Forced Migrants
We welcome and actively support applications from forced migrants, including those seeking asylum and refugees.
Forced Migrants
As a University of Sanctuary, we offer tailored support throughout your studies to forced migrant applicants, including those seeking asylum and refugees, looking to study at the University of Glasgow. We offer guidance from the pre-application stage, such as providing information on entry routes and which courses are available, through to supporting you when on-course here at the University of Glasgow. You may also be eligible for an adjusted offer of entry.
For students who are currently seeking asylum and do not have recourse to SAAS funding for tuition fees, we can help you to explore alternative funding sources which may be available to you.
If eligible, you are encouraged to apply to our Sanctuary Scholarships, which provide financial support for the duration of your studies.
We have named points of contact within our team, Jen Thompson-Ross and Scott Iguchi-Sherry, at sanctuary@glasgow.ac.uk who are here to help you and answer any questions that you might have throughout your application process. No matter what stage you're at, we encourage you to get in touch with us so that we can discuss your options. Even if you're just looking for information about possible future applications, having input from the University from the very beginning can make the whole process much more straightforward.