Upskilling at Glasgow

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Check to see if we have answered it below before submitting an enquiry!

Still need answers? Contact the Upskilling Team

How do I access my student email account?

Using the GUID and password provided in your Access Account Notification email (AAN), login to MyGlasgow. Scroll down to the Office 365 element and select Outlook.

What are the benefits of taking these courses?

Our Upskilling courses offer several benefits, including increased employability, earning potential, and professional confidence. Upon completion, you will acquire valuable skills in your chosen area of study. You also have the option to undergo assessments and earn academic credits, which can contribute to your continued professional development. At the end of the course, you can download a HEAR transcript displaying your grades.

Please note that our standard regulations do not allow re-enrollment in a course, even if credit was not awarded in a previous attempt.

Read our Learner Success Stories

How are these courses delivered?

All Upskilling courses are delivered online through Moodle, our virtual learning platform. You will be able to access Moodle within 24 hours of completing Academic Registration.

Lectures are pre-recorded and not time-sensitive, meaning you can work through the course content in your own time.

What is the time commitment required to complete a course?

All Upskilling courses are either 5 or 10 weeks long. You are encouraged to work through the course content in your own time, but we suggest setting aside 8 to 10 hours per week.

Will there be compulsory assessments?

All Upskilling courses include at least one assessment, but if you are taking a course for the sole purpose of professional development and do not wish to acquire Academic Credits, submission is not compulsory.

However, if you do wish to acquire Academic Credits, you must complete and submit the required assessments. Alternatively, you may request an extension.

Specific descriptions of assessments can be found on individual course webpages.

You will receive a HEAR transcript upon completion of a course, regardless of whether or not you completed the assessment(s).

Why is my MyGlasgow timetable empty?

Because Upskilling courses are fully flexible and course material can be accessed at any time, there are no set timetables.

Will I receive a student card as an Upskilling learner?

Because Upskilling courses take place online and require no on-campus contact, learners do not receive a student card.

Can I access the library as an Upskilling learner?

Because Upskilling courses take place online and require no on-campus contact, learners have access to the University’s online library resources, but not the physical library.

I'm experiencing difficulties while doing my course. What should I do?

Each course has a dedicated Administrator who can advise where support is available. If you are experiencing any issues while undergoing a course, please contact your Administrator via the Mailbox published on the course Moodle page. Should you wish to drop or withdraw from your course, they will be able to assist you.

How do I access my HEAR transcript?

Instructions on how to retrieve your HEAR transcript can be found here.

My GUID is no longer valid. How do I access my HEAR transcript?

If you are no longer a registered student at UofG and your student account has lapsed, instructions on how to request your HEAR transcript can be found here.