
List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Number of items: 72.


Xiao, J. et al. (2025) Venturing into the unknown: critical insights into grey areas and pioneering future directions in educational generative AI research. TechTrends, (doi: 10.1007/s11528-025-01060-6) (Early Online Publication)


Bozkurt, A. et al. (2024) The manifesto for teaching and learning in a time of generative AI: A Critical collective stance to better navigate the future. Open Praxis, 16(4), pp. 487-513. (doi: 10.55982/openpraxis.16.4.777)

Voce, J., Bennett, L., Brunton, J., Downes Rolewicz, E., Flavin, M., Honeychurch, S. and Varga-Atkins, T. (2024) Exploring 30 years of research in learning technology: an analysis of the RLT journal. Research in Learning Technology, 32, 3332. (doi: 10.25304/rlt.v32.3332)

Koutropoulos, A., Stewart, B., Singh, L., Sinfield, S., Burns, T., Abegglen, S., Hamon, K., Honeychurch, S. and Bozkurt, A. (2024) Lines of flight: the digital fragmenting of educational networks. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024(1), 11. (doi: 10.5334/jime.850)

Loveridge, C. J., Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Pope, L. , Price, V. E. and Dickson, B. (2024) What brought us together to form a community for scholarship. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 3. (doi: 10.20429/ijsotl.2024.180103)

Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Honeychurch, S. , Kurincova, K. and Abonambugre, T. (2024) Everything you ever wanted to know about running a SoTL project but were too afraid to ask. 17th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 27 Mar 2024.


Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and McCandlish, A. (2023) SoTLWriMo: a collaborative reflection. [Website]

Brunton, J., Bennett, L., Drumm, L., Flavin, M., Honeychurch, S. , Thomson, S. and Varga-Atkins, T. (2023) Research in Learning Technology: making friends and influencing people. Research in Learning Technology, 31, 3212. (doi: 10.25304/rlt.v31.3212)

Cao, Q. , Seow, C. K. , Lim, L. H. I. , Keoh, S. L. , Dale, V. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and Bremner, D. (2023) Learners’ differences in blended learner-centric approach for a common programming subject. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 13(6), pp. 906-913. (doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.6.1886)

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2023) SoTL Information Session. 16th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 March and 13 April 2023.

Bozkurt, A. et al. (2023) Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): a collective reflection from the educational landscape. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 18(1), pp. 53-130. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7636568)

Honeychurch, S. (2023) Pragmatism in practice: bricolage as a methodological framework for SoTL. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(2), pp. 37-45. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.48)

Honeychurch, S. (2023) Bricolage as a holistic model for active learning. In: Garnham, Wendy and Gowers, Isobel (eds.) Active Learning in Higher Education: Theoretical Considerations and Perspectives. Series: Staff and educational development focus series. Routledge (Taylor and Francis): Abingdon, Oxon, New York, pp. 27-33. ISBN 9781032418469


Taleo, W. and Honeychurch, S. (2022) Calendar Connections. In: ASCILITE 2022, Sydney, 4-7 Dec 2022, e22125. (doi: 10.14742/apubs.2022.125)

Honeychurch, S. (2022) Angry writing. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. (2022) Getting started with SoTL writing. [Website]

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2022) Getting Started with SoTL. 15th Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference Pre-Conference Workshop, 21 Mar 2022.

Faulkner, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2022) Hamish the Coo. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 3(1), pp. 2-5. (doi: 10.24377/LJMU.jsml.article578)

Honeychurch, S. (2022) Identity on social media. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 3(1), pp. 16-18. (doi: 10.24377/LJMU.jsml.article645)

Timmins, C., Honeychurch, S. , Faulkner, S. and Atkinson, T. (2022) Editorial. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 3(1), p. 1. (doi: 10.24377/LJMU.jsml.article651)

Offord, M. , Honeychurch, S. , Quinn, N. , Barr, M. and Mullen, H. (2022) The escape room: using a simple text-based game to promote business undergraduates’ digital self reliance. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 23, (doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi23.855)


Honeychurch, S. (2021) Who Cares What We Do? The Importance of an Audience for Open Learners. Using Social Media to Build Community, Care and Compassion, 17 Dec 2020.

Honeychurch, S. , Soler, L. , Price, V. , Loveridge, C., Docherty, F. , Tasler, N. , Dickson, B. and Pope, L. (2021) The Power of Collaborative SoTL. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. and Taleo, W. (2021) Lines of thought: The emergence of meaning through collaborations and remix. In: Back to the Future – ASCILITE ‘21. Proceedings ASCILITE 2021 in Armidale, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 29 November - 1 December 2021, pp. 172-176. (doi: 10.14742/ascilite2021.0124)

Honeychurch, S. and Taleo, W. (2021) Lines of Thought: the Serendipitous Emergence of Collaborative Learning. ALT Annual Conference 2021, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Drumm, L., Brunton, J. and Honeychurch, S. (2021) Getting Published in ‘Research in in Learning Technology’: A Workshop with the Editors. ALT Annual Conference 2021, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Honeychurch, S. and Offord, M. (2021) Developing a school-wide framework for blended and online learning and teaching (BOLT). Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 109-117. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.481)

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F., Honeychurch, S. , Jamieson, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL 'Unconference'. 14th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference: Transforming Teaching & Taking Stock, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 18 June 2021. (Unpublished)

Honeychurch, S. and Offord, M. (2021) Developing a School-wide Framework for Blended and Online Learning and Teaching (BOLT). 14th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 18 Jun 2021.

Fletcher, M. , Honeychurch, S. and Ikegwuonu, I. (2021) Using Team-based Learning in an International Business Programme. Using Team-based Learning in an IB Programme, 17 Jun 2021.

Honeychurch, S. and Taleo, W. (2021) Collective Hope. OERxDomains21, 21-22 Apr 2021.

Fletcher, M. and Honeychurch, S. (2021) Using team-based learning in an International Business Programme. AIB Teaching and Education News, 2, p. 9.

Honeychurch, S. , Offord, M. , Quinn, N. , Barr, M. and Mullen, H. (2021) The Co-Creation of a Digital Escape Room Designed to Develop Students’ Digital Confidence. SocMedHE21, 14 Dec 2021.


Honeychurch, S. and Selvaretnam, G. (2020) Removing barriers from SoTL projects. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. (2020) Closing the loop: using holistic rubrics for effective assessment and feedback. CABS Online Festival of Learning, Teaching & Student Experience, 14-18 Sept 2020.

Honeychurch, S. , Ikegwuonu, I. and Barr, N. (2020) Team-Based Learning. 13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 10 Jun 2020.

Bozkurt, A., Koutropoulos, A., Singh, L. and Honeychurch, S. (2020) On lurking: Multiple perspectives on lurking within an educational community. Internet and Higher Education, 44, 100709. (doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2019.100709)


Honeychurch, S. , Barr, N. , Singer, J. and Draper, S. (2019) Scaling Assessment with Adaptive Comparative Judgement. Alt Annual Conference 2019, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 Sept 2019.

Honeychurch, S. (2019) Rubrics as a guide to student writing and staff grading. [Website]

Koutropoulos, A., Honeychurch, S. and Singh, L. (2019) Rethinking lurking. eLearn Magazine, 29 May.

Singer, J. , Honeychurch, S. , Barr, N. and Draper, S. (2019) From a Thousand Learners to a Thousand Markers: Scaling Peer Feedback with Adaptive Comparative Judgement. 12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.

Honeychurch, S. , Middleton, A., O'Brien, R., Beckingham, S., Withnell, N. and Turner, S. (2019) Lurkers: The Game Show. 2018 Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9th January 2019.

Honeychurch, S. , Singh, L., Koutroloulos, A. and Bozkurt, A. (2019) A Taxomomy of Personas. 2018 Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9th January 2019.

Turner, S., Honeychurch, S. and Hawksey, M. (2019) Being Part of the Conversation: Why Analysing Twitter Hashtag Communities is Useful and How to Do It. 2018 Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9th January 2019.


Honeychurch, S. and Patrick, F. (2018) Massive Open Online Courses as affinity spaces for connected learning: Exploring effective learning interactions in one massive online community. Research in Comparative and International Education, 13(1), pp. 117-134. (doi: 10.1177/1745499918768112)


Honeychurch, S. , Bozkurt, A., Singh, L. and Koutrapoulos, A. (2017) Learners on the periphery: lurkers as invisible learners. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 20(1), pp. 191-211.


Honeychurch, S. (2016) Emergency Rations #EdTechRations: what’s so important we can’t leave it at home? In: Hopkins, David (ed.) Emergency Rations #EdTechRations: What’s so Important we Can’t Leave it at Home? CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, pp. 61-62. ISBN 9781540600639

Honeychurch, S. and Ahmed, S. (2016) Using Social Media to Promote Deep Learning and Increase Student Engagement. In: Social Media for Learning in Higher Education, Sheffield, UK, 18 Dec 2015, ISBN 9781843873945 (doi: 10.7190/SocMedHE/2015/4)

Bali, M., Honeychurch, S. , Hamon, K., Hogue, R. J. and Koutropoulos, A. (2016) What is it like to learn and participate in rhizomatic MOOCs? a collaborative autoethnography of #RHIZO14. Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, 3(1), 4.

Bozkurt, A., Honeychurch, S. , Caines, A., Bali, M., Koutropoulos, A. and Cormier, D. (2016) Community tracking in a cMOOC and nomadic learner behavior identification on a connectivist rhizomatic learning network. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 17(4), 1. (doi: 10.17718/tojde.09231)

Honeychurch, S. , Stewart, B., Bali, M., Hogue, R. J. and Cormier, D. (2016) How the community became more than the curriculum: participant experiences in #RHIZO14. Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, 3(1), 3.


Hamon, K., Hogue, R. J., Honeychurch, S. , Johnson, S., Koutropoulos, A., Ensor, S., Sinfeld, S. and Balie, M. (2015) Writing the unreadable untext: a collaborative autoethnography of #rhizo14. Hybrid Pedagogy,

Honeychurch, S. and Ahmed, S. (2015) Using Social Media to Promote Deep Learning and Increase Student Engagement in the College of Science & Engineering. In: IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths: Enhancing Learning and Teaching for All Learners, Glasgow, Scotland, 10-12 Jun 2015,


Bali, M. and Honeychurch, S. (2014) Key pedagogic thinkers - Dave Cormier. Journal of Pedagogic Development, 4(3),

Ahmed, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2014) Improving transition into university life through real and virtual groups. In: HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, John McIntyre Conference Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh First, Pollock Halls campus, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AY, 30 April - 1 May 2014,

Milne, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2014) Making connections: engaging student technology teachers with a mathematics module. In: HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, John McIntyre Conference Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh First, Pollock Halls campus, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AY, 30 April - 1 May 2014,

Honeychurch, S. and Draper, S. (2014) A University of Glasgow guide to MOOCs. In: 7th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference: Challenging Conventions: Some Conventions are Challenging and Some Conventions Need Challenged, University of Glasgow, UK, 10 Apr 2014, p. 24.


Honeychurch, S. and Draper, S. (2013) A First Briefing on MOOCs. [Research Reports or Papers]

Gray, N. , Labrosse, N. , Honeychurch, S. , Draper, S. , Given, M. and Barr, N. (2013) Tagging and linking lecture audio recordings: goals and practice. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 11-13 Jun 2013, pp. 452-458.

Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2013) Scoping the future: a model for integrating learning environments. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow UK, 11-13 Jun 2013, 616`-623.

Milne, S., Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2013) Module facelift: engaging student technology teachers with maths. In: 2013 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, 9-10 Jul 2013, pp. 1-8.

Love, L., Honeychurch, S. , Ahmed, S. and Wightwick, J. (2013) Using social media to support student learning. In: 6th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 19 Apr 2013, p. 8.

Milne, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2013) Redesigning a module to encourage flexible social learning. In: 6th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 19 Apr 2013, p. 25.

Love, L., Ahmed, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2013) Social media for student learning: enhancing the student experience and promoting deep learning. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Education, Glasgow, UK, 11-13 Jun 2013,


Honeychurch, S. (2012) Jigsaw in practice: a collaborative workshop about collaborative learning. In: 5th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference: Empowering Student Learners in Higher Education, Glasgow, Scotland, 17th Apr 2012, p. 43.

Honeychurch, S. , Barr, N. , Brown, C. and Hamer, J. (2012) Peer assessment assisted by technology. International Journal of E-Assessment, 3(1),

Honeychurch, S. (2012) Taking forward the jigsaw classroom: the development and implementation of a method of collaborative learning for first year philosophy tutorials. Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies, 11(2), pp. 40-52.


Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2011) A model of blended teaching which encourages collaborative learning. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a Colder and More Challenging Climate, Leeds, UK, 6-8 Sep 2011, p. 42.

Honeychurch, S. (2011) The development and implementation of a method of collaborative learning for first year philosophy tutorials. In: 4th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference: Learning in a global research-intensive university: developing graduate attributes, Glasgow, Scotland, 21st Apr 2011, pp. 21-22.

Brown, C., Honeychurch, S. and Munro, J. (2011) Workshop in Moodle: a tool for peer critiquing. In: 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference Research into E-Assessment, Southampton, UK, 5-6 Jul 2011,

Brown, C., Honeychurch, S. and Munro, J. (2011) Workshop in Moodle: A tool for peer critiquing. In: 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, UK, 5-6 July 2011,


Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2010) Why the Daleks will never beat us. In: Lewis, C. and Smithka, P. (eds.) Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger on the Inside. Series: Popular culture and philosophy. Open Court: Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 189-198. ISBN 9780812696882

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 23:43:19 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 72.


Xiao, J. et al. (2025) Venturing into the unknown: critical insights into grey areas and pioneering future directions in educational generative AI research. TechTrends, (doi: 10.1007/s11528-025-01060-6) (Early Online Publication)

Bozkurt, A. et al. (2024) The manifesto for teaching and learning in a time of generative AI: A Critical collective stance to better navigate the future. Open Praxis, 16(4), pp. 487-513. (doi: 10.55982/openpraxis.16.4.777)

Voce, J., Bennett, L., Brunton, J., Downes Rolewicz, E., Flavin, M., Honeychurch, S. and Varga-Atkins, T. (2024) Exploring 30 years of research in learning technology: an analysis of the RLT journal. Research in Learning Technology, 32, 3332. (doi: 10.25304/rlt.v32.3332)

Koutropoulos, A., Stewart, B., Singh, L., Sinfield, S., Burns, T., Abegglen, S., Hamon, K., Honeychurch, S. and Bozkurt, A. (2024) Lines of flight: the digital fragmenting of educational networks. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2024(1), 11. (doi: 10.5334/jime.850)

Loveridge, C. J., Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Pope, L. , Price, V. E. and Dickson, B. (2024) What brought us together to form a community for scholarship. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 3. (doi: 10.20429/ijsotl.2024.180103)

Brunton, J., Bennett, L., Drumm, L., Flavin, M., Honeychurch, S. , Thomson, S. and Varga-Atkins, T. (2023) Research in Learning Technology: making friends and influencing people. Research in Learning Technology, 31, 3212. (doi: 10.25304/rlt.v31.3212)

Cao, Q. , Seow, C. K. , Lim, L. H. I. , Keoh, S. L. , Dale, V. , Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and Bremner, D. (2023) Learners’ differences in blended learner-centric approach for a common programming subject. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 13(6), pp. 906-913. (doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.6.1886)

Bozkurt, A. et al. (2023) Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): a collective reflection from the educational landscape. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 18(1), pp. 53-130. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7636568)

Honeychurch, S. (2023) Pragmatism in practice: bricolage as a methodological framework for SoTL. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(2), pp. 37-45. (doi: 10.56230/osotl.48)

Faulkner, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2022) Hamish the Coo. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 3(1), pp. 2-5. (doi: 10.24377/LJMU.jsml.article578)

Honeychurch, S. (2022) Identity on social media. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 3(1), pp. 16-18. (doi: 10.24377/LJMU.jsml.article645)

Timmins, C., Honeychurch, S. , Faulkner, S. and Atkinson, T. (2022) Editorial. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 3(1), p. 1. (doi: 10.24377/LJMU.jsml.article651)

Offord, M. , Honeychurch, S. , Quinn, N. , Barr, M. and Mullen, H. (2022) The escape room: using a simple text-based game to promote business undergraduates’ digital self reliance. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 23, (doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi23.855)

Honeychurch, S. and Offord, M. (2021) Developing a school-wide framework for blended and online learning and teaching (BOLT). Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 109-117. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.481)

Fletcher, M. and Honeychurch, S. (2021) Using team-based learning in an International Business Programme. AIB Teaching and Education News, 2, p. 9.

Bozkurt, A., Koutropoulos, A., Singh, L. and Honeychurch, S. (2020) On lurking: Multiple perspectives on lurking within an educational community. Internet and Higher Education, 44, 100709. (doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2019.100709)

Koutropoulos, A., Honeychurch, S. and Singh, L. (2019) Rethinking lurking. eLearn Magazine, 29 May.

Honeychurch, S. and Patrick, F. (2018) Massive Open Online Courses as affinity spaces for connected learning: Exploring effective learning interactions in one massive online community. Research in Comparative and International Education, 13(1), pp. 117-134. (doi: 10.1177/1745499918768112)

Honeychurch, S. , Bozkurt, A., Singh, L. and Koutrapoulos, A. (2017) Learners on the periphery: lurkers as invisible learners. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 20(1), pp. 191-211.

Bali, M., Honeychurch, S. , Hamon, K., Hogue, R. J. and Koutropoulos, A. (2016) What is it like to learn and participate in rhizomatic MOOCs? a collaborative autoethnography of #RHIZO14. Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, 3(1), 4.

Bozkurt, A., Honeychurch, S. , Caines, A., Bali, M., Koutropoulos, A. and Cormier, D. (2016) Community tracking in a cMOOC and nomadic learner behavior identification on a connectivist rhizomatic learning network. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 17(4), 1. (doi: 10.17718/tojde.09231)

Honeychurch, S. , Stewart, B., Bali, M., Hogue, R. J. and Cormier, D. (2016) How the community became more than the curriculum: participant experiences in #RHIZO14. Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, 3(1), 3.

Hamon, K., Hogue, R. J., Honeychurch, S. , Johnson, S., Koutropoulos, A., Ensor, S., Sinfeld, S. and Balie, M. (2015) Writing the unreadable untext: a collaborative autoethnography of #rhizo14. Hybrid Pedagogy,

Bali, M. and Honeychurch, S. (2014) Key pedagogic thinkers - Dave Cormier. Journal of Pedagogic Development, 4(3),

Honeychurch, S. , Barr, N. , Brown, C. and Hamer, J. (2012) Peer assessment assisted by technology. International Journal of E-Assessment, 3(1),

Honeychurch, S. (2012) Taking forward the jigsaw classroom: the development and implementation of a method of collaborative learning for first year philosophy tutorials. Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies, 11(2), pp. 40-52.

Book Sections

Honeychurch, S. (2023) Bricolage as a holistic model for active learning. In: Garnham, Wendy and Gowers, Isobel (eds.) Active Learning in Higher Education: Theoretical Considerations and Perspectives. Series: Staff and educational development focus series. Routledge (Taylor and Francis): Abingdon, Oxon, New York, pp. 27-33. ISBN 9781032418469

Honeychurch, S. (2016) Emergency Rations #EdTechRations: what’s so important we can’t leave it at home? In: Hopkins, David (ed.) Emergency Rations #EdTechRations: What’s so Important we Can’t Leave it at Home? CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, pp. 61-62. ISBN 9781540600639

Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2010) Why the Daleks will never beat us. In: Lewis, C. and Smithka, P. (eds.) Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger on the Inside. Series: Popular culture and philosophy. Open Court: Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 189-198. ISBN 9780812696882

Research Reports or Papers

Honeychurch, S. and Draper, S. (2013) A First Briefing on MOOCs. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

Tasler, N. , Soler, L. , Honeychurch, S. , Kurincova, K. and Abonambugre, T. (2024) Everything you ever wanted to know about running a SoTL project but were too afraid to ask. 17th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 27 Mar 2024.

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2023) SoTL Information Session. 16th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 March and 13 April 2023.

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F. , Honeychurch, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2022) Getting Started with SoTL. 15th Annual University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Conference Pre-Conference Workshop, 21 Mar 2022.

Honeychurch, S. (2021) Who Cares What We Do? The Importance of an Audience for Open Learners. Using Social Media to Build Community, Care and Compassion, 17 Dec 2020.

Honeychurch, S. and Taleo, W. (2021) Lines of Thought: the Serendipitous Emergence of Collaborative Learning. ALT Annual Conference 2021, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Drumm, L., Brunton, J. and Honeychurch, S. (2021) Getting Published in ‘Research in in Learning Technology’: A Workshop with the Editors. ALT Annual Conference 2021, 07-09 Sep 2021.

Dickson, B. , Docherty, F., Honeychurch, S. , Jamieson, S. , Loveridge, C., Pope, L. , Price, V. , Soler, L. and Tasler, N. (2021) SoTL 'Unconference'. 14th Annual Learning & Teaching Conference: Transforming Teaching & Taking Stock, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 18 June 2021. (Unpublished)

Honeychurch, S. and Offord, M. (2021) Developing a School-wide Framework for Blended and Online Learning and Teaching (BOLT). 14th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 18 Jun 2021.

Fletcher, M. , Honeychurch, S. and Ikegwuonu, I. (2021) Using Team-based Learning in an International Business Programme. Using Team-based Learning in an IB Programme, 17 Jun 2021.

Honeychurch, S. and Taleo, W. (2021) Collective Hope. OERxDomains21, 21-22 Apr 2021.

Honeychurch, S. , Offord, M. , Quinn, N. , Barr, M. and Mullen, H. (2021) The Co-Creation of a Digital Escape Room Designed to Develop Students’ Digital Confidence. SocMedHE21, 14 Dec 2021.

Honeychurch, S. (2020) Closing the loop: using holistic rubrics for effective assessment and feedback. CABS Online Festival of Learning, Teaching & Student Experience, 14-18 Sept 2020.

Honeychurch, S. , Ikegwuonu, I. and Barr, N. (2020) Team-Based Learning. 13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 10 Jun 2020.

Honeychurch, S. , Barr, N. , Singer, J. and Draper, S. (2019) Scaling Assessment with Adaptive Comparative Judgement. Alt Annual Conference 2019, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 Sept 2019.

Singer, J. , Honeychurch, S. , Barr, N. and Draper, S. (2019) From a Thousand Learners to a Thousand Markers: Scaling Peer Feedback with Adaptive Comparative Judgement. 12th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2-3 Apr 2019.

Honeychurch, S. , Middleton, A., O'Brien, R., Beckingham, S., Withnell, N. and Turner, S. (2019) Lurkers: The Game Show. 2018 Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9th January 2019.

Honeychurch, S. , Singh, L., Koutroloulos, A. and Bozkurt, A. (2019) A Taxomomy of Personas. 2018 Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9th January 2019.

Turner, S., Honeychurch, S. and Hawksey, M. (2019) Being Part of the Conversation: Why Analysing Twitter Hashtag Communities is Useful and How to Do It. 2018 Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference, Nottingham, UK, 9th January 2019.

Conference Proceedings

Taleo, W. and Honeychurch, S. (2022) Calendar Connections. In: ASCILITE 2022, Sydney, 4-7 Dec 2022, e22125. (doi: 10.14742/apubs.2022.125)

Honeychurch, S. and Taleo, W. (2021) Lines of thought: The emergence of meaning through collaborations and remix. In: Back to the Future – ASCILITE ‘21. Proceedings ASCILITE 2021 in Armidale, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 29 November - 1 December 2021, pp. 172-176. (doi: 10.14742/ascilite2021.0124)

Honeychurch, S. and Ahmed, S. (2016) Using Social Media to Promote Deep Learning and Increase Student Engagement. In: Social Media for Learning in Higher Education, Sheffield, UK, 18 Dec 2015, ISBN 9781843873945 (doi: 10.7190/SocMedHE/2015/4)

Honeychurch, S. and Ahmed, S. (2015) Using Social Media to Promote Deep Learning and Increase Student Engagement in the College of Science & Engineering. In: IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths: Enhancing Learning and Teaching for All Learners, Glasgow, Scotland, 10-12 Jun 2015,

Ahmed, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2014) Improving transition into university life through real and virtual groups. In: HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, John McIntyre Conference Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh First, Pollock Halls campus, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AY, 30 April - 1 May 2014,

Milne, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2014) Making connections: engaging student technology teachers with a mathematics module. In: HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, John McIntyre Conference Centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh First, Pollock Halls campus, 18 Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AY, 30 April - 1 May 2014,

Honeychurch, S. and Draper, S. (2014) A University of Glasgow guide to MOOCs. In: 7th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference: Challenging Conventions: Some Conventions are Challenging and Some Conventions Need Challenged, University of Glasgow, UK, 10 Apr 2014, p. 24.

Gray, N. , Labrosse, N. , Honeychurch, S. , Draper, S. , Given, M. and Barr, N. (2013) Tagging and linking lecture audio recordings: goals and practice. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, UK, 11-13 Jun 2013, pp. 452-458.

Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2013) Scoping the future: a model for integrating learning environments. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow UK, 11-13 Jun 2013, 616`-623.

Milne, S., Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2013) Module facelift: engaging student technology teachers with maths. In: 2013 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, 9-10 Jul 2013, pp. 1-8.

Love, L., Honeychurch, S. , Ahmed, S. and Wightwick, J. (2013) Using social media to support student learning. In: 6th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 19 Apr 2013, p. 8.

Milne, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2013) Redesigning a module to encourage flexible social learning. In: 6th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 19 Apr 2013, p. 25.

Love, L., Ahmed, S. and Honeychurch, S. (2013) Social media for student learning: enhancing the student experience and promoting deep learning. In: Enhancement and Innovation in Education, Glasgow, UK, 11-13 Jun 2013,

Honeychurch, S. (2012) Jigsaw in practice: a collaborative workshop about collaborative learning. In: 5th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference: Empowering Student Learners in Higher Education, Glasgow, Scotland, 17th Apr 2012, p. 43.

Honeychurch, S. and Barr, N. (2011) A model of blended teaching which encourages collaborative learning. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a Colder and More Challenging Climate, Leeds, UK, 6-8 Sep 2011, p. 42.

Honeychurch, S. (2011) The development and implementation of a method of collaborative learning for first year philosophy tutorials. In: 4th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference: Learning in a global research-intensive university: developing graduate attributes, Glasgow, Scotland, 21st Apr 2011, pp. 21-22.

Brown, C., Honeychurch, S. and Munro, J. (2011) Workshop in Moodle: a tool for peer critiquing. In: 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference Research into E-Assessment, Southampton, UK, 5-6 Jul 2011,

Brown, C., Honeychurch, S. and Munro, J. (2011) Workshop in Moodle: A tool for peer critiquing. In: 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference, Southampton, UK, 5-6 July 2011,


Honeychurch, S. , Tasler, N. and McCandlish, A. (2023) SoTLWriMo: a collaborative reflection. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. (2022) Angry writing. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. (2022) Getting started with SoTL writing. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. , Soler, L. , Price, V. , Loveridge, C., Docherty, F. , Tasler, N. , Dickson, B. and Pope, L. (2021) The Power of Collaborative SoTL. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. and Selvaretnam, G. (2020) Removing barriers from SoTL projects. [Website]

Honeychurch, S. (2019) Rubrics as a guide to student writing and staff grading. [Website]

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