Dr Zubeida Lowton

  • Lecturer (Urban Studies & Social Policy)


I am a Tutor in Social and Urban Policy based in Urban Studies. I have a National Diploma and Bachelor of Technology in Town and Regional Planning from the University of Johannesburg and a MA in International Planning and Sustainable Development from the University of Westminster. I completed my PhD in Urban Studies which focused on the present socio-spatial transformations in South African cities and how public space users perceive these transformations considering the apartheid legacy.

Prior to undertaking my PhD in the UK, I lived in Johannesburg, South Africa where I was employed as a professional planner at a private consultancy for over 5 years. I specialised in spatial planning frameworks, urban design, project management and tender preparation. I am registered as a Professional Planner with the South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN).

Research interests

  • Urban transformation in developing countries
  • African cities
  • Sustainable urban development
  • Planning theory and cities
  • Space, place and the user experience


I am interested in supervising PhD projects in related to my research interests, in particular:

  • Urban, social and spatial transformation
  • Planning in developing countries particularly in the African context
  • Sustainable urban development
  • Urban planning in cities


Course Convenor

  • Contemporary Planning Systems (co-course convenor with Dr Amin Kamete) (Urban5081 2021/22)

Postgraduate Teaching Contributions

  • Governance and Markets (URBAN5085)
  • Understanding Public Policy (URBAN5093)
  • Contemporary Planning Systems (URBAN5081)
  • Sustainable Urban Futures (URBAN5093)
  • US Research Design, Methods and Ethics (URBAN5119)
  • Spatial Planning Strategies (URBAN5046)
  • Researching Public Policy (URBAN5135)

Dissertation Supervision

  • REPR Programme (URBAN5054P)
  • Public Policy Programme (URBAN5080P)

Additional information

I was awarded first place for the South African Cities Network Young Planners and Designers Competition 2020: Planning for the Future of our Cities.

Professional Memberships/Affiliations

  • Professional Planner of South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN)
  • Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society