College of Arts & Humanities
Anthony, Mr Richard
(GSA Affiliate)
Banerjee, Ms Debjani
(Affiliate - GSA)
Beidler, Ms Elizabeth
(GSA Affiliate)
Benmakhlouf, Mr Adam
(GSA Affiliate)
Bols, Miss Ingrid
Bradley, Dr Jay
(GSA Affiliate)
Bremner, Ms Elaine
Breslin, Mr Ronan
Brian, Mr Cairns
Britt, Miss Helena
Broadley, Dr Cara
Brown, Miss Jill
(GSA Affiliate)
Brunelli, Mr Luca
(GSA Affiliate)
Buksh, Mr Ibrahim
(Glasgow School of Art - Affiliate (Digital Design Studio))
Calvert, Dr Robyne
(GSA Affiliate)
Cameron, Mrs Elizabeth
(Honorary Fellow)
Christie, Ms Polly
(GSA Affiliate - Archives)
Fowler, Mr Michael
Gray, Mr Derek
(Affiliate - GSA Senior Registry Officer)
Greated, Dr Marianne
Greenman, Dr Benjamin
(GSA Affiliate)
Guidicini, Dr Giovanna
(Affiliate - GSA (Architecture))
Hanna, Dr Raid
Hannah, Ms Michelle
Harley, Mr Gregor
Hooper, Mr Alan
(Stage Leader - Mackintosh School ofArchitecture)
Hutchinson, Dr James
(Lecturer, Fine Art Critical Studies)
Jaramillo, Mr George
(GSA Affiliate)
Jasionowska, Ms Klaudia
Johnstone, Ms Carol
Kelly, Dr Janet
(Affiliate - GSA)
Kennedy, Ms Frances
(GSA Affiliate)
Kirkpatrick, Mrs Colin
(GSA Affiliate)
Knox, Mrs Linda
Lantschner, Ms Barbara
(GSA Affiliate)
Laurie, Mr Craig
Lindsay, Miss Sarah
(Music Events Assistant)
Loder, Dr Dave
(GSA Affiliate)
Loranger, Mr Brian
(GSA Affiliate)
Love, Dr Steve
(GSA Affiliate)
Lutz-Smith, Ms Isobel
(Library Assistant)
Macdonald, Professor Alastair
MacLean, Miss Julia
(GSA Affiliate)
Maguire, Mr Paul
(GSA Affiliate)
Marshall, Mr Andrew
(GSA Affiliate)
Martin, Dr Craig
Matthews, Dr Alan
McAra, Dr Marianne
(GSA Affiliate)
McAulay, Mrs Lindsey
(GSA Affiliate)
McCall, Ms Bridget
McCormack, Dr Helen
McCulloch, Dr Mary
Mcgarrigle, Ms Aoife
(GSA Affiliate)
McNeil, Mrs Kim
(GSA Affiliate)
Menon, Ms Rosalie
(GSA Affiliate)
Moreira, Dr Mafalda
(GSA Affiliate)
Murphy, Mrs Correy
(GSA Affiliate)
Noble, Miss Shona
(GSA Affiliate)
O'Neill, Miss Kimberley
(Affiliate - GSA)
O'Regan McGowan, Mr Scott
(GSA Affiliate)
Ottaviani, Ms Dorotea
(GSA Affiliate)
Pichot, Mx Emilie
Portela, Mr Victor
(GSA Affiliate)
Poyade, Mr Matthieu
(GSA Affiliate)
Raman Komnedath, Miss Sneha
(Glasgow School of Art Affiliate)
Rigley, Mr Steve
(Lecturer in Visual Communication)
Robertson, Mr James
(GSA Affiliate)
Salmon, Ms Margaret
Sclater, Dr Maddy
Siminson, Ms Nicola
Smith, Professor Sarah
Stevens, Dr Thea
Stoney, Miss Charlotte
Stubbs, Dr Michael
(GSA Affiliate)
Stumpf, Mr Michael
(GSA Affiliate)
Taylor, Miss Andrea
(Research Fellow)
Walkerdine, Mr Matthew
(GSA Affiliate)
Wall, Dr Georgina
(GSA Affiliate)
Welisch, Mr Gaston
Winter-Burke, Miss Bobbie
(GSA Affilliate)
Young, Mrs Agnes
(GSA Affiliate)
Honorary & Visiting