UofG Widening Participation in the News
Please see below for press coverage of Widening Participation activity at the University of Glasgow.
Medical School Glasgow Access Programme (GAP)/Reach Programme
On 10 November 2018, the Herald Magazine featured an article on the success of the Medical School Glasgow Access Programme (GAP) and the Reach Programme in widening access to the professions ‘How a University is helping break the middle-class stranglehold in Medicine and Law’.
Different class - How a University is Helping Break the Middle-class Stranglehold in Medicine and Law
Earlier commentary in June 2017 focussed on the success of the Reach Programme in widening access to the professions.
Clinical Aptitude Tests Proved Barrier for Widening Access to Medicine
Primary Engagement Programme
The Primary Engagement Programme is the first result of recommendations from the SFC-funded research project ‘A Blueprint for Fairness in the Glasgow Region: Exploring widening access activities to inform a collaborative, regional approach (2018).’ This was a collaborative research project between Glasgow City Council (GCC) and the higher education institutions within the city. The report showed that while the widening access work being carried out in secondary schools was important in helping young people progress to a positive post-school destination, this activity needed to start much earlier.
The resulting programme is a collaboration between GCC, Skills Development Scotland and the WP team at the University of Glasgow.
The programme launched in GCC in January 2020 and is available to all P6/P7 pupils nationally.