Professor Roderick Galbraith
- Honorary Senior Research Fellow (School of Engineering)
R721 Level 7, Aerospace Sciences, James Watt Building South, Glasgow G12 8QQ
Mat, S. B., Green, R. , Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2016) The effect of edge profile on delta wing flow. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 230(7), pp. 1252-1262. (doi: 10.1177/0954410015606939)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. and Chan, W. (2010) Advancement of aerofoil section dynamic stall synthesis methods for rotor design. In: Heli Japan 2010: Advanced Rotor Technology and Safety Operations, Saitama, Japan, 1-3 Nov 2010,
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (2010) Applications of low speed dynamic stall model to the NREL airfoils. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 132(1), 011006-1-011006-8. (doi: 10.1115/1.4000329)
Coton, F., Mat, S., Galbraith, R. and Gilmour, R. (2009) The effect of leading edge radius on a 65 degree delta wing. In: 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, USA, 5 - 8 January 2009,
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2009) On the S809 airfoil's unsteady aerodynamics characteristics. Wind Energy, 12(8), pp. 752-767. (doi: 10.1002/we.331)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. A. M. and Coton, F. N. (2008) Prediction of dynamic stall onset for oscillatory low speed aerofoils. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 130(10), 101204. (doi: 10.1115/1.2969450)
Patek, Z., Smrcek, L. and Galbraith, R. (2008) Performance degradation of a simulated ice contaminated airfoil by super-cooled droplets. In: International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Anchorage, USA, 14-19 Sep 2008,
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. A. and Coton, F. N. (2008) A modified dynamic stall model for low mach numbers. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 130(3), 031013-1. (doi: 10.1115/1.2931509)
Brown, R., Fletcher, T., Galbraith, R. and York, C. (2008) High Specification Offshore Blades: Work Package: 1B: Blades Design. [Research Reports or Papers]
Coton, F.N., Mat, S.B., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Gilmour, R. (2008) Low speed wind tunnel characterization of the VFE-2 wing. In: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 7th - 10th January 2008,
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2008) Application of a low-speed dynamic stall model to the NREL airfoils. In: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 7 - 10 Jan 2008,
Spentzos, A., Barakos, G. N. , Badcock, K. J., Richards, B. E., Coton, F. N., Galbraith, R. A. M., Berton, E. and Favier, D. (2007) Computational fluid dynamics study of three-dimensional, dynamic stall of various planform shapes. Journal of Aircraft, 44(4), pp. 1118-1128. (doi: 10.2514/1.24331)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. A. and Coton, F. N. (2007) Improved dynamic-stall-onset criterion at low Mach numbers. Journal of Aircraft, 44(3), pp. 1049-1052. (doi: 10.2514/1.29163)
Galbraith, R. (2007) Return from Airfoil Stall During Ramp-Down Pitching Motions. Journal of Aircraft, 44(6), pp. 1856-1864. (doi: 10.2514/1.30554)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (2006) A new stall-onset criterion for low speed dynamic-stall. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 128(4), pp. 461-471. (doi: 10.1115/1.2346703)
Singh, C., Peake, D., Kokkalis, A., Khodagolian, V., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2006) Control of rotorcraft retreating blade stall using air-set vortex generators. Journal of Aircraft, 43, pp. 1169-1176.
Thomson, D.G. , Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2005) A simulation study of helicopter ship landing procedures incorporating measured flow-field data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 219, pp. 411-427. (doi: 10.1243/095441.005X30351)
Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R., Wang, T. and Newman, S. (2004) A wind-tunnel based study of helicopter tail rotor blade vortex interaction. Aeronautical Journal, 108, pp. 237-244.
Galbraith, R.A.M. (2004) Two Hundred Years of Aviation. In: Transactions of the IESIS, Glasgow, pp. 1-17.
Munduate, X., Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2004) An investigation of the aerodynamic response of a wind turbine blade to tower shadow. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 126, pp. 1034-1040. (doi: 10.1115/1.1765683)
Cameron, D., Galbraith, R.A. and Thomson, D.G. (2003) From Pilcher to the Planets. University of Glasgow: Glasgow, UK. ISBN 085216778X
Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2003) An Examination of Dynamic Stall on an Oscillating Rectangular Wing. In: 21st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 1-8.
Ferrecchia, A., Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2003) An investigation of dynamic stall onset on a pitching wing. Aeronautical Journal, 107, pp. 487-494.
Fleming, A., Campbell, T., and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2002) The Simulation of Underhood Thermal Management Systems. In: Testing Expo, Stuttgart, pp. 1-7.
Galbraith, R. (2002) An Examination of Key Aerodynamic Modelling Issues Raised by the NREL Blind Comparison. Wind Energy, 5(02-Mar), pp. 199-212.
Sheng, W., Campbell, T. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2002) The Application of CFD to Wind Tunnel Testing of Vehicles. In: Testing Expo, Stuttgart, pp. 1-13.
Wang, T., Doolan, C., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2002) Experimental study of the three dimensionality of orthogonal blade-vortex interaction. AIAA Journal, 40, pp. 2037-2046.
Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2001) The effect of wing planform shape on dynamic stall. Aeronautical Journal, 105, pp. 151-159.
Doolan, C., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2001) The effect of a preceding blade on the orthogonal vortex interaction. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 46, pp. 221-227.
Doolan, C., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2001) Surface pressure measurements of the orthogonal vortex interaction. AIAA Journal, 39, pp. 88-95.
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Green, R.B. and Masson, C.A. (1998) Blade Vortex Interaction Studies. Department of Aerospace Engineering report 9803. [Research Reports or Papers]
Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Copland, C.M. (1998) A Feasibility Study into the Generation of Transverse and Longitudinal Vortices in Low Speed Wind Tunnels. Internal Report 9828. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Grant, I. (1998) An Experimental and Numerical Study to Validate an Aerodynamic Model of Yawed Flow Over a Wind Turbine. Internal Report Number 9825. [Research Reports or Papers]
Anderson, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Green, R. and Vezza, M. (1996) The Horn, Polkemmet: Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Response Characteristics. G.U. Aero Report 9609. [Research Reports or Papers]
Copland, C.M., Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1996) Use of a Numerical Model in the Conceptual Design of a New Blade Vortex Interaction Facility. Department of Aerospace Engineering internal report no. 9509. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Jiang, D. (1995) An Investigation of Three-Dimensional Dynamic Stall. G.U. Aero Report 9542. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Vezza, M. and Robinson, D.J. (1995) A Prescribed Wake Model for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Incorporating Yaw and Dynamic Inflow. G.U. Aero Report 9543. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Anderson, J. and Vezza, M. (1995) A Review of the Susceptibility of the Scalpay Bridge to Aerodynamic Effects. G.U. Aero Report 9512. [Research Reports or Papers]
Green, R.B. , Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (1994) An Investigation of Re-Establishment of Fully Attached Aerofoil Flow from Stall in Unsteady Conditions. G.U. Aero Report 9431. [Research Reports or Papers]
Robison, D.J., Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Vezza, M. (1994) The Development of a Prescribed Wake Model for the Prediction of the Aerodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines in Steady Axial Flow. Departmental report no. 9403. [Research Reports or Papers]
Vezza, M. , Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1993) Wind Tunnel Investigations into the Air Flow around the Existing and Proposed Bridges at Kingston. G.U. Aero Report 9316. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Jiang, D. (1992) Aerodynamic Design of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. G.U. Aero Report 9246. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Leitch, E. (1992) Summary of Pressure Data for Thirteen Aerofoils on the University of Glasgow's Aerofoil Database. G.U. Aero Report 9221. [Research Reports or Papers]
Niven, A.J., Gracey, M.W. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a NACA 23012A Aerofoil. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on an AHAVAW Aerofoil. Volume I: Pressure Data from Ramp Function Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9212. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on an AHAVAW Aerofoil. Volume II: Pressure Data from Oscillatory Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9213. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F. N., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on an AHAVAW Aerofoil. Volume III: Pressure Data Relevant to the Study of Large-scale Vertical-axis Wind-Turbines. G.U. Aero Report 9214. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a GUVA10 Aerofoil. Volume I: Pressure Data from Ramp Function Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9217. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a GUVA10 Aerofoil. Volume II: Pressure Data from Oscillatory Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9218. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a GUVA10 Aerofoil. Volume III: Pressure Data Relevant to the Study of Large-scale Vertical-axis Wind-Turbines. G.U. Aero report no 9219. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R. A. M., Dachun, J., Green, R. B. , Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on NACA 0015 Aerofoil with Chord of Length 0.275m. G.U. Aero Report 9209. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a NACA 0012 Aerofoil. Volume I: Pressure Data from Ramp Function Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9207. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R. A. M., Gracey, M.W. and Leitch, E. (1992) Contract Report for The Science And Engineering Research Council. Contract Number Gr/F/06760. G.U. Aero Report 9201. [Research Reports or Papers]
Gracey, M.W. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1989) Data for a NACA 23012C Aerofoil Pitched about its Quarter Chord Axis. Volume II: Pressure Data from Oscillatory Tests. G.U. Aero report 8902. [Research Reports or Papers]
Gracey, M.W. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1989) Data for a NACA 23012C Aerofoil Pitched about its Quarter Chord Axis. Volume I: Pressure data from static and ramp function tests, with photographs of oil-flow visualisation tests. [Research Reports or Papers]
Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1987) A Direct Viscid-Inviscid Interaction Scheme for the Prediction of 2-Dimensional Aerofoil Performance in Incompressible Flow. G.U. Aero Report 8701. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G., Seto, L.Y. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1986) Collected Data for Oscillatory Pitch Tests on a NACA 23012 Aerofoil. Volume 1: Description and Pressure Data for a Reynolds Number 1.0 Million. G.U. Aero Report 8600. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G., Seto, L.Y. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1986) Collected Data for Sinusoidal Tests on a NACA 23012 Aerofoil. Volume 2: Pressure Data for a Reynolds Number of 1.5 Million. G.U. Aero Report 8600. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1985) An Algorithm for the Calculation of the Potential Flow about an Arbitrary Two Dimensional Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8502. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1985) Comments on the Prediction of Dynamic Stall. G.U. Aero Report 8501. [Research Reports or Papers]
Niven, A.J. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) An Investigation into the Three-Dimensional Stall Development on a Modified NACA 23012 Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8414. [Research Reports or Papers]
Seto, L.Y. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) The Collected Data for Ramp Function Tests on a NACA 23012 Aerofoil. Volume 1: Description and Pressure Data. G.U. Aero Report 8413. [Research Reports or Papers]
Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) Modelling of Unsteady, Incompressible Separation on an Aerofoil Using an Inviscid Flow Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 8412. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) The Aerodynamic Characteristics of a GU25-5(11)8 Aerofoil for Low Reynolds' Numbers. G.U. Aero Report 8410. [Research Reports or Papers]
Niven, A.J. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) A Design Procedure to Modify the Trailing Edge Upper Surface Pressure Gradient of a Given Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8408. [Research Reports or Papers]
Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) A Method for Predicting Unsteady Potential Flow About an Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8401. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1982) An Aspect of Aerofoil Lift and Pressure Distribution: Lecture Given to the Glasgow University Maclaurin Society on 17th November, 1982. G.U. Aero Report 8207. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G., Hanna, J. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1982) Modelling of Trailing Edge Separation on Arbitary Two-Dimensional Aerofoils in Incompressible Flow Using an Inviscid Flow Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 8202. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1977) The Prediction of Turbulent Boundary Layers. G.U. Aero Report 7702. [Research Reports or Papers]
Mat, S. B., Green, R. , Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2016) The effect of edge profile on delta wing flow. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 230(7), pp. 1252-1262. (doi: 10.1177/0954410015606939)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (2010) Applications of low speed dynamic stall model to the NREL airfoils. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 132(1), 011006-1-011006-8. (doi: 10.1115/1.4000329)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2009) On the S809 airfoil's unsteady aerodynamics characteristics. Wind Energy, 12(8), pp. 752-767. (doi: 10.1002/we.331)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. A. M. and Coton, F. N. (2008) Prediction of dynamic stall onset for oscillatory low speed aerofoils. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 130(10), 101204. (doi: 10.1115/1.2969450)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. A. and Coton, F. N. (2008) A modified dynamic stall model for low mach numbers. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 130(3), 031013-1. (doi: 10.1115/1.2931509)
Spentzos, A., Barakos, G. N. , Badcock, K. J., Richards, B. E., Coton, F. N., Galbraith, R. A. M., Berton, E. and Favier, D. (2007) Computational fluid dynamics study of three-dimensional, dynamic stall of various planform shapes. Journal of Aircraft, 44(4), pp. 1118-1128. (doi: 10.2514/1.24331)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. A. and Coton, F. N. (2007) Improved dynamic-stall-onset criterion at low Mach numbers. Journal of Aircraft, 44(3), pp. 1049-1052. (doi: 10.2514/1.29163)
Galbraith, R. (2007) Return from Airfoil Stall During Ramp-Down Pitching Motions. Journal of Aircraft, 44(6), pp. 1856-1864. (doi: 10.2514/1.30554)
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (2006) A new stall-onset criterion for low speed dynamic-stall. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 128(4), pp. 461-471. (doi: 10.1115/1.2346703)
Singh, C., Peake, D., Kokkalis, A., Khodagolian, V., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2006) Control of rotorcraft retreating blade stall using air-set vortex generators. Journal of Aircraft, 43, pp. 1169-1176.
Thomson, D.G. , Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2005) A simulation study of helicopter ship landing procedures incorporating measured flow-field data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 219, pp. 411-427. (doi: 10.1243/095441.005X30351)
Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R., Wang, T. and Newman, S. (2004) A wind-tunnel based study of helicopter tail rotor blade vortex interaction. Aeronautical Journal, 108, pp. 237-244.
Munduate, X., Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2004) An investigation of the aerodynamic response of a wind turbine blade to tower shadow. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 126, pp. 1034-1040. (doi: 10.1115/1.1765683)
Ferrecchia, A., Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2003) An investigation of dynamic stall onset on a pitching wing. Aeronautical Journal, 107, pp. 487-494.
Galbraith, R. (2002) An Examination of Key Aerodynamic Modelling Issues Raised by the NREL Blind Comparison. Wind Energy, 5(02-Mar), pp. 199-212.
Wang, T., Doolan, C., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2002) Experimental study of the three dimensionality of orthogonal blade-vortex interaction. AIAA Journal, 40, pp. 2037-2046.
Coton, F., Galbraith, R. and Green, R. (2001) The effect of wing planform shape on dynamic stall. Aeronautical Journal, 105, pp. 151-159.
Doolan, C., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2001) The effect of a preceding blade on the orthogonal vortex interaction. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 46, pp. 221-227.
Doolan, C., Coton, F. and Galbraith, R. (2001) Surface pressure measurements of the orthogonal vortex interaction. AIAA Journal, 39, pp. 88-95.
Cameron, D., Galbraith, R.A. and Thomson, D.G. (2003) From Pilcher to the Planets. University of Glasgow: Glasgow, UK. ISBN 085216778X
Research Reports or Papers
Brown, R., Fletcher, T., Galbraith, R. and York, C. (2008) High Specification Offshore Blades: Work Package: 1B: Blades Design. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Green, R.B. and Masson, C.A. (1998) Blade Vortex Interaction Studies. Department of Aerospace Engineering report 9803. [Research Reports or Papers]
Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Copland, C.M. (1998) A Feasibility Study into the Generation of Transverse and Longitudinal Vortices in Low Speed Wind Tunnels. Internal Report 9828. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Grant, I. (1998) An Experimental and Numerical Study to Validate an Aerodynamic Model of Yawed Flow Over a Wind Turbine. Internal Report Number 9825. [Research Reports or Papers]
Anderson, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Green, R. and Vezza, M. (1996) The Horn, Polkemmet: Experimental Assessment of the Aerodynamic Response Characteristics. G.U. Aero Report 9609. [Research Reports or Papers]
Copland, C.M., Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1996) Use of a Numerical Model in the Conceptual Design of a New Blade Vortex Interaction Facility. Department of Aerospace Engineering internal report no. 9509. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Jiang, D. (1995) An Investigation of Three-Dimensional Dynamic Stall. G.U. Aero Report 9542. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Vezza, M. and Robinson, D.J. (1995) A Prescribed Wake Model for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Incorporating Yaw and Dynamic Inflow. G.U. Aero Report 9543. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Anderson, J. and Vezza, M. (1995) A Review of the Susceptibility of the Scalpay Bridge to Aerodynamic Effects. G.U. Aero Report 9512. [Research Reports or Papers]
Green, R.B. , Galbraith, R.A.M. and Coton, F.N. (1994) An Investigation of Re-Establishment of Fully Attached Aerofoil Flow from Stall in Unsteady Conditions. G.U. Aero Report 9431. [Research Reports or Papers]
Robison, D.J., Coton, F.N., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Vezza, M. (1994) The Development of a Prescribed Wake Model for the Prediction of the Aerodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines in Steady Axial Flow. Departmental report no. 9403. [Research Reports or Papers]
Vezza, M. , Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1993) Wind Tunnel Investigations into the Air Flow around the Existing and Proposed Bridges at Kingston. G.U. Aero Report 9316. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Jiang, D. (1992) Aerodynamic Design of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. G.U. Aero Report 9246. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Leitch, E. (1992) Summary of Pressure Data for Thirteen Aerofoils on the University of Glasgow's Aerofoil Database. G.U. Aero Report 9221. [Research Reports or Papers]
Niven, A.J., Gracey, M.W. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a NACA 23012A Aerofoil. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on an AHAVAW Aerofoil. Volume I: Pressure Data from Ramp Function Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9212. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F.N., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on an AHAVAW Aerofoil. Volume II: Pressure Data from Oscillatory Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9213. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Coton, F. N., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on an AHAVAW Aerofoil. Volume III: Pressure Data Relevant to the Study of Large-scale Vertical-axis Wind-Turbines. G.U. Aero Report 9214. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a GUVA10 Aerofoil. Volume I: Pressure Data from Ramp Function Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9217. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a GUVA10 Aerofoil. Volume II: Pressure Data from Oscillatory Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9218. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dachun, J., Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a GUVA10 Aerofoil. Volume III: Pressure Data Relevant to the Study of Large-scale Vertical-axis Wind-Turbines. G.U. Aero report no 9219. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R. A. M., Dachun, J., Green, R. B. , Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on NACA 0015 Aerofoil with Chord of Length 0.275m. G.U. Aero Report 9209. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M., Gracey, M.W. and Gilmour, R. (1992) Collected Data for Tests on a NACA 0012 Aerofoil. Volume I: Pressure Data from Ramp Function Tests. G.U. Aero Report 9207. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R. A. M., Gracey, M.W. and Leitch, E. (1992) Contract Report for The Science And Engineering Research Council. Contract Number Gr/F/06760. G.U. Aero Report 9201. [Research Reports or Papers]
Gracey, M.W. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1989) Data for a NACA 23012C Aerofoil Pitched about its Quarter Chord Axis. Volume II: Pressure Data from Oscillatory Tests. G.U. Aero report 8902. [Research Reports or Papers]
Gracey, M.W. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1989) Data for a NACA 23012C Aerofoil Pitched about its Quarter Chord Axis. Volume I: Pressure data from static and ramp function tests, with photographs of oil-flow visualisation tests. [Research Reports or Papers]
Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1987) A Direct Viscid-Inviscid Interaction Scheme for the Prediction of 2-Dimensional Aerofoil Performance in Incompressible Flow. G.U. Aero Report 8701. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G., Seto, L.Y. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1986) Collected Data for Oscillatory Pitch Tests on a NACA 23012 Aerofoil. Volume 1: Description and Pressure Data for a Reynolds Number 1.0 Million. G.U. Aero Report 8600. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G., Seto, L.Y. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1986) Collected Data for Sinusoidal Tests on a NACA 23012 Aerofoil. Volume 2: Pressure Data for a Reynolds Number of 1.5 Million. G.U. Aero Report 8600. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1985) An Algorithm for the Calculation of the Potential Flow about an Arbitrary Two Dimensional Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8502. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1985) Comments on the Prediction of Dynamic Stall. G.U. Aero Report 8501. [Research Reports or Papers]
Niven, A.J. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) An Investigation into the Three-Dimensional Stall Development on a Modified NACA 23012 Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8414. [Research Reports or Papers]
Seto, L.Y. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) The Collected Data for Ramp Function Tests on a NACA 23012 Aerofoil. Volume 1: Description and Pressure Data. G.U. Aero Report 8413. [Research Reports or Papers]
Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) Modelling of Unsteady, Incompressible Separation on an Aerofoil Using an Inviscid Flow Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 8412. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) The Aerodynamic Characteristics of a GU25-5(11)8 Aerofoil for Low Reynolds' Numbers. G.U. Aero Report 8410. [Research Reports or Papers]
Niven, A.J. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) A Design Procedure to Modify the Trailing Edge Upper Surface Pressure Gradient of a Given Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8408. [Research Reports or Papers]
Vezza, M. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1984) A Method for Predicting Unsteady Potential Flow About an Aerofoil. G.U. Aero Report 8401. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1982) An Aspect of Aerofoil Lift and Pressure Distribution: Lecture Given to the Glasgow University Maclaurin Society on 17th November, 1982. G.U. Aero Report 8207. [Research Reports or Papers]
Leishman, J.G., Hanna, J. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (1982) Modelling of Trailing Edge Separation on Arbitary Two-Dimensional Aerofoils in Incompressible Flow Using an Inviscid Flow Algorithm. G.U. Aero Report 8202. [Research Reports or Papers]
Galbraith, R.A.M. (1977) The Prediction of Turbulent Boundary Layers. G.U. Aero Report 7702. [Research Reports or Papers]
Conference Proceedings
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. and Chan, W. (2010) Advancement of aerofoil section dynamic stall synthesis methods for rotor design. In: Heli Japan 2010: Advanced Rotor Technology and Safety Operations, Saitama, Japan, 1-3 Nov 2010,
Coton, F., Mat, S., Galbraith, R. and Gilmour, R. (2009) The effect of leading edge radius on a 65 degree delta wing. In: 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, USA, 5 - 8 January 2009,
Patek, Z., Smrcek, L. and Galbraith, R. (2008) Performance degradation of a simulated ice contaminated airfoil by super-cooled droplets. In: International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Anchorage, USA, 14-19 Sep 2008,
Coton, F.N., Mat, S.B., Galbraith, R.A.M. and Gilmour, R. (2008) Low speed wind tunnel characterization of the VFE-2 wing. In: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 7th - 10th January 2008,
Sheng, W., Galbraith, R. and Coton, F. (2008) Application of a low-speed dynamic stall model to the NREL airfoils. In: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 7 - 10 Jan 2008,
Galbraith, R.A.M. (2004) Two Hundred Years of Aviation. In: Transactions of the IESIS, Glasgow, pp. 1-17.
Coton, F.N. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2003) An Examination of Dynamic Stall on an Oscillating Rectangular Wing. In: 21st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 1-8.
Fleming, A., Campbell, T., and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2002) The Simulation of Underhood Thermal Management Systems. In: Testing Expo, Stuttgart, pp. 1-7.
Sheng, W., Campbell, T. and Galbraith, R.A.M. (2002) The Application of CFD to Wind Tunnel Testing of Vehicles. In: Testing Expo, Stuttgart, pp. 1-13.