Dr Fiona Sim
- Lecturer (MVLS Education Hub)
- Lecturer (School of Health & Wellbeing)
Caledonia House RHSC, Dalnair Street, Yorkhill, G3 8sj
Gajwani, R. et al. (2024) The BRIDGE project: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of brief, intensive assessment and integrated formulation for young people (age 14-24) with features of borderline personality disorder (Protocol). [Protocols]
Sim, F., Thompson, L. , Marryat, L., Law, J. and Wilson, P. (2019) Preschool developmental concerns and adjustment in the early school years: evidence from a Scottish birth cohort. Child: Care, Health and Development, 45(5), pp. 719-736. (doi: 10.1111/cch.12695) (PMID:31209912)
Sim, F., Thompson, L. , Marryat, L., Ramparsad, N. and Wilson, P. (2019) Predictive validity of preschool screening tools for language and behavioural difficulties: a PRISMA systematic review. PLoS ONE, 14(2), e0211409. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211409) (PMID:30716083) (PMCID:PMC6361441)
Sim, F., Haig, C. , O'Dowd, J., Thompson, L. , Law, J., McConnachie, A. , Gillberg, C. and Wilson, P. (2015) Development of a triage tool for neurodevelopmental risk in children aged 30 months. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 45, pp. 69-82. (doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.07.017) (PMID:26226112)
Sim, F., Pritchett, R., Hepburn, M. and Minnis, H. (2014) Invisible children: attempting to engage the most vulnerable families. [Reply to Daily stressors and negative life events in children at elevated risk of developing schizophrenia, BJP May 2014 204:354-360]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204,
Marryat, L., Thompson, L. , McGranachan, M., Barry, S. , Sim, F., White, J. and Wilson, P. (2014) Parenting Support Framework Evaluation Final Report, 2014, Project Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Minnis, H. , Macmillan, S., Pritchett, R., Young, D., Wallace, B., Butcher, J., Sim, F., Baynham, K., Davidson, C. and Gillberg, C. (2013) Prevalence of reactive attachment disorder in a deprived population. British Journal of Psychiatry, 202(5), pp. 342-346. (doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.114074)
Marryat, L., Thompson, L., Barry, S. , McGranachan, M., Sim, F., White, J., Ekevell, E., Jones, K. and Wilson, P. (2013) Evaluation of the Parenting Support Framework in Glasgow City: Year 1 Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sim, F., O'Dowd, J., Thompson, L. , Law, J., Macmillan, S.C., Affleck, M., Gillberg, C. and Wilson, P. (2013) Language and social/emotional problems identified at a universal developmental assessment at 30 months. BMC Pediatrics, 13(206), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-13-206)
Latimer, K., Wilson, P., Kemp, J., Thompson, L. , Sim, F., Gillberg, C. , Puckering, C. and Minnis, H. (2012) Disruptive behaviour disorders: a systematic review of environmental antenatal and early years risk factors. Child: Care, Health and Development, 38(5), pp. 611-628. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2214.2012.01366.x)
Wilson, P., Rush, R., Hussey, S., Puckering, C., Sim, F., Allely, C.S., Doku, P., McConnachie, A. and Gillberg, C. (2012) How evidence-based is an 'evidence-based parenting program'? A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis of Triple P. BMC Medicine, 10(1), p. 130. (doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-10-130)
Sim, F., Thompson, L. , Marryat, L., Law, J. and Wilson, P. (2019) Preschool developmental concerns and adjustment in the early school years: evidence from a Scottish birth cohort. Child: Care, Health and Development, 45(5), pp. 719-736. (doi: 10.1111/cch.12695) (PMID:31209912)
Sim, F., Thompson, L. , Marryat, L., Ramparsad, N. and Wilson, P. (2019) Predictive validity of preschool screening tools for language and behavioural difficulties: a PRISMA systematic review. PLoS ONE, 14(2), e0211409. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211409) (PMID:30716083) (PMCID:PMC6361441)
Sim, F., Haig, C. , O'Dowd, J., Thompson, L. , Law, J., McConnachie, A. , Gillberg, C. and Wilson, P. (2015) Development of a triage tool for neurodevelopmental risk in children aged 30 months. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 45, pp. 69-82. (doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.07.017) (PMID:26226112)
Sim, F., Pritchett, R., Hepburn, M. and Minnis, H. (2014) Invisible children: attempting to engage the most vulnerable families. [Reply to Daily stressors and negative life events in children at elevated risk of developing schizophrenia, BJP May 2014 204:354-360]. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204,
Minnis, H. , Macmillan, S., Pritchett, R., Young, D., Wallace, B., Butcher, J., Sim, F., Baynham, K., Davidson, C. and Gillberg, C. (2013) Prevalence of reactive attachment disorder in a deprived population. British Journal of Psychiatry, 202(5), pp. 342-346. (doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.114074)
Sim, F., O'Dowd, J., Thompson, L. , Law, J., Macmillan, S.C., Affleck, M., Gillberg, C. and Wilson, P. (2013) Language and social/emotional problems identified at a universal developmental assessment at 30 months. BMC Pediatrics, 13(206), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-13-206)
Latimer, K., Wilson, P., Kemp, J., Thompson, L. , Sim, F., Gillberg, C. , Puckering, C. and Minnis, H. (2012) Disruptive behaviour disorders: a systematic review of environmental antenatal and early years risk factors. Child: Care, Health and Development, 38(5), pp. 611-628. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2214.2012.01366.x)
Wilson, P., Rush, R., Hussey, S., Puckering, C., Sim, F., Allely, C.S., Doku, P., McConnachie, A. and Gillberg, C. (2012) How evidence-based is an 'evidence-based parenting program'? A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis of Triple P. BMC Medicine, 10(1), p. 130. (doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-10-130)
Research Reports or Papers
Marryat, L., Thompson, L. , McGranachan, M., Barry, S. , Sim, F., White, J. and Wilson, P. (2014) Parenting Support Framework Evaluation Final Report, 2014, Project Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Marryat, L., Thompson, L., Barry, S. , McGranachan, M., Sim, F., White, J., Ekevell, E., Jones, K. and Wilson, P. (2013) Evaluation of the Parenting Support Framework in Glasgow City: Year 1 Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Gajwani, R. et al. (2024) The BRIDGE project: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of brief, intensive assessment and integrated formulation for young people (age 14-24) with features of borderline personality disorder (Protocol). [Protocols]