Information for Schools and Teachers
We may make adjusted offers of entry to pupils who successfully complete one of our accredited University of Glasgow pre-entry programmes, which run in school and/or on the University campus:
- Top-Up Programme
- Widening Participation Summer School
- Reach Programme
- Access to a Career Programme
- Taster Week
- Sutton Trust Summer School
Our research shows that students who successfully complete one of these programmes perform at a higher standard than comparable students at the University.
Applicants who are GUARANTEED an adjusted offer are those who meet the adjusted entry requirements in S5 or S6 and:
- Live in a priority Scottish postcode area (SIMD 0-40)
- Are care experienced
- Are estranged from family and living without family support
- Are a carer (provide unpaid care)
You may also be considered for an adjusted offer of entry if you do not meet any of the above criteria, but have successfully completed a pre-entry programme, and:
- Are seeking asylum in the UK
- Have refugee status
- Reach Programme (Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Law)
- Top-Up Programme
- Glasgow Access to Medicine Programme (GAP)
- HNC Articulation
- Summer School
- Sutton Trust Summer School
- University Experience/Taster Weeks
- Access to a Career Programme (Accountancy and Finance, Engineering and Teaching)
- Early Secondary Programme
- Primary Engagement Programme