Learner Success Stories

Learner Success Stories

Since 2020, the University of Glasgow's Microcredentials have empowered over 8 thousand learners from Scotland and beyond to upskill and reskill. Through our courses, our learners have gained valuable skills, knowledge, and academic credits that have paved the way for exciting career advancements and further academic pursuits.

But don't just take our word for it – hear from our learners themselves about the impact that our courses have had on their lives. From newfound confidence and expanded professional networks, to higher earning potential and coveted promotion offers, our learners' success stories are truly inspiring. Whether you're considering taking one of our Microcredentials or simply looking for some motivation, we invite you to explore these stories and see the transformative power of upskilling in action.

After citing this course on my CV and applying for new jobs, I received two interview invitations right away and I quickly accepted a job offer with better pay at an amazing company!

Past Learner Project Management

A great experience. I have since been successful in my application for a promotion!

Claire Killin Project Management

My confidence has returned.

Gillian Jack Introduction to Management & Leadership in Health Services

I now feel confident in undertaking master's level academic study and moving towards my career goals of becoming a specialist nurse.

Sarah Huggett Introduction to Management & Leadership in Health Services

I now feel equipped to continue with postgraduate study and apply for more challenging leadership roles.

Marie Peck Leading Successful Teams