Jasper Hunt Principia

Name: Jasper Elan Hunt 

Home Institution: University of Wyoming at Laramie, WY 

Year: 3rd year (2nd Semester Junior) 

Majors: Psychology, Philosophy 

Minor: Neuroscience 

It’s difficult to pinpoint a single reason why I decided to study abroad in Glasgow. Truthfully, it’s the sum of many reasons, both personal and academic. The idea of going to Europe has always captivated me, though I had never been to the continent before. In short, it just felt like the right decision. And if I was to go to Europe, I reasoned, Glasgow was the perfect choice. Steeped in centuries of excellence in both philosophy and the medical sciences (not to mention other disciplines – these topics just happen to be the ones I am studying!), the University of Glasgow was uniquely suited to offer me a curriculum that would both challenge and captivate. So with boarding pass in hand, I embarked across the Atlantic for the first time on a new adventure. 

Without a doubt, I made the right choice. My time at the University of Glasgow was truly transformative. Outside of the classroom, I befriended Glaswegians and learned the joys of a 3 AM chippy delivery. I learned how incredibly convenient it is to take a train, compared to driving everywhere. And of course, I grew to appreciate the unique sense of humor my Scottish friends shared with me whenever we went for a “cheeky Nando’s” or similar. My time on campus was no less exciting and I was inspired every day by my professors and my classmates alike. 

Looking back, the endlessly fascinating coursework I took at Glasgow was instrumental in my decision to pursue a PhD in neuroscience. My experience studying abroad through the Principia Consortium not only lit aflame my academic interests, but it gave me an edge in applying to graduate schools. When I applied to the University of Oxford for their neuroscience PhD program, I am certain my experience studying abroad at the University of Glasgow made me stand out from other candidates. It is now with the greatest enthusiasm that I can announce I will be returning to Great Britain to continue my studies at Oxford. But you can be certain I will be making my way back up to Scotland as often as possible! 

First published: 1 November 2019