Scotland under the early Stewart kings 1371-1603

Key facts

  • Cost: £170
  • Credits: 10


After the failure of Robert the Bruce’s male line in 1371, the Stewarts emerged as Scotland’s ascendant royal dynasty. As nine monarchs, they embraced the Renaissance; entered into regal union with France; endured the Reformation; and entered into regal union with England to rule all of Britain in 1603. However, their ill-starred and romantic story leaves behind many questions. Was James I truly a tyrant? Was Mary, Queen of Scots, the ‘Harlot of Rome’? Was James VI the ‘wisest fool in Christendom’?  

Join us on this course to examine these questions and more on the impact and legacy of the House of Stewart. 

Over a series of talks, our expert tutor will explain: 

  • the key events shaping the politics, society, culture and economy of late medieval Scotland during 1371-1603 
  • the key stories, archives, sources and first-hand accounts available.  
  • the main historical debates concerning these times 

You will also have the chance to discuss and reflect on what you learn with other students and the tutor in seminars 

Choose this course if you want to learn: 

  • more about the specific reigns of the different Stewart kings such as their economic expansion into the Baltic and their contribution to Renaissance art, science and literature. 
  • Scotland’s social, political, religious. economic and territorial development during this time 

Who is this course for?

Anyone new to studying history and interested in: 

  • the history of Scotland, its people, and its role in the world 
  • The house of Stewart 
  • Late medieval history 


10 credits at SCQF 7 / Level 1 

Can contribute towards the attainment of Certificate or Diploma in Higher Education specialising in History 


2000 word essay (100% of final grade)

Mode of study

This 10-week course will be delivered via 2-hour seminars led by a tutor.

Course materials will be provided via our online learning platform Moodle 


  • Can begin your study of history at university level  
  • contribute towards a Certificate or Diploma in Higher Education specialising in History 
  • can inform your research of family history and local heritage  

Find out more

The University holds open days throughout the year where you can meet with staff to discuss our short course provision. Find out more about University of Glasgow open days