li>Subaltern globalisations</li>\n</ul>" },"healthwellbeing-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Our aim is to improve population health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities in health.", "content": "<p>The School of Health & Wellbeing builds on existing strengths within the University of Glasgow and brings together experts from a range of disciplines across the University to pursue common themes:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>environment and health</li>\n<li>perceptions and experiences of health and wellbeing</li>\n<li>inequalities in health and wellbeing</li>\n<li>new technologies to enhance health and wellbeing</li>\n<li>trials of health service and community-based interventions</li>\n<li>capitalising on longitudinal studies and the use of routine NHS or other administrative data.</li>\n</ul>" },"healthwellbeing-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Our aim is to improve population health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities in health. 95% of our Health and Wellbeing research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021]", "content": "" },"history-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "History at Glasgow offers an outstanding learning experience, working with world-leading experts with close connections to the libraries, archives and museums of the University and the city.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.</p>\n<p>Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate research include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Medieval Europe</li>\n<li>Scotland, Ireland and the British Isles</li>\n<li>Early modern culture, beliefs and ideas</li>\n<li>Global history and culture</li>\n<li>History of medicine</li>\n<li>Social and gender history</li>\n<li>War studies</li>\n<li>Late modern American, European, British and Scottish history.</li>\n</ul>" },"historyofart-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The University provides a highly stimulating study environment with access to world-renowned collections in one of the most inspirational cities for art and design in the UK.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt and MPhil.</p>\n<p>Areas available for research supervision include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>European art historical periods, especially Medieval, Renaissance, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th centuries, and contemporary</li>\n<li>Modernist studies, particularly Dada and Surrealism, and 19th-century avant-gardes including Whistler, Impressionism and fin-de-siècle</li>\n<li>Chinese art and culture</li>\n<li>Art theory, particularly gender and post-1945</li>\n<li>Collecting practices, collections, the art market, museums and curatorial practices, and technical art history</li>\n<li>Material culture studies, particularly decorative art; and design history, including the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh</li>\n<li>Dress and textile histories</li>\n<li>Textile conservation and textile conservation science</li>\n<li>Law and ethics approaches to cultural heritage</li>\n<li>Art law and business.</li>\n</ul>" },"iii-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Our School of Infection & Immunity is home to scientists and clinical investigators of global repute who possess the broad expertise necessary to achieve our aims.", "content": "<p>Despite the continual development of new therapies, antibiotics and vaccines, chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases still pose persistent health threats.</p>\n<p>Infectious, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases place an enormous global burden on human and animal health. The institute comprises scientists and clinicians working together to promote and develop research, drug discovery and ultimately improvements in patient care in this area of critical international importance.</p>\n<p>Our expertise is supported by state-of-the-art basic science technology, integrated seamlessly with translational clinical trial facilities. We also have numerous research links with disease endemic countries, in particular in Africa, South America and India.</p>\n<p>We aspire to a truly “bench to bedside and back” approach to resolving crucial questions of this new millennium.</p>" },"iii-pgr": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Our School of Infection & Immunity is home to scientists and clinical investigators of global repute who possess the broad expertise necessary to achieve our aims.", "content": "<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"informationstudies-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Information Studies at Glasgow offers an exciting programme of research and teaching on the creation, management and use of information in all its forms.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.</p>\n<p>Our research focuses on the following areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Theoretical approaches to information</li>\n<li>Management, curation and evaluation of digital assets</li>\n<li>Archive, records and information management</li>\n<li>Digital cultural heritage and museology</li>\n<li>Digital humanities and arts</li>\n</ul>" },"law-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "The teaching of law at the University of Glasgow dates back to the foundation of the University in 1451.", "content": "<p>The School of Law has a long and illustrious history with distinguished alumni including judges, politicians and scholars.</p>\n<p>As one of the top law schools in the UK, we enjoy a worldwide reputation for excellence in research. 90% of our research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].</p>\n<p>As a student you will have access to our excellent facilities including a dedicated law library and Moot Courtroom as well as an opportunity to take part in our vibrant seminar series, featuring talks from highly successful judges and lawyers. You will benefit from our employability experts, who organise careers events, courses and networking sessions to help you into a successful career. Studying Law at Glasgow equips you with the knowledge and skills you need in an increasingly competitive legal job market.</p>" },"law-pgt": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The teaching of law at the University of Glasgow dates back to the foundation of the University in 1451.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, LLM by Research.</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Legal theory</li>\n<li>Intellectual property</li>\n<li>International law, conflict and security</li>\n<li>Law reform and public policy</li>\n<li>Corporate and financial law.</li>\n</ul>" },"management-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Management at the University of Glasgow began in the late 1950s and is part of an internationally accredited world-class business school.", "content": "<p>We have a long tradition of research-led business and management education and development, delivered within an internationally recognised and highly regarded Russell Group University.</p>\n<p>Our aim is to help creative thinkers, managers and executives to realise their potential by stimulating interest and reflection, heightening awareness and expanding horizons. The result is research that is world-leading, innovative, significant, rigorous and featured in respected academic journals.</p>\n<p>If you study with us you will benefit from industry links which offer tangible benefits to our students. Corporate supported teaching spaces and consultancy projects provide an enhanced learning experience, while commissioned research informs our teaching, providing you with the most up-to-date management knowledge.</p>" },"management-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Management at the University of Glasgow began in the late 1950s and is part of an internationally accredited world-class business school.", "content": "<p>Management embraces diverse social science methodological traditions and research methods. Its interdisciplinarity and methodological pluralism position it well to address key contemporary concerns. We currently offer a PhD in Management.</p>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"mathematics-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Glasgow’s proud history of excellence in Mathematics dates back to the 17th century and we have one of the largest statistical groups in the UK.", "content": "<p>We offer an extensive and varied seminar programme, with members of the school involved in networks including the North British Functional Analysis Seminar, the North British Differential Equations Seminar and the London Mathematical Society Network on Classical and Quantum Integrability.</p>\n<p>Our portfolio is diverse and covers a wide range of topics such as extracting information and value from complex data, applying statistical methods and their use in medical and genetic applications, or learning practical technical expertise in data handling. </p>" },"mathematics-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Glasgow’s proud history of excellence in Mathematics dates back to the 17th century and we have one of the largest statistical groups in the UK.", "content": "<h3>Integrated PhD programme (four years)</h3>\n<p>Our PhD with Integrated Study in Mathematical Sciences is a four-year PhD programme. Successful completion of the taught component will allow you to progress to a research degree. You will submit a thesis to be examined by the end of your fourth year.</p>\n<p>We also offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Algebra</li>\n<li>Analysis</li>\n<li>Continuum mechanics</li>\n<li>Geometry and topology</li>\n<li>Integrable systems and mathematical physics</li>\n<li>Mathematical biology</li>\n<li>Number theory</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"medicine-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "The School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing is renowned for pioneering teaching methods and superb facilities for postgraduate study. We have one of the largest and most prestigious Medical Schools in Europe.", "content": "<p>The school is recognised within the University and externally for its innovative and distinctive basic science, translational and clinical research programmes in medicine, dentistry and nursing  and healthcare based on interdisciplinarity and a multi-professional approach. The school is dispersed over University and Hospital sites. </p>\n<p>Our main sites are the Wolfson Medical School Building, the New Lister Building at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and since 2015, the Teaching & Learning Centre at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.</p>\n<p>If you study with us, you can benefit from our outstanding facilities and pioneering teaching methods, including the best in clinical experience. The interface with the NHS partners is critical to our research strategy and comprises a key element for translating basic science discoveries into clinical practice with clear societal benefits.</p>\n<p>We have over 170 postgraduate research students involved in a wide range of research subject areas.</p>" },"medicine-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing is renowned for pioneering teaching methods and superb facilities for postgraduate study. We have one of the largest and most prestigious Medical Schools in Europe.", "content": "<p>We have over 170 postgraduate research students involved in a wide range of research subject areas. We offer opportunities for both clinical (MD/PhD/MSc) and non-clinical (PhD/MSc) research in a number of areas.</p>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"modernlanguagescultures-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Modern Languages & Cultures brings together expertise to help you develop proficiency in speaking, understanding, reading, writing and appreciating languages and culture.", "content": "<p>We offer expertise, teaching and supervision in a diverse range of fields within Catalan, Czech, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.</p>\n<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MLitt, MRes.</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Language and society</li>\n<li>Language teaching scholarship</li>\n<li>Visual cultures</li>\n<li>Histories and subjectivities</li>\n<li>Writing in transit/cultural translations</li>\n<li>Critical editions and translations.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"mcsb-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Molecular Biosciences at Glasgow houses a multidisciplinary centre of excellence conducting fundamental and translational life science research underpinning health and food security.", "content": "<p>Our facilities include a protein characterisation facility which allows the study of protein structure, function stability and interactions with other macromolecules in solution as well as facilities for cell biology.</p>\n<p>We are supported by a world-class technological base. This includes next-generation sequencing, microarrays, proteomics and metabolomics through the Sir Henry Wellcome Functional Genomics Facility and the Scottish National Centre for Metabolomics.</p>\n<p>We provide excellent graduate training both at Masters and PhD level. Our three taught Masters programmes allow you to work closely with members of staff carrying out internationally recognised research in their chosen field.</p>" },"mcsb-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Molecular Biosciences at Glasgow houses a multidisciplinary centre of excellence conducting fundamental and translational life science research underpinning health and food security.", "content": "<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Molecular genetics</li>\n<li>Plant science</li>\n<li>Protein structure and regulation</li>\n<li>Molecular pharmacology</li>\n<li>Cell engineering</li>\n<li>Synthetic biology</li>\n<li>Biological systems.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"music-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The University of Glasgow hosts Scotland’s leading centre for music research.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MRes.</p>\n<p>We welcome research in the following areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Composition, including experimental music and intercultural aspects of composition</li>\n<li>Historical and cultural musicology, including cross-disciplinary approaches to music analysis and criticism, music in popular culture, music and politics, and music and modernism</li>\n<li>Sonic arts and audiovisual practice, including live electronics, spatial composition, and audiovisual composition and aesthetics</li>\n<li>Performance, including historically informed performance and contemporary music practices.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"nursing-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "The Nursing & Health Care School is committed to evidence-based practice and research that enhances patient care and service delivery and which underpins our teaching.", "content": "<p>Our research activity is multi-professional, patient-centred and collaborative and sits mainly within the themes of Improving Health, Wellbeing and Care, and Education.</p>\n<p>Our Nursing & Health Care School was established with the aim of producing Graduate Nurses who were grounded in health-related scientific theory and it now has a national and international reputation for nursing education and research with the patient/client as the focus of health care.</p>" },"nursing-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The Nursing & Health Care School is committed to evidence-based practice and research that enhances patient care and service delivery and which underpins our teaching.", "content": "<p>We offer opportunities for both clinical (MD/PhD/MSc) and non-clinical (PhD/MSc) research in Nursing and Health Sciences.</p>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"philosophy-pgt": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Philosophy at Glasgow consists of a vibrant community of scholars tackling fundamental questions at the forefront of the limits of knowledge.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt and MPhil.</p>\n<p>You will have the opportunity to engage with specialist research at the interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience. The centre brings together philosophers and scientists to work on the nature of the mind, perceptual experience, virtual reality, emotions, and hedonics.</p>\n<p>You will also have the opportunity to take part in the research activities of one of the largest and most active epistemology research communities in the world, the COGITO Epistemology Research Centre. COGITO brings together specialists in contemporary epistemology, as well as at the intersection of epistemology with philosophy of language and mind, ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of gender and race.</p>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"physics-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Our Masters programmes are all accredited by the Institute of Physics. 99% of our Physics research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].", "content": "<p>Glasgow’s Institute for Gravitational Research was recently at the centre of a truly global research discovery which detected gravitational waves coming from two black holes, confirming Einstein’s theory of general relativity more than 100 years after his original prediction.</p>\n<p>Our taught programmes provide an understanding of the principles and methods covering a variety of global challenges in the areas of energy, materials, emerging technologies and the environment. We offer a diverse portfolio of specialist and interdisciplinary programmes that reflect our research strengths, successful academic collaborations and professional accreditation, all at a level appropriate for a professional physicist.</p>" },"physics-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "99% of our Physics research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].", "content": "<p><strong>About our postgraduate research</strong></p>\n<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Astronomy and astrophysics</li>\n<li>Experimental and theoretical particle physics</li>\n<li>Extreme light</li>\n<li>Gravitational research</li>\n<li>Imaging concepts</li>\n<li>Materials and condensed matter physics</li>\n<li>Nuclear and hadron physics</li>\n<li>Optics</li>\n<li>Quantum theory.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"politics-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Glasgow has a long tradition of researching and teaching politics, dating back to when Adam Smith gave a series of lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms at the University.", "content": "<p>Politics & International Relations at Glasgow produces innovative and influential research across three main clusters:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Comparative Politics, with an emphasis on the quality of democracy, political communication and processes of political transformation, especially in the rising powers of China and Russia. Cluster research groups include: citizens, communication and political actors; transformation.</li>\n<li>International Relations, especially the normative dimensions of security and EU external relations as well as development, from an empirical perspective. Associated research groups include: Historic and International Theory (HINT); Glasgow Global Security Network.</li>\n<li>Human Rights, with a focus on the politics of protection and the gender, sexuality, rights nexus. Associated research groups include: Gender & Sexualities Forum; Glasgow Human Rights Network.</li>\n</ul>" },"neuroscience-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "95% of our Psychology and Neuroscience research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].", "content": "<p>Neuroscience & Psychology offers an excellent research environment with impressive facilities and world-leading expertise. We strive to understand the human brain and behaviour at multiple levels of function, from cells to cognition and social interaction.</p>\n<p>Our research teams combine multimodal brain imaging with sophisticated analyses to study human and animal brain functioning, or examine fundamental mechanisms of social perception, social cognition and social interaction, along with applications in the domains of health and artificial agents.</p>" },"neuroscience-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "95% of our Psychology and Neuroscience research has been evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ in the latest Research Excellence Framework [2021].", "content": "<p>MSc and PhD opportunities include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Non-invasive multimodal brain imaging using fMRI</li>\n<li>Sensory and cognitive processing using MEG/EEG</li>\n<li>Functions of brain oscillations</li>\n<li>Neuromodulation via TMS</li>\n<li>Brainstem circuits in pain; spinal cord injury</li>\n<li>Schizophrenia</li>\n<li>Autism</li>\n<li>Stroke (experimental; preclinical and clinical)</li>\n<li>Translational neuroscience</li>\n<li>Laminar cortical circuits in animals and humans</li>\n<li>Cortical circuits mediating perception and memory</li>\n<li>Circadian rhythms</li>\n<li>Visual perception and cognition</li>\n<li>Social signal processing (emotion, kinship)</li>\n<li>Language production and comprehension</li>\n<li>Health behaviour (eating, stress)</li>\n<li>Virtual agents and social robotics</li>\n<li>Statistical and scientific methodology.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Please contact a potential supervisor before applying.</p>" },"scottishliterature-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "The University of Glasgow hosts the only academic unit in the world exclusively dedicated to the teaching and research of Scottish Literature.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.</p>\n<p>The MPhil in Scottish Literature allows you to undertake an independent piece of research in one year, providing you with grounding for further doctoral study.</p>\n<p>Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate research include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Scottish literature of the 16th and 17th century Renaissance</li>\n<li>18th-century literary tradition</li>\n<li>Robert Burns studies</li>\n<li>Scottish romanticism</li>\n<li>20th-century Scottish modernism</li>\n<li>Contemporary Scottish literature.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"sociology-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Sociology at Glasgow is home to world-leading research which explores the causes, consequences and resistance to forms of social inequality. ", "content": "<p>For more than 50 years, Glasgow sociologists have been conducting empirical and scholarly research characterised by rigour, methodological innovation and committed engagement with communities and movements beyond the University. </p>\n<p>Key areas of expertise include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Anthropological research</li>\n<li>Crime, criminal justice and punishment</li>\n<li>Disability</li>\n<li>Gender and sexuality</li>\n<li>Health</li>\n<li>Media and culture</li>\n<li>Racism, nationalism and migration</li>\n<li>Social theory.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Our programmes provide you with the intellectual and methodological skills to critically investigate a range of crucial social questions and developments. </p>" },"sociology-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Sociology at Glasgow is home to world-leading research which explores the causes, consequences and resistance to forms of social inequality. ", "content": "<p>We support PhDs involving research into all the areas identified above, and which is informed by sociological, criminological or anthropological approaches. We particularly welcome research that makes use of novel methods, or which might be pursued in collaboration with non-academic partners.</p>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"statistics-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Glasgow’s proud history of excellence in Mathematics dates back to the 17th century and we have one of the largest statistical groups in the UK.", "content": "<h3>Integrated PhD programme (four years)</h3>\n<p>Our PhD with Integrated Study in Mathematical Sciences is a four-year PhD programme. Successful completion of the taught component will allow you to progress to a research degree. You will submit a thesis to be examined by the end of your fourth year.</p>\n<p>We also offer the following research study options: PhD, MPhil, MSc(Res).</p>\n<p>Our research areas include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Algebra</li>\n<li>Analysis</li>\n<li>Continuum mechanics</li>\n<li>Geometry and topology</li>\n<li>Integrable systems and mathematical physics</li>\n<li>Mathematical biology</li>\n<li>Number theory</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"theatre-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Glasgow is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for the teaching, practice and research of Theatre Studies. ", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options: PhD, MLitt, MPhil and MRes.</p>\n<p>Topics in which we would welcome postgraduate research include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Dramaturgical practices and playwriting</li>\n<li>Contemporary European/UK theatre and performance practices</li>\n<li>Live art and interdisciplinary practice</li>\n<li>Media and digital arts</li>\n<li>Ecology, environment and heritage</li>\n<li>History and historiography</li>\n<li>Queer/gender theory</li>\n<li>Social/political arts practices and theory.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/theatre/">Postgraduate research opportunities: Theatre Studies</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"theology-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Theology or divinity has been taught at the University since its foundation in 1451.", "content": "<p>We offer the following research study options:</p>\n<p>PhD, MPhil/MTh, MLitt (Theology and Creative Practice) and MRes.</p>\n<p>Our main collective research topics are:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Religion and politics</li>\n<li>Religion and identity</li>\n<li>Scripts, scriptures and textual analysis</li>\n<li>Applied theology</li>\n<li>History of religion</li>\n<li>Theology through creative practice.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"urbanstudies-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Urban Studies at Glasgow is widely recognised as a world-leading centre for innovative, interdisciplinary urban research with high international impact.", "content": "<p>In the latest Research Excellence Framework (2021) 96% of our research was evaluated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’.</p>\n<p>Within the field of Urban Studies, research spans all aspects of social and urban policy, including social, economic and physical change in cities and a focus on communities, disability, governance, health, housing, inequalities, planning, welfare reform, transport and real estate.</p>\n<p>You will learn from academics considered leaders in their fields and gain vital practical knowledge for shaping places, strengthening communities and improving policymaking.</p>" },"urbanstudies-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Urban Studies at Glasgow is widely recognised as a world-leading centre for innovative, interdisciplinary urban research with high international impact.", "content": "<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Crime</li>\n<li>Disability</li>\n<li>Education</li>\n<li>Health</li>\n<li>Housing</li>\n<li>Labour markets</li>\n<li>Planning</li>\n<li>Real estate</li>\n<li>Systems of governance</li>\n<li>The environment</li>\n<li>Urban analytics</li>\n<li>Urban transport</li>\n<li>Welfare reform</li>\n<li>Youth policy. </li>\n</ul>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/schools/socialpolitical/research/urbanstudies/">Urban Studies research</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" },"veterinary-pgt": { "heading": "", "introduction": "Glasgow is a global centre for veterinary medicine excellence, attracting students, researchers and clinicians from around the world.", "content": "<p>Our internationally accredited school provides an expert referral centre, via the Small Animal Hospital, the Weipers Centre for Equine Welfare and the Scottish Centre for Production Animal Health & Welfare for animal owners and referring practitioners throughout the UK. </p>\n<p>Veterinary medicine research at Glasgow has had lasting impacts in the animal welfare industry and charities, global health bodies and government policymaking, and a broad range of commercial industry. Key areas of research excellence include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Infectious disease</li>\n<li>Comparative medicine and biology</li>\n<li>Clinical veterinary science.</li>\n</ul>" },"veterinary-pgr": { "heading": "Postgraduate research", "introduction": "Glasgow is a global centre for veterinary medicine excellence, attracting students, researchers and clinicians from around the world.", "content": "<p>We offer PhDs in the following research areas:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Veterinary epidemiology</li>\n<li>Advanced veterinary diagnostic imaging</li>\n<li>Equine infectious disease</li>\n<li>Equine, ruminant and poultry nutrition</li>\n<li>Veterinary microbiology</li>\n<li>Small animal endocrinology, nutrition and obesity</li>\n<li>Veterinary reproduction</li>\n<li>Veterinary neurology</li>\n<li>Veterinary oncology</li>\n<li>Veterinary pathology</li>\n<li>Veterinary public health</li>\n<li>Small animal cardiology.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may want to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your research proposal before you apply.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href="/postgraduate/research/supervisors/">Staff research interests search</a></li>\n</ul>" }, "0": ""}