Roman Drama LATIN4006

  • Academic Session: 2022-23
  • School: School of Humanities
  • Credits: 20
  • Level: Level 4 (SCQF level 10)
  • Typically Offered: Semester 1 (Alternate Years)
  • Available to Visiting Students: Yes

Short Description

The course introduces the students to the Roman theatrical culture of the early Republic through two plays of Plautus and Terence, who adapted Greek New Comedy in very different ways.


Two hours per week; This is one of the honours options in Latin and may not run every year. The options that are running this session are available on mycampus

Requirements of Entry

Available to all students fulfilling requirements for Honours entry into Latin or otherwise at the discretion of the Head of Department.


One 2,500-word essay 30%, two hour Examination 70%

Main Assessment In: April/May

Are reassessment opportunities available for all summative assessments? Not applicable

Reassessments are normally available for all courses, except those which contribute to the Honours classification. For non Honours courses, students are offered reassessment in all or any of the components of assessment if the satisfactory (threshold) grade for the overall course is not achieved at the first attempt. This is normally grade D3 for undergraduate students and grade C3 for postgraduate students. Exceptionally it may not be possible to offer reassessment of some coursework items, in which case the mark achieved at the first attempt will be counted towards the final course grade. Any such exceptions for this course are described below. 

Course Aims

The aims of the course are

- to familiarise students with the two most influential Latin playwrights, Plautus and Terence
- to study two of their works in depth, with particular attention to diction, style and subject-matter
- to impart an appreciation of the contrasting theatrical techniques of these playwrights
- to place the works of Plautus and Terence in the broader context of Roman drama from Livius Andronicus to Seneca
- to enhance knowledge of Latin grammar and vocabulary

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of the course students should be able to:
- translate parts of the prescribed texts into clear and appropriate English;
- make judicious use of various works of reference;
- select and comment intelligently on notable matters of form and content, including metre and style;
- present an argued case on critical issues both orally and in writing, in both coursework and examination essays
- conduct articulate discussion with staff and students on the theatrical aims and methods of Plautus and Terence
- demonstrate such essay skills as the department has stipulated in the Honours Handbook (including c
ritical awareness, research skills, and improvement in verbal expression (oral and written))

Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits

Students must submit at least 75% by weight of the components (including examinations) of the course's summative assessment.