Dr Andrew McHugh
- Research Computing Product Manager (IT Services)
Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101427)
Anejionu, O. C.D., Sun, Y. , Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A. and Mason, P. (2019) Great Britain transport, housing, and employment access datasets for small-area urban area analytics. Data In Brief, 27, 104616. (doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104616)
Anejionu, O. C.D., Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A., Sun, Y. , Mcarthur, D. , Mason, P. and Walpole, R. (2019) Spatial urban data system: a cloud-enabled big data infrastructure for social and economic urban analytics. Future Generation Computer Systems, 98, pp. 456-473. (doi: 10.1016/j.future.2019.03.052)
McCutcheon, V. , Barr, M. and McHugh, A. (2012) Engage - Using Data About Research Clusters to Enhance Collaboration. [Research Reports or Papers]
Aitken, B., McCann, P., McHugh, A. and Miller, K. (2012) Digital curation and the cloud. [Research Reports or Papers]
McHugh, A. (2012) A model for digital preservation repository risk relationships. In: World Library and Information Congress: 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, 11-17 Aug 2012,
McHugh, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2010) In pursuit of an expressive vocabulary for preserved new media art. In: European Conference on Digital Libraries 2010, Glasgow, UK, 6-10 Sep 2010,
McHugh, A., Konstantelos, L. and Barr, M. (2010) Reflections on preserving the state of new media art. In: Archiving 2010, Den Haag, Netherlands, 1-4 Jun 2010,
McHugh, A., Ross, S., Innocenti, P., Ruusalepp, R. and Hofman, H. (2008) Bringing self assessment home: repository profiling and key lines of enquiry within DRAMBORA. In: Archiving 2008: Program and Proceedings, Bern, Switzerland, 25-27 june 2008,
Innocenti, P., McHugh, A. and Ross, S. (2008) Tackling the risk challenge: DRAMBORA (Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment). In: eChallenges 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 - 24 Oct 2008, ISBN 9781586039240
Innocenti, P., McHugh, A., Ross, S. and Raivo, R. (2008) Assessing long term preservation of audiovisual digital contents with DRAMBORA. In: Nesi, P., Ng, K. and Delgado, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution, 17-19 November 2010, Florence, Italy. Firenze University Press: Firenze, Italy, pp. 60-68. ISBN 9788884538109
Ross, S. , McHugh, A., Innocenti, P. and Ruusalepp, R. (2008) Investigation of the Potential Application of the DRAMBORA Toolkit: An Assessment of the Repository Aspects in Digital Libraries. [Research Reports or Papers]
Innocenti, P., McHugh, A., Ross, S. and Ruusalepp, R. (2007) Risk management foundations for DLs: DRAMBORA (digital repository audit method based on risk assessment). In: Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries, Budapest, Hungary, 20 Sept 2007,
McHugh, A., Ross, S., Ruusalepp, R. and Hofman, H. (2007) The Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA). Digital Curation Centre. ISBN 9781906242008
McHugh, A. (2005) Saving for the nation. Information Scotland: The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland, 3(4), pp. 14-15.
Ross, S., Donnelly, M., Dobreva, M., Abbott, D. , McHugh, A. and Rusbridge, A. (2005) Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector. Series: DigiCULT technology watch report (3). European Commission, pp. 1-296. ISBN 9789289452779
Ross, S. and McHugh, A. (2005) Audit and certification of digital repositories: creating a mandate for the Digital Curation Centre (DCC). RLG Diginews, 9(5),
Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101427)
Anejionu, O. C.D., Sun, Y. , Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A. and Mason, P. (2019) Great Britain transport, housing, and employment access datasets for small-area urban area analytics. Data In Brief, 27, 104616. (doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104616)
Anejionu, O. C.D., Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A., Sun, Y. , Mcarthur, D. , Mason, P. and Walpole, R. (2019) Spatial urban data system: a cloud-enabled big data infrastructure for social and economic urban analytics. Future Generation Computer Systems, 98, pp. 456-473. (doi: 10.1016/j.future.2019.03.052)
McHugh, A. (2005) Saving for the nation. Information Scotland: The Journal of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland, 3(4), pp. 14-15.
Ross, S. and McHugh, A. (2005) Audit and certification of digital repositories: creating a mandate for the Digital Curation Centre (DCC). RLG Diginews, 9(5),
McHugh, A., Ross, S., Ruusalepp, R. and Hofman, H. (2007) The Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA). Digital Curation Centre. ISBN 9781906242008
Ross, S., Donnelly, M., Dobreva, M., Abbott, D. , McHugh, A. and Rusbridge, A. (2005) Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector. Series: DigiCULT technology watch report (3). European Commission, pp. 1-296. ISBN 9789289452779
Book Sections
Innocenti, P., McHugh, A., Ross, S. and Raivo, R. (2008) Assessing long term preservation of audiovisual digital contents with DRAMBORA. In: Nesi, P., Ng, K. and Delgado, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution, 17-19 November 2010, Florence, Italy. Firenze University Press: Firenze, Italy, pp. 60-68. ISBN 9788884538109
Research Reports or Papers
McCutcheon, V. , Barr, M. and McHugh, A. (2012) Engage - Using Data About Research Clusters to Enhance Collaboration. [Research Reports or Papers]
Aitken, B., McCann, P., McHugh, A. and Miller, K. (2012) Digital curation and the cloud. [Research Reports or Papers]
Ross, S. , McHugh, A., Innocenti, P. and Ruusalepp, R. (2008) Investigation of the Potential Application of the DRAMBORA Toolkit: An Assessment of the Repository Aspects in Digital Libraries. [Research Reports or Papers]
Conference Proceedings
McHugh, A. (2012) A model for digital preservation repository risk relationships. In: World Library and Information Congress: 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, 11-17 Aug 2012,
McHugh, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2010) In pursuit of an expressive vocabulary for preserved new media art. In: European Conference on Digital Libraries 2010, Glasgow, UK, 6-10 Sep 2010,
McHugh, A., Konstantelos, L. and Barr, M. (2010) Reflections on preserving the state of new media art. In: Archiving 2010, Den Haag, Netherlands, 1-4 Jun 2010,
McHugh, A., Ross, S., Innocenti, P., Ruusalepp, R. and Hofman, H. (2008) Bringing self assessment home: repository profiling and key lines of enquiry within DRAMBORA. In: Archiving 2008: Program and Proceedings, Bern, Switzerland, 25-27 june 2008,
Innocenti, P., McHugh, A. and Ross, S. (2008) Tackling the risk challenge: DRAMBORA (Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment). In: eChallenges 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 - 24 Oct 2008, ISBN 9781586039240
Innocenti, P., McHugh, A., Ross, S. and Ruusalepp, R. (2007) Risk management foundations for DLs: DRAMBORA (digital repository audit method based on risk assessment). In: Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries, Budapest, Hungary, 20 Sept 2007,
Key Findings
McCutcheon, V. , Barr, M. and McHugh, A. Engage Project: Key Findings. [Key Findings]