Ancient studies portfolio

Key facts

  • Cost: £325
  • Credits: 30


This course offers students the opportunity to take their interest in a specific subject area within Egyptology or Ancient Near Eastern studies further. In doing so, students will build up their confidence for working independently. Students choose their own topic for individual research, but also participate in class exercises designed to sharpen their critical and analytical skills, culminating in the production of items for the submission of a portfolio of work.    

Entry requirements: It is recommended that you have already obtained at least 80 credits in related courses from the Short Courses Classics & Egyptology subject area.  

This course aims to enable students to: 

  • Develop their interest in a specific subject area within Egyptology or the Ancient Near East 
  • Identify, critically assess and respond to scholarly writings both within the wider subject area and on their chosen topic in order to formulate their own opinion 
  • Discuss challenges arising from research with their peers in small-group discussions and to use those discussions to inform their own research practices 
  • Develop skills in object/text analysis, critical reviews and extended essay writing  
  • Build up their confidence for working independently. 


By the end of this course students will be able to: 

  • Demonstrate confidence within their chosen subject area (which could be more widely applied), from reading secondary sources critically and objectively, to analysing objects/texts as primary sources 
  • Read secondary sources critically and objectively and analyse objects/texts as primary sources 
  •  Design and apply techniques for research into a specific subject area with confidence and independence.
  •  Demonstrate time-management and independent study skills 
  • Formulate and argue their own opinions critically and reflectively in response to primary and secondary sources  
  • Debate their work with their peers. 

Who is this course for?

Anyone with an interest in Ancient Studies, history and culture 


30 credits at SCQF 8 / Level 2.  

These credits can contribute towards the attainment of one of the following 

  • Certificate or Diploma in Higher Education 
  • Certificate in Higher Education in Egyptology (material culture)  
  • Diploma in Higher Education in Egyptology 


  • 1 x One portfolio of individual items of assessment, completed during the course, comprised of the following: 
  • 1 x object or text analysis: c. 1000 words (20%) 
  • 1 x critical review of 2-3 key articles that relate to a set theme (e.g. Texts vs Material Culture; Significance of Context, etc): c. 1000 words (20%) 
  • 1 x extended essay (c. 5000 words) – due at the end of the course (60%). 

Mode of study

This 20-week course will be delivered via 2-hour sessions led by a tutor.

Class materials are posted on our course website (Moodle).


Can begin your study of Ancient History or Archaeology at university level. 

Find out more

The University holds open days throughout the year where you can meet with staff to discuss our short course provision. Find out more about University of Glasgow open days