A history of Italy

Key facts

  • Cost: £170
  • Credits: 0


Italy’s dramatic journey towards nationhood is shaped by epic warring lows and momentous cultural highs. From the rise of Rome and the holy Roman Empire to the great city states of the Renaissance, the Risorgimento battle for reunification, Mussolini and modern Italy’s unpredictable politics in the EU, the birth of Italy as a nation is both momentous and unstable. 

Whether you are interested in Italian art, music, literature, language, food or history take this course to see the bigger picture of dramatic events shaping its culture over two millennia. 

Over a series of talks our expert tutor will explain: 

  • key political, religious, social, economic and cultural events in the history of Italy from the Roman empire to the present day 
  • the nature of Italy’s relatively unstable emergence as a nation 
  • key evidence from these events and later historical perspectives and debates 

You will also have the chance to discuss and reflect on what you learn with other students and the tutor in seminars 

 Choose this course if you want to learn: 

  • More about the world class achievements of the Roman city-state, the Holy Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance 
  • The uncertain nature of Italy’s historical emergence as a nation and its recent changing fortunes 

Who is this course for?

Anyone new to studying history and interested in: 

  • Italy, its history, culture, people, and its role in the world. 
  • The history of Europe 


No credits are offered by this course. 

Mode of study

This 10-week course will be delivered via 2-hour seminars led by a tutor.

Course materials will be provided via our online learning platform Moodle. 


  • Can begin your study of history at university level  
  • contribute towards a Certificate or Diploma in Higher Education 
  • could help inform a career in communications

Find out more

The University holds open days throughout the year where you can meet with staff to discuss our short course provision. Find out more about University of Glasgow open days