Research & Teaching
Benchimol, Dr Alex
(Senior Lecturer in Scottish Romantic Print Culture))
Burn, Professor Stephen
(Professor of Contemporary American Literature)
Campbell, Dr Alexandra
(Lecturer in English Literature - Poetry & Environment)
Carter, Dr Fred
(Research Associate)
Collins, Ms Sophie
Coyer, Dr Megan
(Senior Lecturer)
Creasy, Dr Matthew
(Senior Lecturer in English Literature)
Daskalova, Dr Mila
(British Academy Postdoctoral & LKAS Fellow)
Deans, Mr Alex
(Research Associate)
Dick, Dr Maria-Daniella
(Senior Lecturer in post-1900 Irish and Scottish Literature)
Donaldson, Dr John
(Research Assistant)
Eastlake, Dr Laura
(James Murray Beattie Lecturer in Victorian Literature)
Fimi, Professor Dimitra
(Professor of Fantasy and Children's Literature)
Flynn, Dr Adam
(Research Assistant)
Gair, Dr Chris
(Senior Lecturer in American Literature and Culture)
Gillespie, Dr Stuart
(Reader in English Literature)
Goldman, Dr Jane
(Reader in A vant-garde Poetics & Creative Writing)
Hammill, Professor Faye
(Professor of English Literature and Canadian Studies)
Herd, Dr Colin
(Senior Lecturer)
Ivry, Dr Henry
(Lecturer in 20th and/or 21st Century Literature)
Jenkins, Professor Alice
(Professor of Victorian Literature and Culture)
Jess-Cooke, Dr Carolyn
Kolocotroni, Professor Vassiliki
(Professor of Modernist Studies)
Kövesi, Professor Simon
(Professor of English and Scottish Literature, Head of School, Critical Studies)
Leask, Professor Nigel
(Regius Chair of English Language and Literature)
Lister, Dr Emma
Maguire, Ms Meghan Flaherty
(Lecturer in Creative Writing)
McFarlane, Dr Anna
(James Murray Beattie Lecturer in Fantasy Literature)
Melville, Dr Nicholas
Miller, Dr Gavin
(Reader in Contemporary Literature and Medical Humanities)
Park, Dr Jennifer
(Lecturer in Early Modern English)
Parker, Dr Deven
(Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellow)
Pitt Scott, Dr Harry
(LKAS/Leverhulme Early Career Fellow)
Pittock, Professor Murray
(Bradley Chair of English Literature)
Porter, Professor Dahlia
Radford, Dr Andrew
(Senior Lecturer)
Randall, Professor Bryony
(Professor of Modernist Literature / Dean of Graduate Studies)
Rattray, Dr Laura
(Reader in North American Literature (post 1900))
Redgate, Dr Jamie
(Lecturer in North American Literature)
Reeder, Dr Elizabeth
(Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing - Fiction, Hybrid Forms and the Essay)
Sangster, Professor Matthew
(Professor of Romantic Studies, Fantasy and Cultural History)
Stacey, Dr Richard
Stoddart, Professor Helen
(Professor of Modern and Contemporary Literature)
Strachan, Professor Zoe
(Professor of Creative and Interdisciplinary Practice, Dean of International and External Partnerships)
Strausa, Dr Annie
(Research Associate (MHRA Research Fellow))
Streete, Professor Adrian
(Professor of Early Modern English Literature and Religion)
Tattersdill, Dr Will
(Senior Lecturer in Literature and Contemporary Fantasy Cultures)
Vlacos, Dr Sophie
(Lecturer in English Literature Post 1900)
Welsh, Professor Louise
(Professor of Creative Writing)
Williams, Dr Rhys
(Senior Lecturer)
Willie, Dr Malica
(Lecturer in Black British and Diasporic Literature)
Tutors & Demonstrators
Alexander, Miss Rebecca
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Arvaniti, Miss Maria
(GTA - English Literature)
Ashercook, Miss Jeehan
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Bancroft, Miss Esther
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Bussi, Mr Leo
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Caldwell, Miss Heather
(GTA - English Literature)
Cook, Mr Benjamin
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Deerwater, Mr Michael
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Dicks, Mr Daniel
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Emanuel, Rev Thomas
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Entrekin, Mr William
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Fornells Nadal, Ms Helena
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Gordon, Ms Niamh
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Jennett, Ms Meagan
(Graduate Teaching Assistant)
Langley, Ms Alice
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Leemann, Miss Elizabeth
(GTA - English Literature)
Maxwell-Stuart, Mr Laurence
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
McCabe, Ms Emma
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Murray, Ms Rachael
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Nash, Ms Elle
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Quinn, Mr Michael
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Reid, Mx Madeleine
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Reynolds, Mrs Claire
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Savolainen, Ms Eeva
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Sherwood, Mr Will
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Sigalov, Mrs Nadia
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Stevenson, Miss Jessica
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Taylor, Mr William
(GTA - English Literature)
Thoreson, Mr Jonas
(Graduate Teaching Assistant - English Literature)
Watson, Mr John
(PhD Student (Tutor))
Willis, Miss Hollie
(GTA - English Literature)
Professional, Administrative & Support