An Nobhail Gàidhlig GAELIC4013

  • Academic Session: 2022-23
  • School: School of Humanities
  • Credits: 20
  • Level: Level 4 (SCQF level 10)
  • Typically Offered: Either Semester 1 or Semester 2 (Alternate Years)
  • Available to Visiting Students: Yes
  • Available to Erasmus Students: Yes

Short Description

Air a' chùrsa seo beachdaichear air leasachadh an nobhail ann an Gàidhlig: na sgeulan eachdraidheil romansach san fhicheadamh linn thràth; obair ùr-ghnàthach nan '70an; fàs na gnè anns na '90an; agus beothalachd is eugsamhlachd nan leabhraichean a nochd fo sgeamaichean an aona linn fichead.


This course will consider the development of the novel in Scottish Gaelic, from the historical romances of the early 20th century to the groundbreaking work of the 1970s, the rise in novel-writing in the 1990s and the vibrant eclecticism of the 21st century fiction series.


2x1hr lectures over 10 weeks as scheduled on MyCampus. This is one of the Honours options in Celtic & Gaelic and may not run every year. The options that are running this session are available on MyCampus.

Requirements of Entry

Available to all students fulfilling requirements for Honours entry into Celtic & Gaelic, and by arrangement to visiting students or students of other Honours programmes who qualify under the University's 25% regulation.

Excluded Courses





Examination (120 minutes duration) - 50%

Essay (2,250 words) - 25%

Book Review (1000 words) - 10%

Seminar Presentation (15 minutes duration) - 10%

Participation - 5%

Main Assessment In: April/May

Are reassessment opportunities available for all summative assessments? Not applicable

Reassessments are normally available for all courses, except those which contribute to the Honours classification. For non-Honours courses, students are offered reassessment in all or any of the components of assessment if the satisfactory (threshold) grade for the overall course is not achieved at the first attempt. This is normally grade D3 for undergraduate students and grade C3 for postgraduate students. Exceptionally it may not be possible to offer reassessment of some coursework items, in which case the mark achieved at the first attempt will be counted towards the final course grade. Any such exceptions for this course are described below. 

Course Aims

This course will provide the opportunity to:

■ Develop critical-analytical abilities and linguistic skills by engaging with and discussing a challenging range of Gaelic fictional works

■ Consider different genres in novel writing, the audiences addressed by each writer and the economic and cultural context of novel publication at different periods and the impact of tradition and innovation on the Gaelic fiction studied.

■ Assess the variety of genres attempted in Gaelic novels and the literary style of Gaelic writers from different periods and different regional or linguistic backgrounds.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of this course students should be able to:

■ Discuss the development of Gaelic fiction to the present-day with reference to the social, cultural and economic factors which have shaped this development.

■ Identify and critically assess specific writers examined in this course.

■ Outline and exemplify varieties in genre and literary style and differences in the relationship of the writers studied to the Gaelic literary tradition and Gaelic communities.

■ Provide examples of their own linguistic enrichment from the reading undertaken.

Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits

Students must submit at least 75% by weight of the components (including examinations) of the course's summative assessment.