Submit a Sample

Please print and complete the appropriate submission form(s) and send these together with your samples. Whenever possible, prior to submitting a pet body for post-mortem examination, please email a completed form to VDS. If you have any questions or difficulties using our forms please email and we will be happy to provide assistance.

Guidelines for Sample Submission

All diagnostic specimens must be posted in packaging that complies with P1650.

  • Samples must be placed within a leak proof primary sealed container.
  • We can supply you with swabs, virus transport medium, submission forms and prepaid postage labels free of charge on request.
  • To ensure sample integrity, ALWAYS label EACH sample submitted, including any slides.
  • The primary container should be wrapped with absorbent material to contain any spillages and then placed in a leak proof sealed secondary container, e.g. a plastic bag.
  • If multiple primary containers are to be sent, these must be individually wrapped or separated to prevent contact between them.
  • The samples should then be placed within a rigid outer packaging and labelled with both sender and recipient addresses.

Additional instructions for EU and overseas samples

  • Packaging must comply with the standard UK rules (see above).
  • Samples must be placed within a leakproof primary sealed container, not exceeding 4 litre/ 4 kg with a limit of 1 litre in the primary container for liquids.
  • All inner and outer packaging must be swabbed with suitable disinfectant and packed in sealed containers before leaving your country.

If sending samples from the EU (incl. Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Isle of Man and Channel Islands):

  • All packages must be clearly labelled and marked “Importation authorised as detailed in Scottish Government/APHA facilitation letters (enclosed)".
  • You must print and enclose these EU import facilitation letters.

If sending samples from outside the EU:

  • All packages must be clearly labelled and marked “Importation authorised by licence number TARP(S)06/2025 issued under THE TRADE IN ANIMALS AND RELATED PRODUCTS (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2012”.
  • You must print, complete and enclose this TARP(S) 06 2025 and this TARP(S) 06 2025 - Transit Facilitation Letter.

Failure to do so may result in significant financial penalties and will delay the arrival of samples to Veterinary Diagnostic Services.

Where do I send the samples to?

Packages must be marked for the attention of Ms Dawn Dunbar and sent to this address:
Veterinary Diagnostic Services
School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine
University of Glasgow
Bearsden Road
G61 1QH
United Kingdom


At present, laboratory results are validated by our veterinary advisers and then emailed to the submitting veterinary practice.

Data Protection

Veterinary  Diagnostic  Services  is  committed  to  processing  all  data  in  a clear and transparent way and storing and disposing of all data securely in line with GDPR guidelines. Visit our data policy for more information.