Classical Roman civilisation 1B

Key facts

  • Cost: £170
  • Credits: 10


What happened to Rome after the death of one of its most powerful emperors, Augustus? Find out in this course, as you explore the reigns of four of the emperors who followed him including the notorious Nero: did he really fiddle while Rome burned?  

Who is this course for?

Anyone with an interest in the history and culture, especially anyone with an interest in the classical world.  


You can gain 10 credits from submitting assessment in this course, which can contribute to a Certificate in Higher Education. 


  • Contribution to course blog/wiki and engagement with peers' contributions (c. 500 words; 25%) 
  • Source analysis worksheet (25%) 
  • Essay (1500 words, 50%)

Mode of study

This 10-week course will be delivered via 2-hour seminars led by a tutor.

Class materials are posted on our course website (Moodle). 


This course can give you an insight into a hugely influential period not only in classical history but in the history of western world as a whole. It provides wonderful historical context if you are interested in learning Latin.  

Find out more

The University holds open days throughout the year where you can meet with staff to discuss our short course provision. Find out more about University of Glasgow open days