Research & Teaching
- Adams, Professor Dave (Professor of Materials Chemistry)
- Anwar, Dr Ayaz (Research Assistant)
- Beaton Garcia, Dr Alexander (Research Associate in Air Sensitive Chemical Automation)
- Bell, Dr Nicola (EPSRC Open Fellow (Digital Inorganic Chemistry))
- Bianco, Ms Simona (Research Assistant)
- Bryden, Dr Megan (Lecturer)
- Bucher, Dr Goetz (Lecturer)
- Caldwell, Dr Stuart (Research Associate)
- Cao, Dr Tingting (Research Associate: Digital Chemistry and Chemputation)
- Capper, Dr Michael (Research Associate)
- Chaubey, Mr Shailendra Kumar (Research Associate)
- Clark, Professor Stephen (Chair in Organic Chemistry)
- Cooke, Professor Graeme (Professor of Physical Organic Chemistry)
- Cooper, Dr Geoff (Research Fellow)
- Cronin, Professor Lee (Regius Chair of Chemistry)
- Daisley, Dr Angela (Research Associate)
- Das, Dr Ankita (Research Associate)
- Dietrich, Dr Bart (Research Associate)
- Docampo, Dr Pablo (Reader)
- Docherty, Dr Frances (Senior Lecturer)
- Dong, Dr Yue (Research Associate: Digital Chemistry and Chemputation)
- Draper, Professor Emily (Professor of Soft Materials)
- Drummond Turnbull, Mr Richard (Research Associate)
- Ertekin, Dr Zeliha (Research Associate)
- Farnaby, Dr Joy (Senior Lecturer)
- Felion, Dr Celeste (Research Assistant)
- Forgan, Professor Ross (Professor of Supramolecular and Materials Chemistry)
- France, Dr David (Senior Lecturer)
- Ganin, Dr Alexey (Senior Lecturer)
- Ghosh, Dr Dipankar (Research Associate)
- Gibson, Dr Emma (Senior Lecturer)
- Gonzalez Jimenez, Dr Mario (Research Associate)
- Goto, Miss An (Research Associate)
- Gottardi, Dr Cosma (Lecturer)
- Gregory, Professor Duncan (Chair in Inorganic Materials)
- Guillen Soler, Ms Melanie (Research Associate)
- Hargreaves, Professor Justin (Professor of Catalytic Materials Chemistry, Head of School, Chemistry)
- Hartley, Professor Richard (Professor of Chemical Biology)
- Hedley, Dr Gordon (Senior Lecturer)
- Hussien, Mrs Eman (Research Assistant)
- Jamieson, Professor Andrew (Professor of Chemical Biology)
- Jirasek, Dr Michael (Research Fellow)
- Kadodwala, Professor Malcolm (Gardiner Chair)
- Kanibolotska, Dr Lyudmyla (Research Associate)
- Kanibolotskyy, Dr Oleksandr (Research Associate)
- Kitson, Dr Philip (Research Fellow)
- Knittl-Frank, Dr Rer Nat Christian (Research Fellow: Digital Chemistry and Chemputation)
- Kumar, Mr Nitin (Marie Curie ITN Researcher)
- Lapetaje, Dr Jerson (Research Assistant)
- Lapthorn, Dr Adrian (Senior Lecturer)
- Lennon, Professor David (Professor of Physical Chemistry)
- Li, Mr Weihao (Research Assistant)
- Liao, Dr Zhiyu (Research Associate)
- Lin, Dr Sonia (Research Associate: Chemical Intelligence)
- Loch, Dr Alex (UK IC Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
- Long, Dr Deliang (Senior Research Fellow)
- Lu, Dr Bingyuan (Research Fellow: Digital Chemical Robotics)
- Magennis, Dr Steven (Reader in Physical Chemistry)
- Majhi, Dr Pankaj (Research Assistant)
- Marshall, Miss Libby (Research Associate)
- McCone, Dr Jordan (Lecturer in Organic Chemistry)
- Mcerlain, Dr Holly (Research Associate)
- McGrory, Miss Rochelle (Research Associate: Peptide Chemist)
- Mehr, Dr Hessam (Research Fellow)
- Moiras, Professor Haralampos (Professor of Inorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry)
- Morales Parra, Mr Juan (Research Associate: Chemical Intelligence)
- Murrie, Professor Mark (Professor)
- Odedra, Dr Smita (Senior Lecturer)
- Paschke, Dr Beth (Senior Lecturer)
- Patarroyo, Mr Keith (Research Associate in Chemical Computing)
- Peveler, Dr William (Senior Lecturer)
- Pirvan, Mr Petrisor-Alin (Research Associate in Digital Chemistry with Chemical Robotics and Drug Discovery)
- Price, Dr Daniel (Senior Lecturer)
- Prunet, Dr Joelle (Senior Lecturer)
- Rauschen, Mr Robert (Research Associate)
- Riley, Dr Leanne (Lecturer)
- Russell, Dr Ben (Research Associate)
- Rutter, Dr Lindsay (Research Fellow in Software Engineering for Digital Chemical Robotics)
- Schmidt, Dr Bernhard (Lecturer in Synthetic Polymer Chemistry)
- Seet, Mr Ian (Research Associate)
- Senn, Dr Hans (Lecturer in Theoretical & Computational Chemistry)
- Sharma, Mr Abhishek (Research Fellow in Chemical Computing)
- Shepperson, Dr Oscar (Research Assistant)
- Shmarov, Dr Ivan (Research Associate: Digital Chemical Robotics)
- Skabara, Professor Peter (Ramsay Chair of Chemistry)
- Soler, Dr Linnea (Senior Lecturer)
- Sproules, Dr Stephen (Lecturer in inorganic Chemistry)
- Srirangam Nallan Chakravarthula, Dr Sridhar (Research Associate)
- Sutherland, Professor Andrew (Professor of Organic Chemistry)
- Symes, Professor Mark (Professor of Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Technology)
- Tam, Mr Jerry (Research Assistant)
- Thomas, Dr Dean (Research Fellow)
- Thomson, Dr Drew (Lecturer)
- Tyler, Mr Tristan (Research Associate)
- Vila-Nadal, Dr Laia (Lecturer in Molecular Metal Oxide Chemistry)
- Wade, Dr Nicola (Research Associate)
- Wang, Miss Hsin (Research Associate)
- Watts, Dr Ciorsdaidh (Senior Lecturer)
- Wilkinson, Dr Dylan (Research Associate)
- Wynne, Professor Klaas (Chair in Chemical Physics)
- Yusuf, Dr Lukman (Research Associate)
Tutors & Demonstrators
- Aboorh, Mr Ahmed (Demonstrator)
- Abraham, Miss Temitope (Demonstrator)
- Acs, Miss Emmanuelle (Demonstrator)
- Ambethkar, Mr Arivarasan (Demonstrator)
- Aminu, Mrs Amina (Demonstrator)
- Angus, Mr Fraser (Demonstrator)
- Arnott, Miss Kirsty (Demonstrator)
- Balkaya, Mr Tuncay (Demonstrator)
- Ballas, Mr Christos (Demonstrator)
- Batziaka, Miss Malamati (Demonstrator)
- Bayliss, Ms Niamh (Demonstrators)
- Bowley, Miss Emma (Demonstrator)
- Brettell, Ms Skye (Demonstrator)
- Broadhurst, Mr Daniel (Demonstrator)
- Brydson, Miss Rowan (Demonstrator)
- Bryson, Miss Charlotte (Demonstrator)
- Burianova, Ms Valeriia (Demonstrator)
- Cardwell, Mr Patrick (Demonstrator)
- Chadwick, Miss Jessica (Demonstrator)
- Choudhary, Ms Aakanksha (Demonstrator)
- Dong, Mr Jiarong (Demonstrator)
- Dosanjh, Mr Ramandeep Singh (Demonstrator)
- Eganda, Mr Shaun (Demonstrator)
- Ellor, Miss Claudia (Demonstrator)
- Farrell, Miss Iona (Demonstrator)
- Ferrier, Mr Jude (Demonstrator)
- Futty, Miss Helen (Demonstrator)
- Gangadharan, Mr Jishnu (Demonstrator)
- Geary, Mr Zack (Demonstrator)
- Giza, Mr Marcin (Demonstrator)
- Gladkikh, Miss Marina (Demonstrator)
- Gourlay, Mr Ben (Demonstrator)
- Gray, Mr Mark (Demonstrator)
- Gupta, Ms Muskaan (Demonstrator)
- Hallam Stewart, Mr Finlay (Demonstrator)
- Hayes, Ms Laure-Anne (Demonstrator)
- Hellam, Miss Lorna (Demonstrator)
- Hillan, Miss Katherine (Demonstrator)
- Huang, Mr Rui (Demonstrator)
- Jiang, Mr Hongbo (Demonstrator)
- Johnson, Miss Victoria (Demonstrator)
- Johnstone, Miss Katie (Demonstrator)
- Kadavath, Mr Santhosh (Demonstrator)
- Keramidas, Mr Odysseas (Demonstrator)
- Kokkinos, Miss Francesca (Demonstrator)
- Kostadinova, Miss Marta (Demonstrator)
- Kumar, Mr Paramveer (Demonstrator)
- Kumari, Miss Priyanka (Demonstrator)
- Laborda Lalaguna, Miss Paula (Demonstrator)
- Leung, Mr Wes (Demonstrator)
- Liddle, Mr Matthew (Demonstrator)
- Liebnitz, Ms Danielle (Demonstrator)
- Lunga, Miss Adelaide (Demonstrator)
- MacDonald, Mr Connor (Demonstrator)
- Macleod, Mr Gregor (Demonstrator)
- Mahmoud, Mr Mohamed (Demonstrator)
- Malone, Mr Michael (Demonstrator)
- Marshall, Ms Olivia (Demonstrator)
- Masclef, Mr Jean-Baptiste (Demonstrator)
- Maurya, Ms Tejaswini (Demonstrator)
- McArthur, Mr Eoghan (Demonstrator)
- McPake, Miss Erin (Demonstrator)
- Mella, Mr Javier (Demonstrator)
- Miller, Miss Hollie (Demonstrator)
- Miller, Miss Natalie (Demonstrator)
- Morris, Mr Nicholas (Demonstrator)
- Morris, Miss Ruby (Demonstrator)
- Morrison, Mr Colin (Demonstrator)
- Murphy, Miss Maddie (Demonstrator)
- Murray, Mr Nicholas (Demonstrator)
- Nadia, Miss Asma (Demonstrator)
- Nicolaou, Mr Michael (Demonstrator)
- Okunade, Miss Oluwajuwon (Demonstrator)
- Osborne, Mr Daniel (Demonstrator)
- Owen, Mr Zach (Demonstrator)
- Parul, Ms Parul (Demonstrator)
- Pearson, Mr Ruairi (Demonstrator)
- Pellegrino, Miss Giulia (Demonstrator)
- Robinson, Mr Conor (Demonstrator)
- Schofield Holyoake, Mr Joseph (Demonstrator)
- Sekar, Miss Abarna (Demonstrator)
- Shaka, Mr Abdul-Wasir (Demonstrator)
- Shaw, Mr Dylan (Demonstrator)
- Simms, Mr Jacob (Demonstrator)
- Slater, Ms Isla (Demonstrator)
- Stewart, Mr Lennox (Demonstrator)
- Stonkute, Miss Lineta (Demonstrator)
- Thom, Ms Abigail (Demonstrator)
- Tierney, Mr Finn (Demonstrator)
- Todman, Miss Fiona (Demonstrator)
- Turton, Miss Freya (Demonstrator)
- Vodianova, Miss Olga (Demonstrator)
- Wang, Mr Yang (Demonstrator)
- Wang, Miss Yejun (Demonstrator)
- Woods, Mr Joseph (Demonstrator)
- Yang, Mr Zhengxin (Demonstrator)
- Young, Miss Rachel (Demonstrator)
- Zhang, Mr Hengyongtai (Demonstrator)
- Zhao, Mr Chengcheng (Demonstrator)
- Zhao, Ms Yuping (Demonstrator)
- Zheng, Miss Haowen (Demonstrator)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Bradley, Mr Craig (Technician)
- Bribiesca Sykes, Dr Daniel (MicroCT Facility Manager)
- Castro Spencer, Mrs Maria Diana (Senior Laboratory Technician)
- Chan, Mr Howard (Laboratory Assistant)
- Dugmore, Dr Sarah (Analytical Services Technician - Diffraction)
- Fitzsimmons, Mr Scott (Learning & Teaching Administrator)
- Fleming, Mr Connor (Analytical Services Technician)
- Fletcher, Mr Cameron (Facility Coordinator)
- Gallagher, Mr James (Technician)
- Gray, Mrs Indira (Executive Support Assistant to Head of School)
- Gupwell, Miss Drew (Student Intern for Learning, Teaching & Scholarship)
- Henry, Mr Lloyd (Technical Services Manager - Teaching Laboratory Services)
- Hill, Miss Rachel (Administrative Assistant)
- Hotson, Mr Adam (Laboratory Assistant)
- Kearns, Mrs Lynn (Head of Professional Services, School of Chemistry)
- Kelly, Dr Christopher (Research Technician)
- L'Etang, Dr Adele (Outreach and Engagement Lead)
- Laidlaw, Dr Gillian (Research Technician)
- Liddell, Mr John (Glassblower)
- Mathieson, Dr Jennifer (Research Technician)
- McGarrigle, Mrs Cathrine (Teaching Support Administrator)
- McGarvey, Mrs Amanda (Executive Assistant)
- McIver, Mr James (Research Technician)
- Michel, Ms Zoe (Technician)
- Monaghan, Mr Andrew (Technician)
- Mungall, Mr Alec (Analytical Services Support Technician)
- Phattharaphuti, Miss Phitchayapha (Research Technician)
- Pun, Mr Marcox (Technician)
- Rossi, Dr Giovanni (Mass Spectrometry Technician)
- Sham, Ms Mi Mi (Facility Co-ordinator)
- Shields, Mr Paul (Modern Apprentice: Laboratory Technician)
- Steel, Dr Joseph (Research Technician)
- Stobbs, Mr Euan (Technician)
- Tani, Dr Ayako (Assistant Scientific Glassblower)
- Walker, Miss Jessica (Lead Teaching Technician)
- Walpola Kankanamalage, Mr Damindu (Chemistry Video Production Intern)
- Wilson, Dr Claire (Technical Services Manager – Analytical Services)
- Wong, Dr Mary (Technician)
- Woolton, Mrs Angela (Learning & Teaching Team Manager)
- Yushmanova, Miss Sasha (Chemistry Video Production Intern)
- Aboorh, Mr Ahmed (Affiliate)
- Abraham, Miss Temitope (Affiliate)
- Ambethkar, Mr Arivarasan (Affiliate)
- Aminu, Mrs Amina (Affiliate)
- Angus, Mr Fraser (Affiliate)
- Arnott, Miss Kirsty (Affiliate)
- Ballas, Mr Christos (Affiliate)
- Batziaka, Miss Malamati (Affiliate)
- Bayliss, Ms Niamh (Affiliate)
- Begen, Miss Abbey (Affiliate)
- Bianco, Ms Simona (Affiliate)
- Bozorgi, Mr Payam (Affiliate)
- Brettell, Ms Skye (Affiliate)
- Bridge, Dr Tom (Affiliate)
- Broadhurst, Mr Daniel (Affiliate)
- Brown, Mr Ryan (Affiliate)
- Brydson, Miss Rowan (Affiliate)
- Bubliauskas, Mr Andrius (Affiliate)
- Burianova, Ms Valeriia (Affiliate)
- Candelaria, Mr Ariel (Affiliate)
- Cann, Miss Gill (Affiliate)
- Caramelli, Dr Dario (Affiliate)
- Cariello, Dr Michele (Affiliate)
- Carruthers, Dr Lauren (Affiliate)
- Celebi, Dr Elif (Affiliate)
- Chen, Dr JiaJia (Affiliate)
- Chisholm, Dr Greig (Affiliate)
- Chong, Dr Magdalene (Affiliate)
- Clarke, Miss Emma (Affiliate)
- Colomb, Dr Florent (Affiliate)
- Dashkevich, Mr Ilya (Affiliate)
- Dong, Mr Jiarong (Affiliate)
- Eganda, Mr Shaun (Affiliate)
- Ellor, Miss Claudia (Affiliate)
- Eskandari, Dr Arvin (Affiliate)
- Farrell, Miss Iona (Affiliate)
- Ferrier, Mr Jude (Affiliate)
- Futty, Miss Helen (Affiliate)
- Gahler, Dr Daniel (Affiliate)
- Gangadharan, Mr Jishnu (Affiliate)
- Geary, Mr Zack (Affiliate)
- Giza, Mr Marcin (Affiliate)
- Gladkikh, Miss Marina (Affiliate)
- Glatzel, Dr Stefan (Affiliate)
- Gonzalez Santamaria, Dr Dani (Affiliate)
- Gourlay, Mr Ben (Affiliate)
- Grizou, Dr Jonathan (Affiliate)
- Hacivelioglu, Dr Ferda (Affiliate)
- Hallam Stewart, Mr Finlay (Affiliate)
- Hayes, Ms Laure-Anne (Affiliate)
- Henson, Dr Alon (Affiliate)
- Hervitz, Mr Daniel (Affiliate)
- Hillan, Miss Katherine (Affiliate)
- Hope, Dr Calum (Affiliate)
- Huang, Mr Rui (Affiliate)
- Hughes, Mr Rory (Affiliate)
- Hussien, Mrs Eman (Affiliate)
- Jiang, Mr Hongbo (Affiliate)
- Jinks, Mr Stuart (Affiliate)
- Johnson, Miss Victoria (Affiliate)
- Johnstone, Miss Katie (Affiliate)
- Kanibolotska, Dr Lyudmyla (Affiliate)
- Kaur, Miss Manmeet (Affiliate)
- Khan, Dr Aamir (Affiliate)
- Kitchen, Mr Craig (Affiliate)
- Klimareva, Dr Elena (Affiliate)
- Klimash, Ms Anastasiia (Affiliate)
- Knuhtsen, Dr Astrid (Affiliate)
- Kostadinova, Miss Marta (Affiliate)
- Kumari, Miss Priyanka (Affiliate)
- Laassiri, Dr Said (Affiliate)
- Laborda Lalaguna, Miss Paula (Affiliate)
- Lee, Mr Eddy (Affiliate)
- Lees, Dr Matt (Affiliate)
- Leung, Mr Wes (Affiliate)
- Lewin, Mr Josh (Affiliate)
- Li, Mr Weihao (Affiliate)
- Liddle, Mr Matthew (Affiliate)
- Liebnitz, Ms Danielle (Affiliate)
- Lowe, Mr Ethan (Affiliate)
- Lunga, Miss Adelaide (Affiliate)
- Mackenzie, Mr Lewis (Affiliate)
- Macleod, Mr Alasdair (Affiliate)
- MacLeod, Dr Rebecca (Affiliate)
- Mahmoud, Mr Mohamed (Affiliate)
- Malcolm, Dr Daniel (Affiliate)
- Malone, Mr Michael (Affiliate)
- Manzano, Dr Sebastian (Affiliate)
- Marshall, Miss Libby (Affiliate)
- Marshall, Ms Olivia (Affiliate)
- Mathis, Dr Cole (Affiliate)
- McArthur, Mr Eoghan (Affiliate)
- Mccullagh, Miss Annelouise (Affiliate)
- McFadzean, Dr Ross (Affiliate)
- McGrory, Miss Rochelle (Affiliate)
- McHugh, Mr Patrick (Affiliate)
- McPake, Miss Erin (Affiliate)
- Miller, Miss Hollie (Affiliate)
- Miller, Miss Natalie (Affiliate)
- Minato, Dr Takuo (Affiliate)
- Morgan, Dr Danielle (Affiliate)
- Morris, Miss Ruby (Affiliate)
- Nadia, Miss Asma (Affiliate)
- Naveed, Mr Haris (Affiliate)
- Obeten, Mr Mbang (Affiliate)
- Okunade, Miss Oluwajuwon (Affiliate)
- Parrilla Gutierrez, Dr Juanma (Affiliate)
- Parul, Ms Parul (Affiliate)
- Paul, Dr Avishek (Affiliate)
- Pearson, Mr Ruairi (Affiliate)
- Pec, Mr Marcin (Affiliate)
- Pellegrino, Miss Giulia (Affiliate)
- Pitman, Mr Alexander (Affiliate)
- Poya Gow, Dr Yalinu (Affiliate)
- Randazzo, Dr Marco (Affiliate)
- Randle, Dr Wes (Affiliate)
- Rauschen, Mr Robert (Affiliate)
- Rohrbach, Mr Simon (Affiliate)
- Salley, Dr Daniel (Affiliate)
- Schofield Holyoake, Mr Joseph (Affiliate)
- Schumacher, Dr Anne (Affiliate)
- Scott, Mr Sam (Affiliate)
- Sharma, Miss Saumya (Affiliate)
- Sharman, Miss Jemima (Affiliate)
- Shaw, Mr Dylan (Affiliate)
- Siauciulis, Mr Mindaugas (Affiliate)
- Sigerson, Mr Ralph (Affiliate)
- Simms, Mr Jacob (Affiliate)
- Spiteri, Mr Justin (Affiliate)
- Stevenson, Dr Siobhan (Visiting Researcher)
- Stonkute, Miss Lineta (Affiliate)
- Sun, Miss Lin (Affiliate)
- Tabouillot, Mr Victor (Affiliate)
- Thom, Dr Alexander (Affiliate)
- Todman, Miss Fiona (Affiliate)
- Trushina, Dr Ekaterina (Affiliate)
- Tsuda, Dr Soichiro (Affiliate)
- Turton, Miss Freya (Affiliate)
- Tusler, Mrs Ana (Affiliate)
- Vashishtha, Dr Parth (Affiliate)
- Vodianova, Miss Olga (Affiliate)
- Wang, Mr Yang (Affiliate)
- Ward, Dr Richard (Affiliate)
- Willcox, Dr Dominic (Affiliate)
- Williams, Professor Geoff (Affiliate)
- Wolf, Mr Jakob (Affiliate)
- Woods, Mr Joseph (Affiliate)
- Yang, Mr Hao (Affiliate)
- Young, Miss Rachel (Affiliate)
- Zhang, Mr Hengyongtai (Affiliate)
- Zhao, Mr Chengcheng (Affiliate)
- Zhao, Ms Yuping (Affiliate)
Honorary & Visiting
- Aliaga Gosalvez, Dr Maria Jose (Honorary Research Associate)
- Aslan, Dr Mustafa (Honorary Research Associate)
- Barron, Professor Laurence (Emeritus Gardiner Professor)
- Bell, Mr Mark (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Birtill, Dr John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Boyer, Dr Alistair (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Braterman, Professor Paul (Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Connolly, Professor Joseph (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Cooper, Professor Alan (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Fairbairn, Miss Nicola (Affiliate)
- Farrugia, Dr Louis (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Flowers, Dr Hugh (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Fowles, Dr Martin (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Gall, Mr Jim (Honorary Research Associate)
- Gilmore, Professor Chris (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Graham, Professor Duncan (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Harkiss, Dr Alexander (Honorary Research Associate)
- Hill, Professor Bob (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Horobin, Dr Richard (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Humphreys, Dr Phil (Honorary Professor)
- Hyde, Dr Tim (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Isaacs, Professor Neil (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Jackson, Professor David (Emeritus)
- Jacobs, Mr Jake (Honorary Research Assistant)
- Jarvis, Dr Michael (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Karimullah, Dr Affar (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Kelly, Dr Gordon (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Kelly, Dr Harry (Honorary Professor)
- Kerr, Professor William (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Ketuly, Professor Kamal (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Koehnke, Professor Jesko (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Kumar, Dr Rahul (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Laassiri, Dr Said (Affiliate)
- Liskamp, Professor Robert (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Mitchell, Dr Chris (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Murphy, Professor John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)
- Nelson, Dr David (Honorary Research Associate)
- Parker, Professor Stewart (Honorary Professor)
- Peacock, Dr Robert (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Procter, Professor David (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Pulford, Dr Ian (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Rycroft, Dr David (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Scott, Dr Jamie (Honorary Professor)
- Syme, Dr Christopher (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Winfield, Professor John (Honorary Senior Research Fellow)