Dr Leo Konstantelos


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007
Number of items: 25.


Konstantelos, L. and Yan, E. (2023) Prioritizing Storage Media For Digital Archiving And Preservation. In: 19th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, US, 19-22 Sep 2023,

Yan, E. and Konstantelos, L. (2023) Creating an end-to-end process for implementing a digital archiving workflow. How we are putting theory into practice. In: 19th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, US, 19-22 Sep 2023,


Konstantelos, L. , Paterson, C. and Yan, E. (2022) Evaluating Digital Preservation Capability with Large At-Risk Collections: Lessons learnt from preserving the NVA Archive. In: 18th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, 12-16 Sep 2022, pp. 282-286. (doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/8BCZF)

Konstantelos, L. , O'Hara, M. , Bell, S., Paterson, C. and Nixon, W. J. (2022) E-only Theses Submission and Preservation Workshop. In: JCDL '22: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022, Cologne, Germany, 20 - 24 June 2022, p. 59. ISBN 9781450393454 (doi: 10.1145/3529372.3530918)


Benardou, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2019) A world of immersive experiences. History Scotland, 19(2), pp. 8-9.


McRostie, D. and Konstantelos, L. (2018) Supporting digital scholarship and the digital humanities: a collaboration on concept, space and services between the Library and Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne. In: Atkinson, Jeremy (ed.) Collaboration and the Academic Library: Internal and External, Local and Regional, National and International. Chandos Publishing: Kidlington, pp. 117-129. ISBN 9780081020845 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102084-5.00011-0)


Lee, C., Crabtree, J., Konstantelos, L. , McGovern, N., Maeda, Y., Pennock, M., Tibbo, H., Woods, K. and Zierau, E. (Eds.) (2016) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation. School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill, NC. ISBN 9780692598818


Neish, P., Murray, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2015) The Role of Research Data Repositories in Social and Cultural Informatics and the Wider Open Data Ecosystem. eResearch Australasia 2015, Brisbane, Australia, 19-23 Oct 2015.


Molloy, L. , Gow, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2014) The DigCurV curriculum framework for digital curation in the cultural heritage sector. International Journal of Digital Curation, 9(1), pp. 231-241. (doi: 10.2218/ijdc.v9i1.314)

Shadbolt, A., Konstantelos, L. , Lyon, L. and Guy, M. (2014) Delivering innovative RDM training: the immersiveInformatics pilot programme. International Journal of Digital Curation, 9(1), pp. 313-323. (doi: 10.2218/ijdc.v9i1.318)

Konstantelos, L. (2014) Documenting the context of software artworks through social theory: towards a vocabulary for context classification. In: Delve, Janet and Anderson, David (eds.) Preserving Complex Digital Objects. Facet Publishing: London, pp. 236-256. ISBN 9781856049580

Gow, A. , Molloy, L. and Konstantelos, L. (2014) The DigCurV curriculum framework for digital curation in the cultural heritage sector. In: Digital Humanities, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-12 Jul 2014,


Konstantelos, L. , Gow, A. and Molloy, L. (2013) The DigCurV curriculum framework: structure, context and approach. In: DigCurV 2013: Framing the Digital Curation Curriculum, Florence, Italy, 6-7 May 2013,


Konstantelos, L., Delve, J., Anderson, D., Billenness, C., Baker, D. and Dobreva, M. (Eds.) (2012) The Preservation of Complex Objects Volume 2: Software Art. JISC: Bristol. ISBN 9781861376312

Delve, J., Konstantelos, L. , Ciufredda, A. and Anderson, D. (2012) Documenting technical environments for posterity: the TOTEM registry and metadata schema. PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 35(4), pp. 227-233. (doi: 10.1515/pik-2012-0046)

Konstantelos, L. (2012) Digital art online: perspectives on user needs, access, documentation and retrieval. In: Dobreva, Milena, O’Dwyer, Paul and Feliciati, Pierluigi (eds.) User Studies for Digital Library Development. Facet Publishing: London, pp. 217-224. ISBN 9781856047654

Konstantelos, L. , Dobreva, M. and O'Dwyer, A. (2012) User needs in digitisation. In: Hughes, L.M. (ed.) Digital Collections: Value and Impact. Facet Publishing: London, UK. ISBN 9781856047203

Konstantelos, L. (2012) A scalable generic metadata schema. In: Delve, Janet and Anderson, David (eds.) The Trustworthy Online Technical Environment Metadata Database - TOTEM. Series: Kölner Beiträge zu einer geisteswissenschaftlichen Fachinformatik (4). Dr. Kovač: Hamburg, pp. 136-166. ISBN 9783830064183


Konstantelos, L. , Innocenti, P. and Ross, S. (2011) How clean is your software? The role of software validation in digital preservation research projects. In: iPRES 2011 - 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, Singapore, 1-4 Nov 2011, pp. 269-270.


Aitken, B., Innocenti, P., Ross, S. and Konstantelos, L. (2010) User requirements for a next generation digital preservation framework: analysis and implementation. In: IS&T Archiving 2010: Preservation Strategies and Imaging Technologies for Cultural Heritage Institutions and Memory Organisations, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 1-4 Jun 2010, pp. 48-52.

Innocenti, P., Konstantelos, L. , Ross, S. , Maceviciute, E., Wilson, T., Ludwig, J. and Pempe, W. (2010) Assessing digital preservation infrastructures: implementing a framework for library, engineering and eScience organisations. In: IS&T Archiving 2010: Preservation Strategies and Imaging Technologies for Cultural Heritage Institutions and Memory Organisations, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 1-4 June 2010, pp. 18-23.

McHugh, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2010) In pursuit of an expressive vocabulary for preserved new media art. In: European Conference on Digital Libraries 2010, Glasgow, UK, 6-10 Sep 2010,

McHugh, A., Konstantelos, L. and Barr, M. (2010) Reflections on preserving the state of new media art. In: Archiving 2010, Den Haag, Netherlands, 1-4 Jun 2010,


Konstantelos, L. (2009) Digital art in digital libraries: eliciting the needs of users for scholarly information retrieval. Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries, 5(2),


Konstantelos, L. (2007) Putting the content, user and quality concepts in the digital library universe into practice: a scenario based on a user-oriented study for digital art material. In: Castelli, D. and Ioannidis, Y. (eds.) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries. Information Society Technology Press, pp. 22-30.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 17:01:29 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 29.


Benardou, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2019) A world of immersive experiences. History Scotland, 19(2), pp. 8-9.

Molloy, L. , Gow, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2014) The DigCurV curriculum framework for digital curation in the cultural heritage sector. International Journal of Digital Curation, 9(1), pp. 231-241. (doi: 10.2218/ijdc.v9i1.314)

Shadbolt, A., Konstantelos, L. , Lyon, L. and Guy, M. (2014) Delivering innovative RDM training: the immersiveInformatics pilot programme. International Journal of Digital Curation, 9(1), pp. 313-323. (doi: 10.2218/ijdc.v9i1.318)

Delve, J., Konstantelos, L. , Ciufredda, A. and Anderson, D. (2012) Documenting technical environments for posterity: the TOTEM registry and metadata schema. PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 35(4), pp. 227-233. (doi: 10.1515/pik-2012-0046)

Konstantelos, L. (2009) Digital art in digital libraries: eliciting the needs of users for scholarly information retrieval. Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries, 5(2),

Book Sections

McRostie, D. and Konstantelos, L. (2018) Supporting digital scholarship and the digital humanities: a collaboration on concept, space and services between the Library and Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne. In: Atkinson, Jeremy (ed.) Collaboration and the Academic Library: Internal and External, Local and Regional, National and International. Chandos Publishing: Kidlington, pp. 117-129. ISBN 9780081020845 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102084-5.00011-0)

Konstantelos, L. (2014) Documenting the context of software artworks through social theory: towards a vocabulary for context classification. In: Delve, Janet and Anderson, David (eds.) Preserving Complex Digital Objects. Facet Publishing: London, pp. 236-256. ISBN 9781856049580

Konstantelos, L. (2012) Digital art online: perspectives on user needs, access, documentation and retrieval. In: Dobreva, Milena, O’Dwyer, Paul and Feliciati, Pierluigi (eds.) User Studies for Digital Library Development. Facet Publishing: London, pp. 217-224. ISBN 9781856047654

Konstantelos, L. , Dobreva, M. and O'Dwyer, A. (2012) User needs in digitisation. In: Hughes, L.M. (ed.) Digital Collections: Value and Impact. Facet Publishing: London, UK. ISBN 9781856047203

Konstantelos, L. (2012) A scalable generic metadata schema. In: Delve, Janet and Anderson, David (eds.) The Trustworthy Online Technical Environment Metadata Database - TOTEM. Series: Kölner Beiträge zu einer geisteswissenschaftlichen Fachinformatik (4). Dr. Kovač: Hamburg, pp. 136-166. ISBN 9783830064183

Konstantelos, L. (2007) Putting the content, user and quality concepts in the digital library universe into practice: a scenario based on a user-oriented study for digital art material. In: Castelli, D. and Ioannidis, Y. (eds.) Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Foundations of Digital Libraries. Information Society Technology Press, pp. 22-30.

Edited Books

Lee, C., Crabtree, J., Konstantelos, L. , McGovern, N., Maeda, Y., Pennock, M., Tibbo, H., Woods, K. and Zierau, E. (Eds.) (2016) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation. School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill, NC. ISBN 9780692598818

Konstantelos, L., Delve, J., Anderson, D., Billenness, C., Baker, D. and Dobreva, M. (Eds.) (2012) The Preservation of Complex Objects Volume 2: Software Art. JISC: Bristol. ISBN 9781861376312

Conference or Workshop Item

Neish, P., Murray, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2015) The Role of Research Data Repositories in Social and Cultural Informatics and the Wider Open Data Ecosystem. eResearch Australasia 2015, Brisbane, Australia, 19-23 Oct 2015.

Conference Proceedings

Konstantelos, L. and Yan, E. (2023) Prioritizing Storage Media For Digital Archiving And Preservation. In: 19th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, US, 19-22 Sep 2023,

Yan, E. and Konstantelos, L. (2023) Creating an end-to-end process for implementing a digital archiving workflow. How we are putting theory into practice. In: 19th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, US, 19-22 Sep 2023,

Konstantelos, L. , Paterson, C. and Yan, E. (2022) Evaluating Digital Preservation Capability with Large At-Risk Collections: Lessons learnt from preserving the NVA Archive. In: 18th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, 12-16 Sep 2022, pp. 282-286. (doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/8BCZF)

Konstantelos, L. , O'Hara, M. , Bell, S., Paterson, C. and Nixon, W. J. (2022) E-only Theses Submission and Preservation Workshop. In: JCDL '22: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022, Cologne, Germany, 20 - 24 June 2022, p. 59. ISBN 9781450393454 (doi: 10.1145/3529372.3530918)

Gow, A. , Molloy, L. and Konstantelos, L. (2014) The DigCurV curriculum framework for digital curation in the cultural heritage sector. In: Digital Humanities, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-12 Jul 2014,

Konstantelos, L. , Gow, A. and Molloy, L. (2013) The DigCurV curriculum framework: structure, context and approach. In: DigCurV 2013: Framing the Digital Curation Curriculum, Florence, Italy, 6-7 May 2013,

Konstantelos, L. , Innocenti, P. and Ross, S. (2011) How clean is your software? The role of software validation in digital preservation research projects. In: iPRES 2011 - 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, Singapore, 1-4 Nov 2011, pp. 269-270.

Aitken, B., Innocenti, P., Ross, S. and Konstantelos, L. (2010) User requirements for a next generation digital preservation framework: analysis and implementation. In: IS&T Archiving 2010: Preservation Strategies and Imaging Technologies for Cultural Heritage Institutions and Memory Organisations, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 1-4 Jun 2010, pp. 48-52.

Innocenti, P., Konstantelos, L. , Ross, S. , Maceviciute, E., Wilson, T., Ludwig, J. and Pempe, W. (2010) Assessing digital preservation infrastructures: implementing a framework for library, engineering and eScience organisations. In: IS&T Archiving 2010: Preservation Strategies and Imaging Technologies for Cultural Heritage Institutions and Memory Organisations, Den Haag, The Netherlands, 1-4 June 2010, pp. 18-23.

McHugh, A. and Konstantelos, L. (2010) In pursuit of an expressive vocabulary for preserved new media art. In: European Conference on Digital Libraries 2010, Glasgow, UK, 6-10 Sep 2010,

McHugh, A., Konstantelos, L. and Barr, M. (2010) Reflections on preserving the state of new media art. In: Archiving 2010, Den Haag, Netherlands, 1-4 Jun 2010,

Key Findings

Benardou, A., Hughes, L. and Konstantelos, L. Saving the Centenary’s digital heritage: recommendations for digital sustainability of First World War community commemoration activities. [Key Findings]

Konstantelos, L. and Hughes, L. Digital Sustainability Review of HLF-Funded Projects. [Key Findings]

Konstantelos, L. and Hughes, L. Sustainability of Digital Resources Framework (SDRF). [Key Findings]

Konstantelos, L. , Hughes, L. and Kilbride, W. The bits liveth forever? Digital preservation and the first world war commemoration. [Key Findings]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 17:01:29 2025 GMT.

Research datasets

Jump to: 2024
Number of items: 1.


Konstantelos, L. (2024) Digital Archiving: Storage media prioritisation tool. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 20:08:01 2025 GMT.