Massive open online courses
MOOCs (massive open online courses) are free, online courses specifically designed to be studied online by cohort of world-wide learners.
Building a community of learners is at the core of our MOOCs and we achieve this by developing content that activity encourages discussion and sharing of knowledge. You will also experience resources such as video, articles, peer review and quizzes to test your knowledge.
Our portfolio of MOOCs is constantly expanding, so please check back regularly or visit our FutureLearn or Coursera pages.
MOOCs on offer
Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)
Discover GPT's transformative impact on human-computer interaction. Delve into natural language processing, Transformer mechanics, and ethical considerations. Hands-on labs and quizzes included.
Supporting young people’s mental wellbeing post-COVID
Reflect on how the COVID pandemic may have impacted young people’s mental wellbeing and explore ways to support them.
A Global History of Sex and Gender: Bodies and Power in the Modern World
Discover how a focus on gender and sexuality transforms our understanding of modern, global history.
A History of Royal Fashion
Explore how British kings and queens have used fashion, and how fashion has used them, in this free online course.
Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime
Delve into the seedy underbelly of the art world, looking at smuggling, theft, fakes, and fraud, with this free online course.
Basic First Aid: How to Be an Everyday Hero
Get an introduction to basic first aid, including how to help someone who is choking, with this first aid course.
Becoming a Dentist
Decide if a dentistry career is right for you. Explore everything from the university application process to daily dentist duties.
Biomedical Visualisation
This course explores the structure and function of the human body including terminology used while showcasing visualisation techniques available using technology to image and display data related to the body and biological processes.
Cancer in the 21st Century: The Genomic Revolution
Discover how genetics is revolutionising the detection and treatment of cancer, with this free online course.
Career Management for Early Career Academic Researchers
Explore different career options, learn what you want out of a career and understand how to implement good career decisions.
Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification
This course provides an introduction to gentrification and to the cultural impacts of housing displacement for people in cities and neighbourhoods across the world.
Data-Driven Leadership Skills
Learn how leadership is explicitly dealing with the fourth industrial revolution: the age of data and digital technology.
Data Science for Environmental modelling and renewables
Learn how data science can help us understand our environment and try the tools used by statisticians and data scientists.
Diversity and Inclusion in Education
Explore how to develop an inclusive and equitable education for all leaners.
Early Modern Scottish Palaeography: Reading Scotland's Records
Travel back in time through Scottish history by examining early modern Scottish handwriting.
End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovation
Explore dying and palliative care practice around the world and evaluate new trends and ideas surrounding end of life care issues.
Functional Programming in Haskell: Supercharge your coding
Get an introduction to Haskell, the increasingly popular functional programming language, with this University of Glasgow course.
Generative AI in the Classroom for Educators
Gain insights on crucial skills, case uses, and ethical considerations for educators using generative AI in the classroom.
Generative AI in Education
Explore generative AI's potential, practice to hone your skills, and contribute meaningfully to the discourse surrounding generative AI in education.
Generative AI for Healthcare Students and Professionals
Explore how generative AI is impacting healthcare through interactive case studies - both for students and for professionals.
Generative AI for Project Managers
Gain an understanding on how generative AI can impact project managers and what they'll need to consider going forward.
Generative AI for Students: Ethics & Academic Integrity
Learn key skills for using generative AI as a student, including study, research, and writing support, and ethical use.
Genomic Medicine: Harnessing the Power of the Human Genome
Using the latest genomics research, discover how genomic technologies are changing how we understand and treat medical conditions.
Getting Started with Teaching Data Science in Schools
Learn the basics of data science and how to introduce data science in the classroom.
History of Slavery in the British Caribbean
Explore the history and legacy of British colonial slavery and oppression in the Caribbean through historical slave accounts.
How States Coerce Migrants to Return: Comparative Perspectives
Explore the policies surrounding return migration through the experiences of those living through it.
Informed Clinical Decision Making using Deep Learning Specialization
Apply Deep Learning in Electronic Health Records. Understand the road path from data mining of clinical databases to clinical decision support system.
Interpreting for Refugees: Contexts, Practices and Ethics
Learn skills to meet the challenges of interpreting for refugees and share your experiences with other interpreters in the sector.
Introduction to Breastfeeding for Medical Students
This short module is designed to support first year medical students to understand the importance of breastfeeding in the UK.
Introduction to Critical Care Medicine
Get an introduction to basic first aid, including how to help someone who is choking, with this first aid course.
Introduction to Health Technology Assessment
This online course provides a short, interactive introduction to health technology assessment (HTA), based on the University of Glasgow’s successful online distance-learning programme, the MSc in HTA.
MBA Essentials
Learners will delve into the vital components of the MBA experience, gaining essential knowledge, fostering the right attitude, and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.
Mindfulness: A Focus on Adolescents
Get a hands-on introduction to mindfulness and its benefits.
Multilingual Learning for a Globalised World
This course will explore multilingual education and how it can impact and improve education and even wider society.
Music Copyright: Understanding UK Copyright Law When Working with Music
Understand UK music copyright law and how it applies to you as a creator, producer, marketer, distributor or licensee of music.
Navigating Energy History: Workers, Communities, Environmental Impact and Climate Change
Discover Britain's historical energy transitions and their impact on today's sustainable energy challenges.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Global Context
Learn how to identify, assess the risk for, prevent and treat PTSD in a range of contexts..
Research Impact: Making a Difference
Help your work to benefit society and the economy. Learn what research impact is and how to create it.
Robert Burns: Poems, Songs and Legacy
Celebrate Burns Night online, and dig deeper into the life and works of Robert Burns, with this free University of Glasgow course.
Safeguarding in Collaborative Research and International Development: Contexts, Challenges, and Opportunities
Learn fundamental safeguarding principles and how to adapt them to suit whatever research contexts you may encounter.
So You Want to Study Life Science?
Explore the exciting subjects within life sciences and the rewarding careers that studying life sciences at university lead to.
Study Medicine: Applying for Medical School and Becoming a Medical Student
Thinking about becoming a doctor? Get tips for writing your medicine application and learn what it's like to be a medical student.
TESOL Strategies: Enriching Classrooms
Learn the basic principles, considerations and strategies for cultivating a rich language-learning environment.
TESOL Strategies: Supporting ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms
Learn the basic principles, considerations and strategies for cultivating a rich language-learning environment.
The Life and Afterlife of Mary Queen of Scots
Explore the 16th century life of Mary Queen of Scots, and her place in cultural history in the centuries that followed.
The Museum as a Site and Source for Learning
Find out how museum collections, spaces and technology help visitors learn.
The Right to Education: Breaking Down the Barriers
Explore whether "education for all" means all and what barriers are there to participating in education? How do you include "all" in the classroom?
The Scottish Highland Clans: Origins, Decline and Transformation
Explore fascinating Scottish history by learning about the Highland clans and how clanship has changed across hundreds of years.
Understanding Genetic Disorders: How DNA Influences Health
Explore the science behind our genetics and health and empower those with genetics disorders to make more informed health choices.
Understanding Suicide and Suicide Prevention Strategies in a Global Context
Develop an understanding of suicide in a global context. Learn about suicide risk factors and ways to help prevent it.
Working Supportively With Refugees: Principles, Skills and Perspectives
Learn how the principals of psychological well-being, communication and interpretation can benefit your work with refugees.