Andrew Hook Farewell Principia

After 10 years of teaching on the programme, Professor Andrew Hook delivered his final lecture for us in the Spring semester of 2019. Prof Hook is Emeritus Bradley Professor of English Literature at Glasgow, Fellow of the British Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. An expert in the relations between Scotland and the US, his many publications include Scotland and America and From Goosecreek to Gandercleugh: Studies in Scottish-American Literary and Cultural History. Though retiring from University teaching some years ago, Andrew stayed on to lecture our US students on the relations between Scotland and America during the Enlightenment and the close links between the two nations in terms of trade, the exchange of people and ideas, and also politics and education. Andrew has been with us from the start of the programme and will be greatly missed by staff and students alike. 

David Fearns Farewell Principia

We also say a fond farewell to Professor David Fearn, outgoing Dean for Global Engagement representing the Americas. David has been a great supporter of the Principia programme over the years and has done a terrific job in sustaining and growing the curriculum, and visiting partners across the States. A Professor of Applied Mathematics and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, David retired in August. Dr Penny Morris will take up the role of Dean for America in his place. 

We are extremely grateful to Andrew and David for all they’ve done for the Principia programme and for the US students that have visited us over the years. We wish both a happy retirement. 


First published: 1 November 2019