Visa and immigration

All students are required to obtain a visa to study at the University of Glasgow.

Visa options

Generally there are two options available to incoming students with regard to immigration in the United Kingdom:

  1. the Visitor Visa (for one semester stays) OR
  2. the Student Visa (for study periods longer than 6 months). 

Further information on visas

For semester only students (study period less than 6 months)

Students studying at the University of Glasgow for less than six months can apply for a Visitor visa (a Student Visa is not required). 

Depending upon your nationality, you may be able to apply for a Visitor visa upon arrival in the UK at the airport you arrive at. To see if this will be possible for you, please follow these steps: 

  1. Go to
  2. Select your nationality (the passport you will be travelling to Glasgow on) in the drop down menu, and then select 'Study' and '6 months or less'.
  3. If you receive the response: 'You won’t need a visa to come to the UK' this means that you do not have to apply for a Visitor Visa in advance. However, you will need to show a number of required supporting documents upon arrival in the UK. These are listed at: Without these documents, you will not be permitted to enter the UK.
  4. If you receive the response: 'You’ll need a visa to study in the UK' this means that you must apply for your Visitor Visa in advance. You will not be eligible to apply upon arrival, and you will need to obtain your Visitor Visa in advance in order to enter the UK.

Whether or not you apply in advance, the following terms will apply. Your Visitor Visa: 

  • does not permit employment - paid or unpaid 
  • does not permit work placements or internships 
  • has a maximum duration of 6 months 
  • cannot be extended 
  • does not permit 'switching' into another visa category from within the UK. 

IMPORTANT: If you intend to travel to the UK via Dublin or any other airports in the Republic of Ireland you will not pass through any UK immigration point and will therefore not be able to obtain Leave to Enter as a student visitor on arrival. So please note the following:

  • for a full year (semesters 1 and 2): you must apply for a Student Visa before you travel
  • for a single semester: you will no longer need to apply for a Visitor Visa before you travel as you will have automatic permission to stay in the UK for 6 months. Do, however, keep any evidence of your travel for documentation of your date of entry.

For year long students (study period more than 6 months)

Year long students must apply for a Student Visa in advance of departure from your own country. This type of visa cannot be applied for upon arrival. You will need to pay a fee for this type of visa and will be required to submit specific supporting documentation when making your visa application. Please see the UKVI website for further information:

The Student Visa allows you to: 

  • find a part-time job (20 hours or less) during your semester abroad
  • participate in volunteer work
  • extend your study period at the University beyond 6 months.

CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies) 

In order to apply for a Student Visa you must receive a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies) number from the institution you wish to study with. 

After you have been accepted to the University of Glasgow you will be emailed details on how to request a CAS number.

You cannot apply for a Student Visa more than three months before the beginning of your course date and as such CAS number will not be produced more than three months in advance of a course beginning.

CAS is a unique online reference number issued to you by the University as your Visa Licenced Sponsor.

You can find more information about Applying for a Student Visa before you leave home on our International Student Support webpages.