Dr Nathalie Tasler


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2004
Number of items: 234.


Loveridge, C., Davis, K. and Tasler, N. (2024) A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level. In: The European Conference on Education 2024, London, UK, 11-15 June 2024, pp. 739-771. (doi: 10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2024.58)

Loveridge, C., Davis, K. and Tasler, N. (2024) A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level. MVLS Learning and Teaching Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 17 September 2024.

Loveridge, C., Davis, K. and Tasler, N. (2024) A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level. The European Conference on Education 2024, London, UK, 11-15 June 2024.

Loveridge, C. J., Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Pope, L. , Price, V. E. and Dickson, B. (2024) What brought us together to form a community for scholarship. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 3. (doi: 10.20429/ijsotl.2024.180103)

Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2024) Creative Pedagogies for Education for Sustainable Development. The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, Online, 05 Jun 2024. (Unpublished)

Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Honeychurch, S. , Kurincova, K. and Abonambugre, T. (2024) Everything you ever wanted to know about running a SoTL project but were too afraid to ask. 17th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 27 Mar 2024.


Tasler, N. , Dale, V. H. M. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. T. , Karlsson-Brown, P. S. , Karadaglic, D., Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2023) Risks, reflection, rewards, and resistance: academic perspectives on creative pedagogies for active learning. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 11(3), pp. 80-96. (doi: 10.56433/jpaap.v11i3.585)

Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and McCandlish, A. (2023) SoTLWriMo: a collaborative reflection. [Website]

Ahmad, N., Toro-Troconis, M., Ibahrine, M., Armour, R., Tait, V., Reedy, K., Malevicius, R., Dale, V. , Tasler, N. and Inzolia, Y. (2023) CoDesignS education for sustainable development: a framework for embedding education for sustainable development in curriculum design. Sustainability, 15(23), 16460. (doi: 10.3390/su152316460)

Nerantzi, C., Gillaspy, E., Sinfield, S., Karatsiori, M., Burns, T., Hunter, A., Seat, H. and Tasler, N. (2023) Like the sea: Living communityship as a form of participatory leadership within the creativity for learning in HE (#creativeHE) community. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, (doi: 10.1080/14703297.2023.2256700) (Early Online Publication)

Tasler, N. (2023) 93: ChatGPT for critical thinking. In: Nerantzi, C., Abegglen, S., Karatsiori, M. and Martínez-Arboleda, A. (eds.) 101 Creative Ideas to use AI in Education. A Crowdsourced Collection. #creativeHE, pp. 231-232. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8072950)

Beckingham, S., Bullingham, L., Hartley, P., Cuthbert, K., Irving-Bell, D., Wooff, D., Tasler, N. , Turner, S., Stinson, L. and Withnell, N. (2023) The National Teaching Repository − sharing effective interventions: learning from each other so that we can continue to enhance and improve what we do. Educational Developments, 24(2), pp. 5-7.

Cao, Q. , Seow, C. K. , Lim, L. H. I. , Keoh, S. L. , Dale, V. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and Bremner, D. (2023) Learners’ differences in blended learner-centric approach for a common programming subject. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 13(6), pp. 906-913. (doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.6.1886)

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2023) SoTL Information Session. 16th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 March and 13 April 2023.


Tasler, N. (2022) Story 25: Pedagogy of hope. In: Burns, T., Desire, J., Gordon, J., McDonald, P. and Sinfield, S. (eds.) Say it With a Story. The #creativeHE Annual 2022. Series: Annual Compendium #creativeHE. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community, #creativeHE, pp. 64-65. (doi: 10.25416/NTR.21806085)

Tasler, N. (2022) AcWriMo2022: Debunking 4 SoTL Myths. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Public Participation: An Emotional Rollercoaster. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Writing is Comfort Work. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Unsticking my Writing by Pondering a Wicked Problem. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Just because #AcWriMo2022. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Writing about your Teaching Practice: Your DIY Writing Workshop. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Writing Creates More Writing. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Mindfulness is NOT a panacea for anxious students. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) SoTL Development: A Pragmatic Approach. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Looking Beyond: Thoughts on Teaching Models. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Thoughts About Ethics and SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) SoTL Quick Tips. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Why Most Productivity Advice is Pointless. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Just Do It: SoTL. [Website]

Irving-Bell, D., Wooff, D. and Tasler, N. (2022) The National Teaching Repository: global reach and Impact. AdvanceHE News and Views, 05 Jul.

Tasler, N. and Border, S. (2022) The Teaching and Scholarship Podcast: Dr Nathalie Tasler. [Audio]

Dale, V. , Tasler, N. and Sánchez-Jáuregui, L. (2022) Object-based learning: active learning through enquiry. In: Betts, T. and Oprandi, P. (eds.) 100 Ideas for Active Learning. University of Sussex Library: Falmer, Brighton, UK, pp. 566-574. ISBN 9780995786271 (doi: 10.20919/OPXR1032/69)

Tasler, N. (2022) Using fortune cookies to teach academic writing. In: Betts, T. and Oprandi, P. (eds.) 100 Ideas for Active Learning. University of Sussex Library: Falmer, Brighton, UK, pp. 583-587. ISBN 9780995786271 (doi: 10.20919/OPXR1032/71)

Tasler, N. , Nerantzi, C., Sinfield, S., Burns, T. and Gillaspy, E. (2022) Having fun and enjoying research? You MUST be kidding! Reflections on a #creativeHE collaborative keynote. Academic WELS Postgraduate Researchers Conference 2022, 21 May 2022.

Abegglen, S., Spiers, A. and Tasler, N. (2022) Reflections on The 4th Annual #creativeHE Jam – Quiet Creativity. The 4th Annual #creativeHE Jam – Quiet Creativity, 12 May 2022.

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2022) Getting Started with SoTL. 15th Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference Pre-Conference Workshop, 21 Mar 2022.

Tasler, N. (2022) What is in Teaching? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) No. It's not just a bad day. [Website]


Honeychurch, S. , Soler, L. , Price, V. , Loveridge, C., Docherty, F. , Tasler, N. , Dickson, B. and Pope, L. (2021) The Power of Collaborative SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Is it because the spaces never close? [Website]

Cao, Q. , Lim, L. H. I. , Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2021) Experiences in python programming laboratory for civil engineering students with online collaborative programming platform. In: ICERI2021 Proceedings, 8-9 November 2021, pp. 5784-5791. ISBN 9788409345496 (doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1305)

Tasler, N. (2021) Notes on Autoethnography: Autoethnography Take Two. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Drawing Focus: ADHD and Productivity Strategies. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Trials and Tribulations of Becoming a SoTL Scholar. Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference (ViCEPHEC21), 16-20 Aug 2021.

Hunter, A., Nerantzi, C., Withnell, N., Gillaspy, E., Spiers, A., Tasler, N. and Rachelle, O.'B. (2021) Finding your Tribe: How Cross-institutional Collaboration Fosters Creative Connections. Academic Practice and Technology (APT) Conference, London, UK, 02 July 2021. (Unpublished)

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL a Strategic Imperative. [Website]

Tasler, N. and Dale, V. (2021) Learners, teachers and places: A conceptual framework for creative pedagogies. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(1), pp. 2-7. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i1.450)

Tasler, N. (2021) Meaningful Assessment as Feedback for Quality Assurance. Qualifying the Debate on ‘Quality’, 22-23rd June 2021. (Unpublished)

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F., Honeychurch, S. , Jamieson, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL 'Unconference'. 14th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference: Transforming Teaching & Taking Stock, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 18 June 2021. (Unpublished)

Tasler, N. (2021) Ethics and SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Review: Hochschulbildung Chapter 5. [Website]

Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2021) Creative Pedagogies for Active Learning. Active Learning Festival, 19-23 April 2021.

Tasler, N. (2021) Not enough data but still learning. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL: One Approach to Rule them All. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTLwalk April 2021: The Hunt for Teaching Eggcellence! [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTLwalk: March 2021. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) To keep or not to keep? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Of Writing and Stories: Writing as Form of Inquiry. [Website]

Mullen, H. , Quinn, N. , Offord, M. and Tasler, N. (2021) SoTLcast Podcast: Transitioning into HE from Private Sector. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2021) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Chapter 3. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Chapter 2: Review: Hochschulbildungsforschung: Chapter 2. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) How to get from research questions to methods in SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) #SoTLwalk February 2021. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Barriers. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Making Work Flow. [Website]

Tasler, N. , O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (Eds.) (2021) Being creative in the face of adversity - Annual #creativeHE collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education community (#creativeHE).

Dale, V. , Adekola, J. , Tasler, N. and Murray, J.-A. (2021) JPAAP 9(2) Editorial: Transitions to remote and blended learning. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.512)

Tasler, N. (2021) Living by the proverb: developing as a creative teacher in higher education. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), pp. 38-51.

Tasler, N. (2021) Micro-art breaks for creative mindfulness. In: Tasler, N., O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (eds.) Being creative in the face of adversity - Annual #creativeHE collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education community (#creativeHE): The National Teaching Repository, pp. 76-78.

Tasler, N. , Barr, M. and Dale, V. (2021) Editorial: The inaugural issue. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), i.

Tasler, N. , O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (2021) Editorial. In: Tasler, N., O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (eds.) Being creative in the face of adversity - Annual #creativeHE collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education community (#creativeHE), pp. 5-8.


Oakley, S. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and Research Integrity. [Audio]

Jamieson, S. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Professor. [Audio]

Cannon, P. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Library. [Audio]

Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Questionnaire. [Audio]

Ramsay, S. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Dissemination Fair. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2020) Of Wormholes and SoTLwalks. [Website]

McEwan, M. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the University. [Audio]

Thompson, K. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Masters in Education. [Audio]

Barr, M. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and Gamebased Learning. [Audio]

Irving Bell, D. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: Dawne Irving-Bell and the National Teaching Repository. [Audio]

Taylor, N. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLwalk Podcast: Natasha Taylor and SoTLwalks. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLwalk October. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Blackout Poetry and Pancakes: Learning from a CPD session. [Website]

Sheridan, N. (2020) A two-step model for creative teaching in higher education. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 18, (doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi18.574)

Tasler, N. (2020) Falling into the Heather. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Zoom Break Zumba. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: Story of becoming a university teacher. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2020) #SoTLwalk August 2020. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Lockdown Adventures. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) You Can Find Learning Everywhere. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #SoTLwalk July: When life gives you lemons... [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) The Walking Brain #ADHD. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Hybrid Spaces. [Website]

Sheridan, N. (2020) Jank and Meyer's Guiding Questions for Didaktik Translated and Adapted for Higher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Tasler, N. (2020) #SoTLWalk June: Identities in Crisis. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #ETConf20, the ‘New Normal’ and SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #FOS201 OER and OEP. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) The most obvious insight! [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Two Foot in Front of You. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Monthly SoTL-walk: Emergence. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Mindful Breaks. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Reflective Practice During a Time of Change. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Zettelkasten–Messy Notes. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Coaching Supervision: and Course Development. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Remote Working Survival Kit. [Website]

Soler, L. and Sheridan, N. (2020) Transitions into Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) with Linnea Soler @DrLinneaSoler and Nathalie Sheridan @drnsheridan. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Bildung & Weltaneignung: an Attempted Translation of Education. [Website]


Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: publish. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: bonus. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 Days of SoTL: write about your SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: data analysis. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: data collection. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: ethics. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: participant selection. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: methods. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: methodology. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: theory. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: literature. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: research question. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Meaningful time and ethnography. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 10 reasons to write. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: getting started. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: announcement and link list. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) SoTL process infographic. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) SoTL Process Infographic. Figshare, 2019, 22 Nov. (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12229274.v2)

Tasler, N. (2019) Using PowerPoint for gamification: quizzes, tests etc. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Command word chaos: teaching critical thinking. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Reflective practice. [Website]

Tasler, N. and Walentin, D. (2019) Learning While Playing: Creative Pedagogics as Inclusive Practice for Refugee Children. Internationaler Spiel(mobil)­kongress 2019, Munich, Germany, 9-13 Oct 2019.

Tasler, N. (2019) Digital storytelling, GDPR, and PowerPoint. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Judgements: Reflecting on Professional Relationships. [Website]

Sheridan, N., Dale, V. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. , Karadaglic, D., Karlsson-Brown, P. S. , Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2019) Creative Approaches to Academic Practice Leading to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Alt Annual Conference 2019, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 Sept 2019.

Tasler, N. (2019) How to get back into academic writing? [Website]

Maguire, J. , Sheridan, N., Draper, S. and Cutts, Q. (2019) Mentoring Mentors in Cooperative Software Engineering Education Programmes. In: 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER ’19), Toronto, ON, Canada, 12-14 Aug 2019, p. 307. ISBN 9781450361859 (doi: 10.1145/3291279.3341205)

Tasler, N. (2019) WOOP - Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intention. [Website]

Sheridan, N. (2019) Lightning Talk. GTA Developers' Forum 2019, Bristol, UK, 24 Jun 2019.

Tasler, N. and Dale, V. (2019) Narrative Arc as Curriculum Design Tool. [Website]

Sheridan, N., Dale, V. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. , Karadaglic, D., Karlsson-Brown, P. , Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2019) Students as Scholars: Academic Development and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 18-19 Jul 2019.

Tasler, N. (2019) SoTL is not a Concept. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Working in the garden: Deep Work and the impact of gardening. [Website]

Sheridan, N., Dale, V. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. , Karadaglic, D., Karlsson-Brown, P. , Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2019) Exploring Space and Place through Active Learning Pedagogies. 12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.

Sheridan, N. (2019) The scholarship of learning and teaching: a victim of its nomenclature? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) The autopoietic lecturer - a poem. [Website]


Sheridan, N. and Dale, V. (2018) Creating a Story About Space and Place. ALT Winter Conference 2018, Online, 11-12 Dec 2018.

Sheridan, N. and Dale, V. (2018) Enabling Academic Staff to Engage with Disruptive Pedagogies Using Active Learning Technologies. ALT Winter Conference 2018, Online, 11-12 Dec 2018.

Tasler, N. and Dale, V. (2018) Curriculum and Storytelling. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Thinking Thoughts. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) If it doesn’t work…. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) A cuppa: the holy grail of meetings. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Influencing and Negotiating. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Context switching: ADHD and the issue of context switching. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) The vortex of writing. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Relevant Teaching. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Washing Machine Emergency and CPD Sessions. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) The Autopoietic Teacher. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Writing vs Boot-camp. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Teaching as a Healing Art. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) The power of reflective practice. [Website]


Sheridan, N. (2017) Creative Learning and Teaching in Engineering Higher Education. PEGASUS 39th Council Meeting at ISAE-SUPAERO: ‘Best Practices in Education’ Workshop, Toulouse, France, 18 Oct 2017.

Tasler, N. (2017) Safe space for failure. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2017) Blooming Taxonomies. [Website]

Sheridan, N. and Ahmed, S. (2017) Preliminary Findings from FEMSTEM Project. EPSRC: Diversity and Inclusion in ICT Meeting, London, UK, 05 June 2017.

Labrosse, N. et al. (2017) Preparing for the Journey: Supporting Students to Make Successful Transitions Into and Out of Taught Postgraduate Study. 10th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 Mar 2017.

Bownes, J. et al. (2017) Supporting students in the transition to postgraduate taught study in STEM subjects. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5(2), pp. 3-11. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v5i2.280)


Tasler, N. (2016) Experimenting with OERs for my Students. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2016) Bullet journaling. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2016) Herding cats: the ADHD academic. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2016) I propose to you to rebel. [Website]


Sheridan, N. (2015) 75.000 Views and Growing: Creating Vidcasts for YouTube with no Budget. In: 14th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2015, Hatfield, UK, 29-30 Oct 2015, pp. 546-553. ISBN 9781910810705

Tasler, N. (2015) Of story telling, coaching, and teaching in HE. [Website]

Sheridan, N. (2015) Supporting International PGT Students Through Informal Learning Spaces. 8th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 14 Apr 2015.


Tasler, N. (2014) Play-dough is not just for Kindergarten! [Website]

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Self Guided Research Assistant - Full Online Interactive Version. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 1: Overview Graphic. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 2: Develop your Research Strategy. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 3: Developing Research Questions. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 4: Methodology and Methods. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 5: Sampling Units. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Sheridan, N. (2014) Academic Skills a Long Thin Induction. Learning and Teaching Day, Glasgow, UK, May 2014.

Tasler, N. (2014) The accidental Guerrilla researcher. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) On writing paragraphs. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Of Peer Learning and Being Filmed Teaching. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Fortune Cookie Reflections. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Teaching and the Notion of Kata. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Radiography, Gallery of Modern Art & International Students. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) On the Quest for a Researcher Identity. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Vulnerability, possibility thinking and resilience. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Learning space—an alpine marmot. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Getting a voice make-over. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) HEA—a Monster Conference. [Website]

Sheridan, N. (2014) Using Creative Pedagogy to Make Sense of Higher Education. European First Year Experience Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9-11 Jun 2014.


Tasler, N. (2013) From classroom to tweet? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Preventing students from developing bad habits. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Exam buffet for exam diet. [Website]

Smyth, G. and Sheridan, N. (2013) Becoming multilingual: Bridges and barriers to change in a monolingual primary and secondary school in Scotland. In: Ragnarsdóttir, H. and Schmidt, C. (eds.) Learning Spaces for Social Justice: International Perspectives on Exemplary Practices from Preschool to Secondary School. Trentham: Stoke-on-Trent. ISBN 978185856518 7

Tasler, N. (2013) Proxies and ‘as if’ to establish ‘real-life context’. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Synthesising Literature. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2013) Teaching is a High Risk Profession. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Feedback Rules! [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Feedback—Fed Back. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Plagiarism, referencing and pop quiz traps. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Paraphrasing versus summarizing. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Mastering balloons: using balloons to explore argument structures at master level. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) More adventures in teaching undergrads. [Website]

Mckendry, S., O'Neill, D., Roberts, L. and Sheridan, N. (2013) Researching Under-Represented Groups: How to Empower Students through Targeted Learning Development Support. In: 10th Enhancement Themes Conference, Glasgow, UK, June 2013,

Sheridan, N. and Roberts, L. (2013) Providing Inclusive Learning Development: One Learning Development Centre's Use of Demographic Data to Support Specific Groups of Learners. 10th annual ALDinHE Conference, Plymouth, UK, 23-25 March 2013.

Tasler, N. (2013) English is like Make-Up. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Trying out Homework. [Website]


Sheridan, N. (2012) Managing Workload During Your PhD. PsyPag Developmental Section Pre-conference Workshop For Postgraduates, Glasgow, UK, 4 Sept 2012.

Tasler, N. (2012) Student Attributes and Employability - Links to the Effective Learning Adviser Role. ScotELAs Summer Conference, Stirling, UK, 15 Jun 2012. (Unpublished)

Tasler, N. (2012) My meme, your meme, everybody wants meme meme. [Website]

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2012) Dragon's Den - Funding Application Presentation. [Audio]

Smyth, G., Sheridan, N., MacBride, G. and Paton, G. (2012) Inclusion of pupils from refugee families. In: Allan, J. and Catts, R. (eds.) Social Capital Practices and Young People. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 978-1847429278

Sheridan, N. (2012) The Future of Academic Development Role. ScotELAs Conference, Stirling, UK

Sheridan, N. (2012) Student Engagement. HEA Curriculum Development Event, Glasgow, UK, 29 March 2012.


Sheridan, N. (2011) There is more to it than disadvantage. SERA Conference 2011, Stirling, UK, 24-25 Nov 2011.


Sheridan, N. (2010) Writing a Methodology Chapter. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2010) Data presentation, analysis and language. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2010) Learning about ethnography: the Ender Saga- Book 2. [Website]

Kum, H. and Sheridan, N. (2010) The Notion of Citizenship and Britishness. Seminar: The Notion of Citizenship and Britishness and Refugee Voices, Glasgow, UK, 19 June 2010.

Gaynor Mowat, J., Jacobson, M. and Tasler, N. (2010) Promoting Inclusive Practice for Pupils Experiencing SEBD. SERA Conference 2010, Stirling, UK, 25-26 Nov 2010.

Smyth, G., MacBride, G., Paton, G. and Sheridan, N. (2010) Social capital and refugee children: Does it help their integration and education in Scottish schools? Diskurs Kindheits: Und Jugendforschung, 2, pp. 146-157.


McBride, G., Paton, G., Sheridan, N. and Smyth, G. (2008) Social Capital of Researchers: Hurdle or Handle? SERA Annual Conference 2008, Stirling, UK, 28 November 2008.

Smyth, G. and Sheridan, N. (2008) Refugee Pupils in Scottish Schools: Integration in a previously monocultural school. SERA Annual Conference 2008, Stirling, UK, 27-29 Nov 2008.

Tasler, N. , Wright, H., Gormally, S., Spohrer, K., Hunter, K. and Brennan, G. (2008) Overcoming the Isolation of a PhD… No More Bowling Alone! Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Perth, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2008.

Sheridan, N. (2008) Narrative as Ethnographic Research Tool. Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference, Oxford, UK, 20-22 Sep 2008.

Smyth, G. and Sheridan, N. (2008) Can Creative Learning be Explored in a Performative Teaching Culture? ECER 2008: From Teaching to Learning?, Gothenburg, 8-12 Sep 2008.

Smyth, G., McBride, G., Paton, G. and Sheridan, N. (2008) Researching Social Capital: Accessing Children’s Voice. Ethnography in Education Conference, Oxford, UK, 21-22 Sep 2008.

Tasler, N. (2008) Comprehend Understanding – How Theories Help to Explore the Creation of Meaning. Bridging the Gap: University of Strathclyde Research Day, Glasgow, UK, 28 June 2008.

Tasler, N. (2008) Symbolic Interactionism, Social Constructivism and the Notion of Social Capital. On the Quest for the Right Paradigm. College of Arts and Social Sciences Moving Forward PG Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 11-12 June 2008.

Tasler, N. (2008) Ethical Issues in Research with Asylum Seeker’s Children. Children, Young People and Families Research Network, New Lanark, Scotland, 18-19 Jan 2008.


Tasler, N. (2007) Ethical Issues in Research With Children. Moving Forward, PGR Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2007.


Tasler, N. (2004) Arts and Education: Learning as Experience a possibility for contemporary issues in education? Theorising and Performing Knowledge, Postgraduate Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 15-16 Nov 2004.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 00:13:54 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 234.


Loveridge, C. J., Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Pope, L. , Price, V. E. and Dickson, B. (2024) What brought us together to form a community for scholarship. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 3. (doi: 10.20429/ijsotl.2024.180103)

Tasler, N. , Dale, V. H. M. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. T. , Karlsson-Brown, P. S. , Karadaglic, D., Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2023) Risks, reflection, rewards, and resistance: academic perspectives on creative pedagogies for active learning. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 11(3), pp. 80-96. (doi: 10.56433/jpaap.v11i3.585)

Ahmad, N., Toro-Troconis, M., Ibahrine, M., Armour, R., Tait, V., Reedy, K., Malevicius, R., Dale, V. , Tasler, N. and Inzolia, Y. (2023) CoDesignS education for sustainable development: a framework for embedding education for sustainable development in curriculum design. Sustainability, 15(23), 16460. (doi: 10.3390/su152316460)

Nerantzi, C., Gillaspy, E., Sinfield, S., Karatsiori, M., Burns, T., Hunter, A., Seat, H. and Tasler, N. (2023) Like the sea: Living communityship as a form of participatory leadership within the creativity for learning in HE (#creativeHE) community. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, (doi: 10.1080/14703297.2023.2256700) (Early Online Publication)

Beckingham, S., Bullingham, L., Hartley, P., Cuthbert, K., Irving-Bell, D., Wooff, D., Tasler, N. , Turner, S., Stinson, L. and Withnell, N. (2023) The National Teaching Repository − sharing effective interventions: learning from each other so that we can continue to enhance and improve what we do. Educational Developments, 24(2), pp. 5-7.

Cao, Q. , Seow, C. K. , Lim, L. H. I. , Keoh, S. L. , Dale, V. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and Bremner, D. (2023) Learners’ differences in blended learner-centric approach for a common programming subject. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 13(6), pp. 906-913. (doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.6.1886)

Irving-Bell, D., Wooff, D. and Tasler, N. (2022) The National Teaching Repository: global reach and Impact. AdvanceHE News and Views, 05 Jul.

Tasler, N. and Dale, V. (2021) Learners, teachers and places: A conceptual framework for creative pedagogies. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(1), pp. 2-7. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i1.450)

Dale, V. , Adekola, J. , Tasler, N. and Murray, J.-A. (2021) JPAAP 9(2) Editorial: Transitions to remote and blended learning. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.512)

Tasler, N. (2021) Living by the proverb: developing as a creative teacher in higher education. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), pp. 38-51.

Tasler, N. , Barr, M. and Dale, V. (2021) Editorial: The inaugural issue. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), i.

Sheridan, N. (2020) A two-step model for creative teaching in higher education. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 18, (doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi18.574)

Tasler, N. (2019) SoTL Process Infographic. Figshare, 2019, 22 Nov. (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12229274.v2)

Bownes, J. et al. (2017) Supporting students in the transition to postgraduate taught study in STEM subjects. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5(2), pp. 3-11. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v5i2.280)

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Self Guided Research Assistant - Full Online Interactive Version. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 1: Overview Graphic. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 2: Develop your Research Strategy. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 3: Developing Research Questions. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 4: Methodology and Methods. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2014) Step 5: Sampling Units. Figshare, 2014, 01 May.

Smyth, G., MacBride, G., Paton, G. and Sheridan, N. (2010) Social capital and refugee children: Does it help their integration and education in Scottish schools? Diskurs Kindheits: Und Jugendforschung, 2, pp. 146-157.

Book Sections

Tasler, N. (2023) 93: ChatGPT for critical thinking. In: Nerantzi, C., Abegglen, S., Karatsiori, M. and Martínez-Arboleda, A. (eds.) 101 Creative Ideas to use AI in Education. A Crowdsourced Collection. #creativeHE, pp. 231-232. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8072950)

Tasler, N. (2022) Story 25: Pedagogy of hope. In: Burns, T., Desire, J., Gordon, J., McDonald, P. and Sinfield, S. (eds.) Say it With a Story. The #creativeHE Annual 2022. Series: Annual Compendium #creativeHE. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community, #creativeHE, pp. 64-65. (doi: 10.25416/NTR.21806085)

Dale, V. , Tasler, N. and Sánchez-Jáuregui, L. (2022) Object-based learning: active learning through enquiry. In: Betts, T. and Oprandi, P. (eds.) 100 Ideas for Active Learning. University of Sussex Library: Falmer, Brighton, UK, pp. 566-574. ISBN 9780995786271 (doi: 10.20919/OPXR1032/69)

Tasler, N. (2022) Using fortune cookies to teach academic writing. In: Betts, T. and Oprandi, P. (eds.) 100 Ideas for Active Learning. University of Sussex Library: Falmer, Brighton, UK, pp. 583-587. ISBN 9780995786271 (doi: 10.20919/OPXR1032/71)

Tasler, N. (2021) Micro-art breaks for creative mindfulness. In: Tasler, N., O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (eds.) Being creative in the face of adversity - Annual #creativeHE collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education community (#creativeHE): The National Teaching Repository, pp. 76-78.

Tasler, N. , O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (2021) Editorial. In: Tasler, N., O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (eds.) Being creative in the face of adversity - Annual #creativeHE collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education community (#creativeHE), pp. 5-8.

Smyth, G. and Sheridan, N. (2013) Becoming multilingual: Bridges and barriers to change in a monolingual primary and secondary school in Scotland. In: Ragnarsdóttir, H. and Schmidt, C. (eds.) Learning Spaces for Social Justice: International Perspectives on Exemplary Practices from Preschool to Secondary School. Trentham: Stoke-on-Trent. ISBN 978185856518 7

Smyth, G., Sheridan, N., MacBride, G. and Paton, G. (2012) Inclusion of pupils from refugee families. In: Allan, J. and Catts, R. (eds.) Social Capital Practices and Young People. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 978-1847429278

Edited Books

Tasler, N. , O'Brien, R. and Spiers, A. (Eds.) (2021) Being creative in the face of adversity - Annual #creativeHE collection 2021. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education community (#creativeHE).

Research Reports or Papers

Sheridan, N. (2020) Jank and Meyer's Guiding Questions for Didaktik Translated and Adapted for Higher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Loveridge, C., Davis, K. and Tasler, N. (2024) A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level. MVLS Learning and Teaching Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 17 September 2024.

Loveridge, C., Davis, K. and Tasler, N. (2024) A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level. The European Conference on Education 2024, London, UK, 11-15 June 2024.

Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2024) Creative Pedagogies for Education for Sustainable Development. The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, Online, 05 Jun 2024. (Unpublished)

Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Honeychurch, S. , Kurincova, K. and Abonambugre, T. (2024) Everything you ever wanted to know about running a SoTL project but were too afraid to ask. 17th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 27 Mar 2024.

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2023) SoTL Information Session. 16th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 March and 13 April 2023.

Tasler, N. , Nerantzi, C., Sinfield, S., Burns, T. and Gillaspy, E. (2022) Having fun and enjoying research? You MUST be kidding! Reflections on a #creativeHE collaborative keynote. Academic WELS Postgraduate Researchers Conference 2022, 21 May 2022.

Abegglen, S., Spiers, A. and Tasler, N. (2022) Reflections on The 4th Annual #creativeHE Jam – Quiet Creativity. The 4th Annual #creativeHE Jam – Quiet Creativity, 12 May 2022.

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2022) Getting Started with SoTL. 15th Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference Pre-Conference Workshop, 21 Mar 2022.

Tasler, N. (2021) Trials and Tribulations of Becoming a SoTL Scholar. Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference (ViCEPHEC21), 16-20 Aug 2021.

Hunter, A., Nerantzi, C., Withnell, N., Gillaspy, E., Spiers, A., Tasler, N. and Rachelle, O.'B. (2021) Finding your Tribe: How Cross-institutional Collaboration Fosters Creative Connections. Academic Practice and Technology (APT) Conference, London, UK, 02 July 2021. (Unpublished)

Tasler, N. (2021) Meaningful Assessment as Feedback for Quality Assurance. Qualifying the Debate on ‘Quality’, 22-23rd June 2021. (Unpublished)

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F., Honeychurch, S. , Jamieson, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL 'Unconference'. 14th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference: Transforming Teaching & Taking Stock, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 18 June 2021. (Unpublished)

Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2021) Creative Pedagogies for Active Learning. Active Learning Festival, 19-23 April 2021.

Tasler, N. and Walentin, D. (2019) Learning While Playing: Creative Pedagogics as Inclusive Practice for Refugee Children. Internationaler Spiel(mobil)­kongress 2019, Munich, Germany, 9-13 Oct 2019.

Sheridan, N., Dale, V. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. , Karadaglic, D., Karlsson-Brown, P. S. , Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2019) Creative Approaches to Academic Practice Leading to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Alt Annual Conference 2019, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 Sept 2019.

Sheridan, N. (2019) Lightning Talk. GTA Developers' Forum 2019, Bristol, UK, 24 Jun 2019.

Sheridan, N., Dale, V. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. , Karadaglic, D., Karlsson-Brown, P. , Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2019) Students as Scholars: Academic Development and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 18-19 Jul 2019.

Sheridan, N., Dale, V. , Breslin, M. , Charters, M., Docherty, F. , Karadaglic, D., Karlsson-Brown, P. , Reid, D. and Robertson-Kirkland, B. (2019) Exploring Space and Place through Active Learning Pedagogies. 12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.

Sheridan, N. and Dale, V. (2018) Creating a Story About Space and Place. ALT Winter Conference 2018, Online, 11-12 Dec 2018.

Sheridan, N. and Dale, V. (2018) Enabling Academic Staff to Engage with Disruptive Pedagogies Using Active Learning Technologies. ALT Winter Conference 2018, Online, 11-12 Dec 2018.

Sheridan, N. (2017) Creative Learning and Teaching in Engineering Higher Education. PEGASUS 39th Council Meeting at ISAE-SUPAERO: ‘Best Practices in Education’ Workshop, Toulouse, France, 18 Oct 2017.

Sheridan, N. and Ahmed, S. (2017) Preliminary Findings from FEMSTEM Project. EPSRC: Diversity and Inclusion in ICT Meeting, London, UK, 05 June 2017.

Labrosse, N. et al. (2017) Preparing for the Journey: Supporting Students to Make Successful Transitions Into and Out of Taught Postgraduate Study. 10th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 30 Mar 2017.

Sheridan, N. (2015) Supporting International PGT Students Through Informal Learning Spaces. 8th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 14 Apr 2015.

Sheridan, N. (2014) Academic Skills a Long Thin Induction. Learning and Teaching Day, Glasgow, UK, May 2014.

Sheridan, N. (2014) Using Creative Pedagogy to Make Sense of Higher Education. European First Year Experience Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9-11 Jun 2014.

Sheridan, N. and Roberts, L. (2013) Providing Inclusive Learning Development: One Learning Development Centre's Use of Demographic Data to Support Specific Groups of Learners. 10th annual ALDinHE Conference, Plymouth, UK, 23-25 March 2013.

Sheridan, N. (2012) Managing Workload During Your PhD. PsyPag Developmental Section Pre-conference Workshop For Postgraduates, Glasgow, UK, 4 Sept 2012.

Tasler, N. (2012) Student Attributes and Employability - Links to the Effective Learning Adviser Role. ScotELAs Summer Conference, Stirling, UK, 15 Jun 2012. (Unpublished)

Sheridan, N. (2012) The Future of Academic Development Role. ScotELAs Conference, Stirling, UK

Sheridan, N. (2012) Student Engagement. HEA Curriculum Development Event, Glasgow, UK, 29 March 2012.

Sheridan, N. (2011) There is more to it than disadvantage. SERA Conference 2011, Stirling, UK, 24-25 Nov 2011.

Kum, H. and Sheridan, N. (2010) The Notion of Citizenship and Britishness. Seminar: The Notion of Citizenship and Britishness and Refugee Voices, Glasgow, UK, 19 June 2010.

Gaynor Mowat, J., Jacobson, M. and Tasler, N. (2010) Promoting Inclusive Practice for Pupils Experiencing SEBD. SERA Conference 2010, Stirling, UK, 25-26 Nov 2010.

McBride, G., Paton, G., Sheridan, N. and Smyth, G. (2008) Social Capital of Researchers: Hurdle or Handle? SERA Annual Conference 2008, Stirling, UK, 28 November 2008.

Smyth, G. and Sheridan, N. (2008) Refugee Pupils in Scottish Schools: Integration in a previously monocultural school. SERA Annual Conference 2008, Stirling, UK, 27-29 Nov 2008.

Tasler, N. , Wright, H., Gormally, S., Spohrer, K., Hunter, K. and Brennan, G. (2008) Overcoming the Isolation of a PhD… No More Bowling Alone! Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Perth, Scotland, 27-29 Nov 2008.

Sheridan, N. (2008) Narrative as Ethnographic Research Tool. Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference, Oxford, UK, 20-22 Sep 2008.

Smyth, G. and Sheridan, N. (2008) Can Creative Learning be Explored in a Performative Teaching Culture? ECER 2008: From Teaching to Learning?, Gothenburg, 8-12 Sep 2008.

Smyth, G., McBride, G., Paton, G. and Sheridan, N. (2008) Researching Social Capital: Accessing Children’s Voice. Ethnography in Education Conference, Oxford, UK, 21-22 Sep 2008.

Tasler, N. (2008) Comprehend Understanding – How Theories Help to Explore the Creation of Meaning. Bridging the Gap: University of Strathclyde Research Day, Glasgow, UK, 28 June 2008.

Tasler, N. (2008) Symbolic Interactionism, Social Constructivism and the Notion of Social Capital. On the Quest for the Right Paradigm. College of Arts and Social Sciences Moving Forward PG Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 11-12 June 2008.

Tasler, N. (2008) Ethical Issues in Research with Asylum Seeker’s Children. Children, Young People and Families Research Network, New Lanark, Scotland, 18-19 Jan 2008.

Tasler, N. (2007) Ethical Issues in Research With Children. Moving Forward, PGR Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2007.

Tasler, N. (2004) Arts and Education: Learning as Experience a possibility for contemporary issues in education? Theorising and Performing Knowledge, Postgraduate Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 15-16 Nov 2004.

Conference Proceedings

Loveridge, C., Davis, K. and Tasler, N. (2024) A Multi-factorial Approach Towards Tackling Plagiarism: A Comparison Between Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Plagiarism at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Level. In: The European Conference on Education 2024, London, UK, 11-15 June 2024, pp. 739-771. (doi: 10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2024.58)

Cao, Q. , Lim, L. H. I. , Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2021) Experiences in python programming laboratory for civil engineering students with online collaborative programming platform. In: ICERI2021 Proceedings, 8-9 November 2021, pp. 5784-5791. ISBN 9788409345496 (doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1305)

Maguire, J. , Sheridan, N., Draper, S. and Cutts, Q. (2019) Mentoring Mentors in Cooperative Software Engineering Education Programmes. In: 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER ’19), Toronto, ON, Canada, 12-14 Aug 2019, p. 307. ISBN 9781450361859 (doi: 10.1145/3291279.3341205)

Sheridan, N. (2015) 75.000 Views and Growing: Creating Vidcasts for YouTube with no Budget. In: 14th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2015, Hatfield, UK, 29-30 Oct 2015, pp. 546-553. ISBN 9781910810705

Mckendry, S., O'Neill, D., Roberts, L. and Sheridan, N. (2013) Researching Under-Represented Groups: How to Empower Students through Targeted Learning Development Support. In: 10th Enhancement Themes Conference, Glasgow, UK, June 2013,


Tasler, N. and Border, S. (2022) The Teaching and Scholarship Podcast: Dr Nathalie Tasler. [Audio]

Mullen, H. , Quinn, N. , Offord, M. and Tasler, N. (2021) SoTLcast Podcast: Transitioning into HE from Private Sector. [Audio]

Oakley, S. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and Research Integrity. [Audio]

Jamieson, S. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Professor. [Audio]

Cannon, P. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Library. [Audio]

Dale, V. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Questionnaire. [Audio]

Ramsay, S. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Dissemination Fair. [Audio]

McEwan, M. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the University. [Audio]

Thompson, K. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and the Masters in Education. [Audio]

Barr, M. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: SoTL and Gamebased Learning. [Audio]

Irving Bell, D. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: Dawne Irving-Bell and the National Teaching Repository. [Audio]

Taylor, N. and Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLwalk Podcast: Natasha Taylor and SoTLwalks. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLcast Podcast: Story of becoming a university teacher. [Audio]

Tasler, N. (2013) Synthesising Literature. [Audio]

Tasler, N. and Pietka-Nykaza, E. (2012) Dragon's Den - Funding Application Presentation. [Audio]

Sheridan, N. (2010) Writing a Methodology Chapter. [Audio]


Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and McCandlish, A. (2023) SoTLWriMo: a collaborative reflection. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) AcWriMo2022: Debunking 4 SoTL Myths. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Public Participation: An Emotional Rollercoaster. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Writing is Comfort Work. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Unsticking my Writing by Pondering a Wicked Problem. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Just because #AcWriMo2022. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Writing about your Teaching Practice: Your DIY Writing Workshop. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Writing Creates More Writing. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Mindfulness is NOT a panacea for anxious students. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) SoTL Development: A Pragmatic Approach. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Looking Beyond: Thoughts on Teaching Models. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Thoughts About Ethics and SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) SoTL Quick Tips. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Why Most Productivity Advice is Pointless. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) Just Do It: SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) What is in Teaching? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2022) No. It's not just a bad day. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. , Soler, L. , Price, V. , Loveridge, C., Docherty, F. , Tasler, N. , Dickson, B. and Pope, L. (2021) The Power of Collaborative SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Is it because the spaces never close? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Notes on Autoethnography: Autoethnography Take Two. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Drawing Focus: ADHD and Productivity Strategies. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL a Strategic Imperative. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Ethics and SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Review: Hochschulbildung Chapter 5. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Not enough data but still learning. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL: One Approach to Rule them All. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTLwalk April 2021: The Hunt for Teaching Eggcellence! [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) SoTLwalk: March 2021. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) To keep or not to keep? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Of Writing and Stories: Writing as Form of Inquiry. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Chapter 3. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Chapter 2: Review: Hochschulbildungsforschung: Chapter 2. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) How to get from research questions to methods in SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) #SoTLwalk February 2021. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Barriers. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2021) Making Work Flow. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Of Wormholes and SoTLwalks. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) SoTLwalk October. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Blackout Poetry and Pancakes: Learning from a CPD session. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Falling into the Heather. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Zoom Break Zumba. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #SoTLwalk August 2020. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Lockdown Adventures. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) You Can Find Learning Everywhere. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #SoTLwalk July: When life gives you lemons... [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) The Walking Brain #ADHD. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Hybrid Spaces. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #SoTLWalk June: Identities in Crisis. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #ETConf20, the ‘New Normal’ and SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) #FOS201 OER and OEP. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) The most obvious insight! [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Two Foot in Front of You. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Monthly SoTL-walk: Emergence. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Mindful Breaks. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Reflective Practice During a Time of Change. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Zettelkasten–Messy Notes. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Coaching Supervision: and Course Development. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Remote Working Survival Kit. [Website]

Soler, L. and Sheridan, N. (2020) Transitions into Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) with Linnea Soler @DrLinneaSoler and Nathalie Sheridan @drnsheridan. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2020) Bildung & Weltaneignung: an Attempted Translation of Education. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: publish. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: bonus. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 Days of SoTL: write about your SoTL. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: data analysis. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: data collection. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: ethics. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: participant selection. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: methods. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: methodology. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: theory. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: literature. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: research question. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Meaningful time and ethnography. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 10 reasons to write. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: getting started. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) 12 days of SoTL: announcement and link list. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) SoTL process infographic. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Using PowerPoint for gamification: quizzes, tests etc. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Command word chaos: teaching critical thinking. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Reflective practice. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Digital storytelling, GDPR, and PowerPoint. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Judgements: Reflecting on Professional Relationships. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) How to get back into academic writing? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) WOOP - Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intention. [Website]

Tasler, N. and Dale, V. (2019) Narrative Arc as Curriculum Design Tool. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) SoTL is not a Concept. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) Working in the garden: Deep Work and the impact of gardening. [Website]

Sheridan, N. (2019) The scholarship of learning and teaching: a victim of its nomenclature? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2019) The autopoietic lecturer - a poem. [Website]

Tasler, N. and Dale, V. (2018) Curriculum and Storytelling. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Thinking Thoughts. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) If it doesn’t work…. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) A cuppa: the holy grail of meetings. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Influencing and Negotiating. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Context switching: ADHD and the issue of context switching. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) The vortex of writing. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Relevant Teaching. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Washing Machine Emergency and CPD Sessions. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) The Autopoietic Teacher. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Writing vs Boot-camp. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) Teaching as a Healing Art. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2018) The power of reflective practice. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2017) Safe space for failure. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2017) Blooming Taxonomies. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2016) Experimenting with OERs for my Students. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2016) Bullet journaling. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2016) Herding cats: the ADHD academic. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2016) I propose to you to rebel. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2015) Of story telling, coaching, and teaching in HE. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Play-dough is not just for Kindergarten! [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) The accidental Guerrilla researcher. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) On writing paragraphs. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Of Peer Learning and Being Filmed Teaching. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Fortune Cookie Reflections. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Teaching and the Notion of Kata. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Radiography, Gallery of Modern Art & International Students. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) On the Quest for a Researcher Identity. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Vulnerability, possibility thinking and resilience. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Learning space—an alpine marmot. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) Getting a voice make-over. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2014) HEA—a Monster Conference. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) From classroom to tweet? [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Preventing students from developing bad habits. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Exam buffet for exam diet. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Proxies and ‘as if’ to establish ‘real-life context’. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Teaching is a High Risk Profession. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Feedback Rules! [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Feedback—Fed Back. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Plagiarism, referencing and pop quiz traps. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Paraphrasing versus summarizing. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Mastering balloons: using balloons to explore argument structures at master level. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) More adventures in teaching undergrads. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) English is like Make-Up. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2013) Trying out Homework. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2012) My meme, your meme, everybody wants meme meme. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2010) Data presentation, analysis and language. [Website]

Tasler, N. (2010) Learning about ethnography: the Ender Saga- Book 2. [Website]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 00:13:54 2025 GMT.