S4 Taster Week & S5 University Experience Week
Programme overview
We offer two separate programmes to students in Glasgow City Council schools.
The Taster Week is for students who are currently in S4 will be moving into S5 in June 2025, to provide a broad insight into what studying at university is like. The programme will be split into two streams – Arts & Social Sciences, and Science & Engineering. Students will choose one stream to participate in.
Arts & Social Sciences - subjects could include Archaeology, English Literature, History, Portuguese, Psychology, Sociology
Science & Engineering - subjects could include Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Engineering, Geography, Mathematics
Throughout the programme pupils experience a wide range of academic subjects, engage with undergraduate students, and gain first-hand experience of Higher Education. The programme enables students to find out what studying in a university setting is like, and to learn more about the different subjects on offer.
The S4 Taster Week will be held in the week beginning 2nd June 2025
Pupils will attend the university campus for the full programme.
The University Experience Week is for students who are currently in S5 and will be moving into S6 in June 2025, to gain a detailed insight into what studying in a specific subject area at university is like. There will be four streams on the week – Arts & Humanities, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences, Physical & Life Sciences, and Social Sciences. Students will choose one stream to participate in.
Arts & Humanities - subjects could include Archaeology, English Literature, History, Portuguese
Mathematical & Engineering Sciences - subjects could include Computing Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics
Physical & Life Sciences - subjects could include Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Psychology
Social Sciences - subjects could include Accountancy, Education, Politics, Sociology
The S5 University Experience Week will be held in the week beginning 16th June 2025
Students will spend the full week on the university campus (and attend the University Open Day on campus on the Thursday). Time will also be spent with current students to gain an insight into studying at university.
Those taking part in the S5 University Experience Week will also complete our Academic Skills module. This module helps students with the transition to study in Higher Education, and provides information about the various skills needed, and support available, for university level study. Successful completion of the module may lead to an adjusted offer of entry from the University of Glasgow (please see our FAQs for more detail).
Pupils must attend a secondary school in Glasgow City Council. All students should speak with their guidance or pastoral care teacher before registering.
Why take part
Participants choose from one of our academic streams and have the opportunity to attend academic sessions in these areas. The lectures are delivered by academic staff and postgraduate tutors, and participants also spend time with current undergraduate students throughout the week.
A wide range of subjects are covered throughout the week and will vary dependent on academic stream.
Participants in S4 will learn more about university life, whilst those in S5 will complete our Academic Skills module. We will also have information sessions and workshops on applying to university, finance and student support. There will be plenty of opportunities to speak with current University of Glasgow students, to find out more about their experience of studying at the University.
Contact us
For more information, please email: wpsummerschool@glasgow.ac.uk
Please see our testimonials page.
Frequently asked questions
How do I find out if I can take part in the programme?
Please speak to your pastoral care or guidance teacher. They will be able to confirm whether or not your school takes part in the programme and if you can take part.
You do not work with my school, but I meet the eligibility criteria, can I still take part?
The programme is designed for pupils currently studying in a Glasgow City Council school. Unfortunately, if we do not run the programme in your school you will not be able to take part. However, you may be eligible for our Sutton Trust Programme. Please contact us directly to find out more about these programmes.
I do not meet any of the eligibility criteria but have had adverse circumstances impact on my exam results/education. Can I take part?
Speak to your pastoral care teacher in the first instance.
Will I be eligible for an adjusted offer of entry to the University of Glasgow, if I complete the programme?
Successful completion of our University Experience Week in S5 may lead to an adjusted offer of entry. We would require students to participate in academic sessions, and pass our Academic Skills module, to be considered for an adjusted offer. Certain degree subjects are not eligible for an adjusted offer through the University Experience Week, including Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, and Law.
Will I be required to do any work?
The reason that our pre-entry programmes can lead to adjusted offers is because they are academically rigorous. Therefore, every student on the University Experience Week programme will complete subject-specific academic work, in addition to our Academic Skills module. Throughout the University Experience Week programme, you will complete university level (SCQF Level 7) work set by academics working at the University of Glasgow and will also have the support of our widening participation tutors and staff.
For clarification of any terminology, please consult our glossary of terms.