Professor Piyushimita Thakuriah

  • Visiting Professor (School of Social & Political Sciences)


Urban Big Data Centre, 7 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8rz

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Research interests

Professor Piyushimita Thakuriah (Vonu), PhD

  • Professor, Urban Studies, School of Social and Political Sciences
  • Affiliated Professor, School of Engineering
  • Director, UK ESRC Urban Big Data Centre
  • Ch2m Chair of Transport
  • European Commission Marie Curie Fellow
  • University of Glasgow, UK


Vonu is the Ch2m Chair of Transport and Professor of Urban Studies and Affiliated Professor of the School of Engineering in the University of Glasgow. She is the founding Director and Principal Investigator of the Urban Big Data Centre funded by Research Council UK's Economic and Social Research Council that includes a national data service to inspire innovations for sustainable and socially just cities. The UBDC is a 7-university interdisciplinary consortium led by University of Glasgow, with the universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge, Sheffield, Reading, Bristol and Illinois-Chicago as partners, and with MOUs or other forms of collaboration with selected Australian, US, European and Chinese institutions.

Her research interests are on smart, socially-just and sustainable transport and theories and methods explaining transport policies and services and traveller behaviour. She is more broadly interested in Urban Informatics or the analytics of emerging sources of Big Data to understand complex urban problems. She has been Principal Investigator of several significant grants in both the US and UK funded by Research Councils UK, European Commission, National Science Foundation, US Department of Transportation, Department of Labor, and other leading research sponsors.

Vonu is currently a European Commission Marie Curie Fellow. She was previously a Fellow of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) – Academic Leadership Program (ALP) of the Big Ten Academic Alliance. Her postdoctoral work at the National Institute of Statistical Sciences was funded by a fellowship program of the National Science Foundation’s Division of Mathematical Sciences.

Full CV (pdf)  ThakuriahCVApril2018A.pdf

Research, Teaching and Service Interests

In the area of transport planning, Vonu's work is on the connections among transport, society and technology with the view that mobility in cities of the future will require planners to jointly consider social, infrastructural and technological challenges. She has focussed on "smart" public transport, bicycle and pedestrian active transport, as well as in connected/collaborative/shared transport systems. Her research has considered the needs of a wide spectrum of travellers including low-wage workers, seniors, persons with disabilities and young adults and her work links social equity and human capital considerations to the labour market, safety, well-being and other outcomes experienced by travellers. She is interested in the potential of Information and Communications Technology to improve livability, learning and engagement in cities and on the effective use of Big Data for urban planning, policy and business innovations.

More recent work in this area has focussed on emerging policy implications of Artificial Intelligence and automation, particularly as they relate to the changing nature of work and digitalisation of our daily lives. Aside from journal articles, books and edited work in this area include Transportation and Information: Trends in Technology and Policy  (Springer 2013) and Proceedings of 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (ACM Press 2011).

Her work in the area of Urban Informatics span analytics of emerging sources of Big Data for knowledge discovery regarding cities and data-intensive policy analysis. She is interested in the technological, methodological, epistemological and political economy challenges related to working with Big Data. Recent work in this area include the edited volume Seeing Cities with Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics (Springer, 2017) and Proceedings of the ACM First International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics (ACM Press, 2015).

Examples of ongoing projects in this area include the Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD) project which looks at multi-modal data collections (e.g., a social survey, travel and activity diaries, GPS, lifelogging image data and data from administrative sources and private businesses and a wide variety of social and infrastructure-based sensors) for sensing and knowledge discovery in cities. The Spatial Urban Data System (SUDS) programme aspires to serve small-area data on economic, social, built environment and physical factors and urban indicators in UK urban areas.

Prior to her current position at the University of Glasgow, Vonu was Professor of Urban Planning and Policy in the University of Illinois at Chicago and a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Statistical Sciences, both in the US. She has published over 170 journal papers, conference proceedings and technical reports.

Vonu has been Principal Investigator of grants valued at approximately $25 million and has been involved in research grants of $63 million in total (as PI, Co-I or Investigator) in the US and the UK. She was PI of a series of research grants to study mobility and accessibility outcomes experienced by low-wage workers, persons with disabilities and seniors. This work was funded by the US Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration and the Community Transportation Association of America together with the US Department of Labor. Her work on ICT and transport has been supported by the European Commission, National Science Foundation, Federal Highway Administration, Navteq LLC, Glasgow City Council and other public and private organisations. Her research on Big Data and Urban Informatics has been supported by the Economic and Social Research Council, National Science Foundation and the European Commission.

Vonu currently co-convenes the MSc in Urban Transport in University of Glasgow, where she teaches transport planning. She was previously the Co-PI of an NSF IGERT on Computational Transportation Science for PhD training in transport technology. 

Vonu has consulted on or otherwise collaborated on transport or data projects in Malaysia, China, India, Australia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and several European countries. She has provided testimony to US Congress and has given input to the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology as well as to the US Government Accountability Office.

She is past (and founding) co-chair of the joint subcommittee on Computational Transportation and Society of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, (now called Urban Big Data joint subcommittee) which is focusing on the computational, design, analytics, social and legal aspects of Big Data for mobility and accessibility. She served as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA Journal) from 2010 to 2013. She is a co-chair of the Urban Data Interest group of the Research Data Alliance, a joint initiative of the European Commission, National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian Government's Department of Innovation.

Directorship of the Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC)

UBDC's urban research (on transport, housing, education, social exclusion, urban management, health and wellbeing and other social and economic aspects)  use novel forms of data that are generated by different sources. The centre's data service provides access to data for use by analysts in academia, government and industry. UBDC also has an outreach, knowledge exchange and public participation programme to raise awareness of the value of data, and provides training and capacity-building on data analytics. Vonu provides overall research leadership of the centre and is responsible for delivering the data service, training and outreach/KE programmes.


Activities and Outputs since 2015

Selected Recent Refereed Publications

Paule, J. D. G., Y. Sun and P. Thakuriah (forthcoming). Beyond Geo-Tagged Tweets: Exploring the Geo-Localization of Tweets for Transportation Applications. In Big Data and Transportation, an edited volume to be published by Springer.

Hong, J. and P. Thakuriah (2018). Examining the relationship between different urbanization settings, smartphone use to access the Internet and trip frequencies. In Journal of Transport Geography, Vol 69, pp 11-18.

Thakuriah, P., N. Tilahun and M. Zellner (2017). Big Data and Urban Informatics: Innovations and Challenges to Urban Planning and Knowledge Discovery. In Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics, Springer, NY, pp. 11-48.

Thakuriah, P., L. Dirks, and Y. Keita Mallon (2017). Digital Infomediaries and Civic Hacking in Emerging Urban Data Initiatives. In Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics, Springer, NY, pp. 189-208.

Thakuriah, P., N. Tilahun and M. Zellner (2017). Seeing Cities through Big Data: Research, Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Edited volume of selected papers presented in workshop sponsored by National Science Foundation on Big Data and Urban Informatics. Springer, NY.

Thakuriah, P., K. S. Nowicka and J. D. G. Paule (2016). Sensing Spatiotemporal Patterns in Urban Areas: Analytics and Visualizations using the Integrated Multimedia City Data Platform. In Journal of Built Environment, Vol. 42(3), pp. 415-429.

Lido, C., Osborne, M., Livingston, M., Sila-Nowicka, K., and Thakuriah, P. (2016) 'Big Data' techniques to improve learning access and citizen engagement for adults in urban environments. In: Scott, L., Watson, C. and Wu, A.T. (eds.) Quality of Life in Adult Learning. Series: Adult learning in professional, organizational, and community settings. Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Lido, C., Osborne, M., Livingston, M., Thakuriah, P., and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. In International Journal of Lifelong Education, Early online: 03 Oct 2016.

Tilahun, N., Thakuriah, P., Li, M., and Keita, Y. (2016) Transit use and the work commute: analyzing the role of last mile issues. In Journal of Transport Geography, Vol 54, pp. 359–368.

Hong, J., and P. Thakuriah (2016) Relationship between motorized travel and time spent online for non-work purposes: an examination of location impact. In International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 10(7), pp. 617-626.

Moshfeghi, Y., Ounis, I., Macdonald, C., Jose, J., Triantafillou, P., Livingston, M., and Thakuriah, P. (2015) UCUI'15: Proceedings of the ACM First International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics. ACM. ISBN 9781450337861

Cottrill, C. D., and P. Thakuriah (2015) Location privacy preferences: a survey-based analysis of consumer awareness, trade-off and decision-making. In Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 56, pp. 132-148.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Wu, G., J. Hong and P. Thakuriah (2017). Role of the Internet in Shaping Young Adults’ Attitude, Travel Choices, and Sustainable Lifestyles: Longitudinal Perspective. Proc 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Conference.

Paule, J. D. G., Y. Moshfeghi, J. Jose and P. Thakuriah (2017). On Fine-Grained Geo-Localization of Tweets. Proc ACM SIGIR conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017 (ICTIR’17)

Hong, J. and P. Thakuriah (2017). Effects of Residential Locations and Mobile Technologies on Trip Generation: Focusing on Mediating Effects. Proc 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Conference.

Sila-Nowicka, K., and Thakuriah, P. (2016) The trade-off between privacy and geographic data resolution. a case of GPS trajectories combined with the social survey results. In: XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-19 Jul 2016, pp. 535-542. (doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B2-535-2016).

Wu, G., J. Hong and P. Thakuriah (2015). Effect of Employment Status on the Relationship between Time Spent on the Internet and Activity Engagement. Proc 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Windsor, UK, July.


Selected Keynotes and Invited Talks

Joint meeting of the Directors of Methodology and Information Technology, National Statistical agencies of member countries of the European Union and associated countries, and the statistical agency of the European Commission, Eurostat, Luxembourg. Urban Big Data Centre: Key Lessons for Smart Statistics. Keynote speech, Feb 23, 2018.

Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia. Invited speaker on Urban Informatics: Examples, Prospects and Challenges in Planning Future Lecture Series, Oct 20, 2017.

Statistics Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands. Invited speaker on Transport Planning and Operations with Big Data in Big Data Matters Towards Smart Statistics workshop. Sept 27, 2017.

Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities, Brussels, Belgium. Panelist and Speaker on Big Data and Urban Informatics, May 10, 2017.

Chinese University of Hong Kong. Emerging Data Sources and Urban Informatics: Examples, Prospects and Challenges. Keynote in Advanced Workshop of Urban Studies and Smart Cities, April 28, 2017.

U.S. National Science Foundation Workshop on Acquiring and Sharing Data Within the CMMI Research Community. Invited speaker on Urban Data Infrastructure and Urban Informatics. Also Member of Steering Committee. Feb 5-6, 2017.

Helsinki City Hall, Reboot Helsinki, Tampere and Finland with Big Data. Keynote Speaker. An Overview of the Urban Big Data Center, January 26, 2017.

Big Data Analysis for Transportation Engineering Systems, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. Indo-US Workshop. Dec 5-6, 2016. Program Committee Member.

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. September 16, 2016. Big Data, Urban Informatics and the City. Invited Lecture, Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein of Erasmus University.

University of Manchester DACAS Summer School, September 12, 2016. Seeing Cities with Big Data: Emerging Topics in Urban Informatics. Keynote Speaker.

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Sept 6, 2016. Emerging Data Sources and Urban Informatics: Examples, Prospects and Challenges. Invited speaker, Heinz College of Business.

First International Workshop on Big Data Smart Transportation Analytics in Shanghai, China, jointly organized by Purdue University and Tongji University, Shanghai, China, July 16-17, 2016. Unstructured Data for Urban Informatics. Invited speaker and International Advisory Committee member.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences Mapping Science Committee, Washington D.C. Grand Challenges in Smart Cities. April 14, 2016. Keynote Speaker.

Leibnitz Center for Informatics, Saarland, Germany, Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Challenges in Cooperative Intelligent Urban Transport, Feb 28-March 4, 2016. Keynote speaker and invited attendee.

U.S. Comptroller General Forum on 21st Century Data Analytics, jointly organized by U.S. GAO and the National Academies Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications. Future Promises and Benefits of Big Data Economy. Jan 27-28, 2016. Washington DC, Invited attendee and speaker.

12th PASCAL Observatory Conference Connecting Cities and Universities at Strategic Frontiers, Catania, Sicily. The Future of Cities: Big Data and the Urban Economy. Opening Keynote Address, Oct 7, 2015

Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle. Unstructured Social Media Data for Transportation Applications: Benefits and Challenges. Invited presentation in JSM Transportation Special Interest Group’s Session on New Tools for Transportation Statistics, Seattle, Aug. 8-13, 2015.

University of Leeds. Emerging Data Sources and Urban Informatics. Keynote Speaker, Opening Event, Leeds Institute of Data Analytics. July 10, 2015.

Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Smart Transportation Planning and Operations. Colloquium Speaker, Department of Civil Engineering. April 27, 2015.

Association of American Geographers.  Frontiers of Research on Urban Informatics. Chair of panel organized by AAG 2015 Symposium on CyberGIS for Fostering New Frontiers of Geographic Research and Education, Chicago, IL, April 2015.

Edinburgh Science Festival. Urban Informatics. Chair of panel and speaker, Edinburgh, April 16, 2015.

University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Big Data for Urban Informatics: Examples from the Glasgow Urban Big Data Centre. Colloquium Speaker, University College Dublin, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, March 26, 2015.

European Commission Joint Program Initiative Urban Governing Board. Urban Big Data and Smart Cities. Plenary presentation to the full governing board of the EC JPI Urban, London, UK, on March 9, 2015.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, San Jose. Transport Informatics. Invited panelist and speaker in US Government Accountability Office and UK Parliament Office for Science and Technology joint special session on Social Implications of Big Data in AAAS Annual Meeting, San Jose, Feb. 13, 2015.

High Performance Computing and Big Data Conference (UKHPC), London. Urban Big Data: Addressing the Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges Facing Cities. Plenary Speaker, Annual HPC and Big Data Conference, London, Feb 3, 2015.

Ohio State University, Columbus. Data-driven Modeling for Transportation: Prospects and Challenges. Colloquium Speaker, Ohio State University’s Department of Geography, Columbus, Jan. 16, 2015.

Imperial College, London. Urban Informatics and ICT Entrepreneurship for Data-Driven Public Transport Planning and Operations. Imperial College Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) Seminar Series, London, Nov. 19, 2014.

Holyrood, Parliament of the Government of Scotland. The Science of Running Smart Cities. Keynote speaker, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, Nov 12, 2014.

National Science Foundation-sponsored Workshop on Big Data and Urban Informatics, University of Illinois at Chicago. Big Data and Urban Informatics. Opening Plenary Presentation. August 11, 2014.

Royal Academy of Engineering, London. Urban Informatics: Social and Behavioral Modeling of Transportation. Invited Presentation in IBM Big Data Analytics Workshop, March 12, 2014.

Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Urban Digital Infomediaries in an Era of Big Data and Open Data Initiatives. Opening presentation in Workshop on Big Data and Open Data, January 12, 2014.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
Number of items: 52.


Venkatasubramaniam, A., Evers, L. , Thakuriah, P. and Ampountolas, K. (2023) Functional distributional clustering using spatio-temporal data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 50(4), pp. 909-926. (doi: 10.1080/02664763.2021.2001443)


Wu, G., Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. (2022) Investigating the temporal changes in the relationships between time spent on the internet and non-mandatory activity-travel time use. Transportation, 49(1), pp. 213-235. (doi: 10.1007/s11116-021-10174-8)


Chen, L., Thakuriah, P. (V.) and Ampountolas, K. (2021) Short-term prediction of demand for ride-hailing services: a deep learning approach. Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation, 3(2), pp. 175-195. (doi: 10.1007/s42421-021-00041-4)


Hong, J. , Thakuriah, P. (V.), Mason, P. and Lido, C. (2020) The role of numeracy and financial literacy skills in the relationship between information and communication technology use and travel behaviour. Travel Behaviour and Society, 21, pp. 257-264. (doi: 10.1016/j.tbs.2020.07.007)

Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101427)


Anejionu, O. C.D., Sun, Y. , Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A. and Mason, P. (2019) Great Britain transport, housing, and employment access datasets for small-area urban area analytics. Data In Brief, 27, 104616. (doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104616)

Anejionu, O. C.D., Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A., Sun, Y. , Mcarthur, D. , Mason, P. and Walpole, R. (2019) Spatial urban data system: a cloud-enabled big data infrastructure for social and economic urban analytics. Future Generation Computer Systems, 98, pp. 456-473. (doi: 10.1016/j.future.2019.03.052)

Wu, G., Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. V. (2019) Assessing the relationships between young adults’ travel and use of the internet over time. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, pp. 8-19. (doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2019.05.002)

Chen, L., Thakuriah, V. and Ampountolas, K. (2019) Predicting Uber Demand of NYC with Wavenet. In: SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2019, Athens, Greece, 24-28 Feb 2019, ISBN 9781612086910

Sila-Nowicka, K. and Thakuriah, P. (2019) Multi-sensor movement analysis for transport safety and health applications. PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0210090. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210090) (PMID:30703128) (PMCID:PMC6363243)

Gonzalez Paule, J. D., Sun, Y. and Thakuriah, P. (2019) Beyond geotagged tweets: exploring the geolocalisation of tweets for transportation applications. In: Ukkusuri, S. V. and Yang, C. (eds.) Transportation Analytics in the Era of Big Data. Springer. ISBN 9783319758619 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-75862-6_1)


Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. (2018) Examining the relationship between different urbanization settings, smartphone use to access the Internet and trip frequencies. Journal of Transport Geography, 69, pp. 11-18. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.04.006)


Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (Eds.) (2017) Seeing Cities Through Big Data: Research Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Series: Springer geography. Springer: New York. ISBN 9783319409009

Gonzalez Paule, J. D., Moshfeghi, Y., Jose, J. M. and Thakuriah, P. (V.) (2017) On Fine-Grained Geolocalisation of Tweets. In: ICTIR 2017: The 3rd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-4 Oct 2017, pp. 313-316. ISBN 9781450344906 (doi: 10.1145/3121050.3121104)


Thakuriah, P., Dirks, L. and Keita, Y. (2016) Digital infomediaries and civic hacking in emerging urban data initiatives. In: Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (eds.) Seeing Cities Through Big Data: Research Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Series: Springer geography. Springer, NY, pp. 189-207. ISBN 9783319409009 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40902-3_11)

Sila-Nowicka, K. and Thakuriah, P. (2016) The trade-off between privacy and geographic data resolution. a case of GPS trajectories combined with the social survey results. In: XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-19 Jul 2016, pp. 535-542. (doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B2-535-2016)

Tilahun, N., Thakuriah, P., Li, M. and Keita, Y. (2016) Transit use and the work commute: analyzing the role of last mile issues. Journal of Transport Geography, 54, pp. 359-368. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.06.021)

Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. (V.) (2016) Relationship between motorized travel and time spent online for non-work purposes: an examination of location impact. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10(7), pp. 617-626. (doi: 10.1080/15568318.2015.1079752)

Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Livingston, M. , Thakuriah, P. and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 490-508. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1224037)

Thakuriah, P., Sila-Nowicka, K. and Gonzalez Paule, J. (2016) Sensing spatiotemporal patterns in urban areas: analytics and visualizations using the integrated multimedia city data platform. Built Environment, 42(3), pp. 415-429. (doi: 10.2148/benv.42.3.415)

Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (2016) Big data and urban Informatics: innovations and challenges to urban planning and knowledge discovery. In: Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (eds.) Seeing Cities Through Big Data: Research Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Springer: New York, pp. 11-45. ISBN 9783319409009 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40902-3_2)


Moshfeghi, Y., Ounis, I. , Macdonald, C. , Jose, J. , Triantafillou, P., Livingston, M. and Thakuriah, P. (2015) UCUI'15 : Proceedings of the ACM First International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics. ACM. ISBN 9781450337861

Cottrill, C. D. and Thakuriah, P. (2015) Location privacy preferences: a survey-based analysis of consumer awareness, trade-off and decision-making. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 56, pp. 132-148. (doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2015.04.005)

Moshfeghi, Y., Ounis, I. , Macdonald, C. , Jose, J. M. , Triantafillou, P., Livingston, M. and Thakuriah, P. (2015) UCUI'15: The 1st International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics. In: 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '15), Melbourne, Australia, 19-12 Oct 2015, pp. 1955-1956. ISBN 9781450337946 (doi: 10.1145/2806416.2806878)


Thakuriah, P. and Mallon-Keita, Y. (2014) An analysis of household transportation spending during the 2007-2009 US economic recession. In: Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 12-16 Jan 2014,

Cottrill, C. D. and Thakuriah, P. 'V.' (2014) Privacy in context: an evaluation of policy-based approaches to location privacy protection. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 22(2), pp. 178-207. (doi: 10.1093/ijlit/eat014)


Thakuriah, P. and Tilahun, N. (2013) Incorporating weather information into real-time speed estimates: comparison of alternative models. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(4), pp. 379-389. (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000506)

Thakuriah, P., Persky, J., Soot, S. and Sriraj, P. (2013) Costs and benefits of employment transportation for low-wage workers: An assessment of job access public transportation services. Evaluation and Program Planning, 37, pp. 31-42. (doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.11.004)

Tilahun, N., Thakuriah, P. and Mallon, Y. (2013) Factors Determining Transit Access by Car Owners: Implications for Intermodal Passenger Transportation Planning. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA, 13-17 Jan 2013,

Thakuriah, P. and Geers, G. (2013) Transportation and Information: Trends in Technology and Policy. Series: Springer briefs in computer science. Springer: New York, NYC, USA. ISBN 9781461471288


Tang, L. and Thakuriah, P. (2012) Ridership effects of real-time bus information system: a case study in the city of Chicago. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 22, pp. 146-161. (doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2012.01.001)

Thakuriah, P., Metaxatos, P., Lin, J. and Jensen, E. (2012) An examination of factors affecting propensities to use bicycle and pedestrian facilities in suburban locations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment, 17(4), pp. 341-348. (doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2012.01.006)

Thakuriah, P., Tang, L. and Vassilakis, W. (2012) Assessment of temporal and spatial effects of bus arrival time information and implications for spatially targeted location-based services. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Conference 2012, Washington, DC, USA, Jan 2012,

Thakuriah, P. and Vassilakis, W. (2012) Perceived and functional independence in travel: assessing the role of neighborhood factors and community-based mobility services for persons with disabilities. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, Jan 2012,


Thakuriah, P., Lin, J., Blasie, E.T., Vassilakis, W. and Gan, L. (2011) Post-implementation evaluation of the CMAQ program in Northeastern Illinois. Phase 2 final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thakuriah, P. (G. C.) (2011) Proceedings of 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science. ACM Press: New York, NYC, USA. ISBN 9781450310345 (doi: 10.1145/2068984)

Thakuriah, P. (2011) Variations in employment transportation outcomes: role of site level factors. Papers in Regional Science, 90(4), pp. 755-772. (doi: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2011.00371.x)

Thakuriah, P., Tang, L. and Vassilakis, W. (2011) Spatio-temporal effects of bus arrival time information. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, Chicago, IL, USA, 1-4 Nov 2011, pp. 6-11.

Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N., Soot, S., Vassilakis, W., Cottrill, C. and Blaise, E.T. (2011) Case studies of job access and reverse commute program: 2009-2010. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thakuriah, P., Soot, S., Tilahun, N., Blaise, E.T., Cottrill, C. and Vassilakis, W. (2011) Case studies of the new freedom program. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kawamura, K., Thakuriah, P., Sriraj, P.S., Dirks, L., Rashidi, L., Sherburn, S. and Miodonski, D. (2011) Understanding freight-built environment interrelationships. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thakuriah, P., Soot, S., Tilahun, N., Vassilakis, W. and Cottrill, C. (2011) Analysis of Employment Transportation Services for the JobLinks Program. [Research Reports or Papers]

Cottrill, C. and Thakuriah, P. (2011) Protecting location privacy: policy evaluation. Transportation Research Record, 2215, pp. 67-74. (doi: 10.3141/2215-07)

Thakuriah, P. (2011) Analysis of cost-effectiveness of employment transportation services. Transportation Research Record, 2217, pp. 55-62. (doi: 10.3141/2217-07)

Thakuriah, P., Soot, S., Cottrill, C., Tilahun, N., Blaise, T. and Vassilakis, W. (2011) Integrated and continuing transportation services for seniors: case studies of new freedom program. Transportation Research Record, 2265, pp. 161-169.


Thakuriah, P., Lin, J., Metaxatos, P. and Jensen, E. (2010) Post-implementation evaluation of the CMAQ program in Northeastern Illinois: phase I final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Cottrill, C. and Thakuriah, P. (2010) Evaluating pedestrian crashes in areas with high low-income or minority populations. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(6), pp. 1718-1728. (doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2010.04.012)

Thakuriah, P. (2010) Evaluation of alternative data imputation strategies: a case study of motor carrier safety. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 2(3), pp. 199-216. (doi: 10.3328/TL.2010.02.03.199-216)

Thakuriah, P., Cottrill, C., Thomas, N. and Vaughn, S. (2010) A sketch planning methodology for determining interventions for bicycle and pedestrian crashes: an ecological approach. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA, Jan 2010,

Thakuriah, P., Menchu, S. and Tang, L. (2010) Car ownership among young adults: generational and period-specific perspective. Transportation Research Record, 2156, pp. 1-8. (doi: 10.3141/2156-01)


Cottrill, C. and Thakuriah, P. (2009) Privacy and gender: reviewing women's attitudes towards privacy in the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Location Based Services (LBS). In: 4th International Congress on Women's Issues in Transportation, Irvine, CA, USA, 27-30 Oct 2009, pp. 117-126.

Thakuriah, P., Tang, L. and Menchu, S. (2009) Young women's transportation and labor market experiences. In: Women's Issues in Transportation, Irvine, CA, USA, 27-30 Oct 2009, pp. 276-287.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:31:48 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 52.


Venkatasubramaniam, A., Evers, L. , Thakuriah, P. and Ampountolas, K. (2023) Functional distributional clustering using spatio-temporal data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 50(4), pp. 909-926. (doi: 10.1080/02664763.2021.2001443)

Wu, G., Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. (2022) Investigating the temporal changes in the relationships between time spent on the internet and non-mandatory activity-travel time use. Transportation, 49(1), pp. 213-235. (doi: 10.1007/s11116-021-10174-8)

Chen, L., Thakuriah, P. (V.) and Ampountolas, K. (2021) Short-term prediction of demand for ride-hailing services: a deep learning approach. Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation, 3(2), pp. 175-195. (doi: 10.1007/s42421-021-00041-4)

Hong, J. , Thakuriah, P. (V.), Mason, P. and Lido, C. (2020) The role of numeracy and financial literacy skills in the relationship between information and communication technology use and travel behaviour. Travel Behaviour and Society, 21, pp. 257-264. (doi: 10.1016/j.tbs.2020.07.007)

Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101427)

Anejionu, O. C.D., Sun, Y. , Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A. and Mason, P. (2019) Great Britain transport, housing, and employment access datasets for small-area urban area analytics. Data In Brief, 27, 104616. (doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104616)

Anejionu, O. C.D., Thakuriah, P. (V.), McHugh, A., Sun, Y. , Mcarthur, D. , Mason, P. and Walpole, R. (2019) Spatial urban data system: a cloud-enabled big data infrastructure for social and economic urban analytics. Future Generation Computer Systems, 98, pp. 456-473. (doi: 10.1016/j.future.2019.03.052)

Wu, G., Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. V. (2019) Assessing the relationships between young adults’ travel and use of the internet over time. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, pp. 8-19. (doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2019.05.002)

Sila-Nowicka, K. and Thakuriah, P. (2019) Multi-sensor movement analysis for transport safety and health applications. PLoS ONE, 14(1), e0210090. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210090) (PMID:30703128) (PMCID:PMC6363243)

Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. (2018) Examining the relationship between different urbanization settings, smartphone use to access the Internet and trip frequencies. Journal of Transport Geography, 69, pp. 11-18. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.04.006)

Tilahun, N., Thakuriah, P., Li, M. and Keita, Y. (2016) Transit use and the work commute: analyzing the role of last mile issues. Journal of Transport Geography, 54, pp. 359-368. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.06.021)

Hong, J. and Thakuriah, P. (V.) (2016) Relationship between motorized travel and time spent online for non-work purposes: an examination of location impact. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10(7), pp. 617-626. (doi: 10.1080/15568318.2015.1079752)

Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Livingston, M. , Thakuriah, P. and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 490-508. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1224037)

Thakuriah, P., Sila-Nowicka, K. and Gonzalez Paule, J. (2016) Sensing spatiotemporal patterns in urban areas: analytics and visualizations using the integrated multimedia city data platform. Built Environment, 42(3), pp. 415-429. (doi: 10.2148/benv.42.3.415)

Cottrill, C. D. and Thakuriah, P. (2015) Location privacy preferences: a survey-based analysis of consumer awareness, trade-off and decision-making. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 56, pp. 132-148. (doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2015.04.005)

Cottrill, C. D. and Thakuriah, P. 'V.' (2014) Privacy in context: an evaluation of policy-based approaches to location privacy protection. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 22(2), pp. 178-207. (doi: 10.1093/ijlit/eat014)

Thakuriah, P. and Tilahun, N. (2013) Incorporating weather information into real-time speed estimates: comparison of alternative models. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(4), pp. 379-389. (doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000506)

Thakuriah, P., Persky, J., Soot, S. and Sriraj, P. (2013) Costs and benefits of employment transportation for low-wage workers: An assessment of job access public transportation services. Evaluation and Program Planning, 37, pp. 31-42. (doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.11.004)

Tang, L. and Thakuriah, P. (2012) Ridership effects of real-time bus information system: a case study in the city of Chicago. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 22, pp. 146-161. (doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2012.01.001)

Thakuriah, P., Metaxatos, P., Lin, J. and Jensen, E. (2012) An examination of factors affecting propensities to use bicycle and pedestrian facilities in suburban locations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment, 17(4), pp. 341-348. (doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2012.01.006)

Thakuriah, P. (2011) Variations in employment transportation outcomes: role of site level factors. Papers in Regional Science, 90(4), pp. 755-772. (doi: 10.1111/j.1435-5957.2011.00371.x)

Cottrill, C. and Thakuriah, P. (2011) Protecting location privacy: policy evaluation. Transportation Research Record, 2215, pp. 67-74. (doi: 10.3141/2215-07)

Thakuriah, P. (2011) Analysis of cost-effectiveness of employment transportation services. Transportation Research Record, 2217, pp. 55-62. (doi: 10.3141/2217-07)

Thakuriah, P., Soot, S., Cottrill, C., Tilahun, N., Blaise, T. and Vassilakis, W. (2011) Integrated and continuing transportation services for seniors: case studies of new freedom program. Transportation Research Record, 2265, pp. 161-169.

Cottrill, C. and Thakuriah, P. (2010) Evaluating pedestrian crashes in areas with high low-income or minority populations. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(6), pp. 1718-1728. (doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2010.04.012)

Thakuriah, P. (2010) Evaluation of alternative data imputation strategies: a case study of motor carrier safety. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 2(3), pp. 199-216. (doi: 10.3328/TL.2010.02.03.199-216)

Thakuriah, P., Menchu, S. and Tang, L. (2010) Car ownership among young adults: generational and period-specific perspective. Transportation Research Record, 2156, pp. 1-8. (doi: 10.3141/2156-01)


Moshfeghi, Y., Ounis, I. , Macdonald, C. , Jose, J. , Triantafillou, P., Livingston, M. and Thakuriah, P. (2015) UCUI'15 : Proceedings of the ACM First International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics. ACM. ISBN 9781450337861

Thakuriah, P. and Geers, G. (2013) Transportation and Information: Trends in Technology and Policy. Series: Springer briefs in computer science. Springer: New York, NYC, USA. ISBN 9781461471288

Thakuriah, P. (G. C.) (2011) Proceedings of 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science. ACM Press: New York, NYC, USA. ISBN 9781450310345 (doi: 10.1145/2068984)

Book Sections

Gonzalez Paule, J. D., Sun, Y. and Thakuriah, P. (2019) Beyond geotagged tweets: exploring the geolocalisation of tweets for transportation applications. In: Ukkusuri, S. V. and Yang, C. (eds.) Transportation Analytics in the Era of Big Data. Springer. ISBN 9783319758619 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-75862-6_1)

Thakuriah, P., Dirks, L. and Keita, Y. (2016) Digital infomediaries and civic hacking in emerging urban data initiatives. In: Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (eds.) Seeing Cities Through Big Data: Research Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Series: Springer geography. Springer, NY, pp. 189-207. ISBN 9783319409009 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40902-3_11)

Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (2016) Big data and urban Informatics: innovations and challenges to urban planning and knowledge discovery. In: Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (eds.) Seeing Cities Through Big Data: Research Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Springer: New York, pp. 11-45. ISBN 9783319409009 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40902-3_2)

Edited Books

Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N. and Zellner, M. (Eds.) (2017) Seeing Cities Through Big Data: Research Methods and Applications in Urban Informatics. Series: Springer geography. Springer: New York. ISBN 9783319409009

Research Reports or Papers

Thakuriah, P., Lin, J., Blasie, E.T., Vassilakis, W. and Gan, L. (2011) Post-implementation evaluation of the CMAQ program in Northeastern Illinois. Phase 2 final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thakuriah, P., Tilahun, N., Soot, S., Vassilakis, W., Cottrill, C. and Blaise, E.T. (2011) Case studies of job access and reverse commute program: 2009-2010. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thakuriah, P., Soot, S., Tilahun, N., Blaise, E.T., Cottrill, C. and Vassilakis, W. (2011) Case studies of the new freedom program. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kawamura, K., Thakuriah, P., Sriraj, P.S., Dirks, L., Rashidi, L., Sherburn, S. and Miodonski, D. (2011) Understanding freight-built environment interrelationships. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thakuriah, P., Soot, S., Tilahun, N., Vassilakis, W. and Cottrill, C. (2011) Analysis of Employment Transportation Services for the JobLinks Program. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thakuriah, P., Lin, J., Metaxatos, P. and Jensen, E. (2010) Post-implementation evaluation of the CMAQ program in Northeastern Illinois: phase I final report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Chen, L., Thakuriah, V. and Ampountolas, K. (2019) Predicting Uber Demand of NYC with Wavenet. In: SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2019, Athens, Greece, 24-28 Feb 2019, ISBN 9781612086910

Gonzalez Paule, J. D., Moshfeghi, Y., Jose, J. M. and Thakuriah, P. (V.) (2017) On Fine-Grained Geolocalisation of Tweets. In: ICTIR 2017: The 3rd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-4 Oct 2017, pp. 313-316. ISBN 9781450344906 (doi: 10.1145/3121050.3121104)

Sila-Nowicka, K. and Thakuriah, P. (2016) The trade-off between privacy and geographic data resolution. a case of GPS trajectories combined with the social survey results. In: XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-19 Jul 2016, pp. 535-542. (doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B2-535-2016)

Moshfeghi, Y., Ounis, I. , Macdonald, C. , Jose, J. M. , Triantafillou, P., Livingston, M. and Thakuriah, P. (2015) UCUI'15: The 1st International Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics. In: 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '15), Melbourne, Australia, 19-12 Oct 2015, pp. 1955-1956. ISBN 9781450337946 (doi: 10.1145/2806416.2806878)

Thakuriah, P. and Mallon-Keita, Y. (2014) An analysis of household transportation spending during the 2007-2009 US economic recession. In: Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 12-16 Jan 2014,

Tilahun, N., Thakuriah, P. and Mallon, Y. (2013) Factors Determining Transit Access by Car Owners: Implications for Intermodal Passenger Transportation Planning. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA, 13-17 Jan 2013,

Thakuriah, P., Tang, L. and Vassilakis, W. (2012) Assessment of temporal and spatial effects of bus arrival time information and implications for spatially targeted location-based services. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Conference 2012, Washington, DC, USA, Jan 2012,

Thakuriah, P. and Vassilakis, W. (2012) Perceived and functional independence in travel: assessing the role of neighborhood factors and community-based mobility services for persons with disabilities. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, Jan 2012,

Thakuriah, P., Tang, L. and Vassilakis, W. (2011) Spatio-temporal effects of bus arrival time information. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, Chicago, IL, USA, 1-4 Nov 2011, pp. 6-11.

Thakuriah, P., Cottrill, C., Thomas, N. and Vaughn, S. (2010) A sketch planning methodology for determining interventions for bicycle and pedestrian crashes: an ecological approach. In: Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA, Jan 2010,

Cottrill, C. and Thakuriah, P. (2009) Privacy and gender: reviewing women's attitudes towards privacy in the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Location Based Services (LBS). In: 4th International Congress on Women's Issues in Transportation, Irvine, CA, USA, 27-30 Oct 2009, pp. 117-126.

Thakuriah, P., Tang, L. and Menchu, S. (2009) Young women's transportation and labor market experiences. In: Women's Issues in Transportation, Irvine, CA, USA, 27-30 Oct 2009, pp. 276-287.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:31:48 2025 GMT.


Current or Recently Completed Grants (last 10 years)

  • Urban Big Data for Trusted Smart Statistics. European Commission - Eurostat. Principal Investigator. Feb 2018.
  • Social and Economic Implications of Transport Sharing and Automation. Economic & Social Research Council. PI. Under contract. Expected to start Jan 2018.
  • Social Analytics Strategic Network (SASNet). Economic and Social Research Council. Principal Investigator, 2016-2017.
  • Urban Development, Migration, Segregation and Inequality. Economic and Social Research Council, joint project with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Co-I. 2015-2016.
  • Social Transport with Urban Big Data. European Commission. Approved, contract pending. Principal Investigator. 2014-2018.
  • Urban Big Data Centre. Economic and Social Research Council. Principal Investigator and Director. 2014-2019.
  • Active Travel and the Role of Information Technology: A Survey-Based Study in Glasgow. Funded by Glasgow Future City Demonstrator/UK Technology Strategy Board. Principal Investigator. 2013-2014.
  • Scottish Administrative Data Research Centre. Economic and Social Research Council. Co-PI. 2013-2018.
  • Impacts of Land Use Patterns and Public Transit Availability on the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Electric Vehicles. US National Science Foundation Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability program. Supervisor of Dr. Elizabeth Traut, NSF-SEES fellow.
  • Exploring Traffic Safety Risks to Child Pedestrians in Glasgow, 2013. Funded by University of Glasgow, Urban Studies.
  • Big Data and Urban Informatics: e-Infrastructure for Social Science Research on Sustainable Urban Systems. Principal Investigator until December 2012. Funded by National Science Foundation, 2012-2014.
  • Urban Informatics, Big Data and Community Engagement: A Study of Enabling Organizations. Principal Investigator. Funded by Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement, 2012-2013. 
  • Next Generation Intermodal Passenger Transportation System. Principal Investigator until December 2012. Funded by Illinois Department of Transportation. 2011-2013.
  • Analysis of Bicycle Crashes in Chicago Metropolitan Area. Principal Investigator. Funded by Active Transportation Alliance. 2011-2012.
  • Post-Implementation Evaluation of Emissions Benefits Of CMAQ Projects: Phase 2. Principal Investigator. Funded by Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. 2010-2011.
  • Transportation Alternatives for Persons with Disabilities. Principal Investigator. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. 2010-2011.
  • Analysis of Employment Transportation Services for the JobLinks Program. Principal Investigator. U.S. Department of Labor through the Community Transportation Association of America. 2009-2011.
  • Land-Use and Economic Impacts of Freight Transportation. Co-PI. National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research - University of Wisconsin. 2008-2010.
  • Integrative Graduate Program in Computational Transportation Science. Co-PI. National Science Foundation. 2005-2011.
  • Evaluation of Transportation for Disadvantaged Populations. Principal Investigator. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration. 2009-2011.
  • Locational Privacy: Legal and Policy Options. Principal Investigator. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. 2008-2011.
  • Post-Implementation Evaluation of Emissions Benefits of CMAQ Program. Principal Investigator. Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
  • Design of Special Events, Weather and Construction Delay Component of a Dynamic Traveler Information System. Principal Investigator. NAVTEQ, LLC. 2007-2008.


Current (and recent) Postdoctoral Supervision

Long Chen, 2018-Current. ESRC Industrial Fellow in Transport Sharing and Automation (co-supervised with Dr Kostas Ampountoulous)

Yang Wang, 2018-Current. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Transport Informatics (co-supervised with Dr Jinhyun Hong)

Katarzyna Sila-Nowikca, 2014-Current. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Urban Modeling and Simulation, Urban Big Data Centre  

Sun, Yeran, 2016-Current. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Urban Methods, Urban Big Data Centre

Traut, Elizabeth, 2013-2015. US National Science Foundation: Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability Fellow. Co-supervisor Prof. Chris Hendrickson, Carnegie Mellon University

Transport and Urban Informatics Group

Thakuriah, Vonu, Ch2m Chair Professor of Transport and Director, Urban Big Data Centre (lead)

Jinhyun Hong, Lecturer in Transportation Planning, Urban Studies

Konstantinos Ampountolous, Lecturer in Transportation Engineering, Civil and Infrastructure Engineering  

David Philip McArthur, Lecturer in Transport Studies, Urban Studies

Wei Liu, Lecturer in Transportation Engineering, Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

Jing Yao, Lecturer in Urban Big Data, Quantitative Methods and GIScience, Urban Studies

Katarzyna Sila-Nowikca, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Urban Modeling and Simulation, UBDC

Sun, Yeran, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Urban Methods, UBDC

Wang, Yang, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Transport Informatics, UBDC

Long Chen, Industrial Fellow in Transport Sharing and Automation, UBDC

Christina Boididou, Scientific Computing Officer (iMCD project)

Dr Obinna Anejionu, Scientific Computing Officer (SUDS programme)

Guoqiang (Chris) Wu, PhD student

Ashwini Venkatasubramanian, PhD student

Urban Big Data Centre Data Service and Administrative Staff

Full list of centre staff, including data science and research staff, are in:

Sarah Currier, Senior Project Manager

Dr Andrew McHugh, Senior IT and Data Services Manager

Christina Boididou, Scientific Computing Officer (iMCD project)

Dr Obinna Anejionu, Scientific Computing Officer (SUDS programme)

Rod Walpole, Scientific Computing Officer (SUDS programme)

Keith Maynard, Project Administrator, SASNet and Training

Rhiannon Law, Business and Communications Officer

Yevdokia Adamiuk, Centre Administrator


MSc in Urban Transport

(Co-convenor with Dr Jinhyun Hong) -

MSc in Urban Analytics 

Associated with the Urban Big Data Centre -

Recent teaching activity

URBAN 5090: Global City Challenges (Spring 2014 and 2015 course convenor): Provide students with an in-depth knowledge of contemporary international urban challenges; urban sustainability; concepts and conflicts in notions of public and private space; migration and urban rural balance; land shortages for development and food production; expansion of the middle classes and governance; real estate planning and housing; urban conflicts, violence and wars; global climate change, environmental sustainability, air pollution and green house gas emissions; and transport and infrastructure.

URBAN 5046: Spatial Planning (team-taught - I teach the part of the course on transportation). The aim of this course is to enable students to generate visionary and imaginative responses to spatial planning challenges, which are realistic and derive from substantial investigation and analysis of relevant data and other evidence. My responsibility is to connect transportation to the context of spatial planning.

URBAN 5101: Introduction to Transport Studies (team taught - currently I am responsible for teaching Big Data and Transportation Planning). The course is intended to provide a broad-based introduction to the theoretical, methodological and practical motivations for studying transport systems.

Training course on Introduction to Urban Informatics. 3-hour course covering: (1) types of urban Big Data (2) applications of Urban Informatics in dynamic resource management, urban policy analytics, event and change detection (3) technological, methodological, theoretical/epistemological and political economy and Big Data for urban informatics. Offered to date in University of Glasgow, Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee (via weblink), and University of Essex.


UBDC Training and Capacity-Building Programme

Social Analytics Strategic Network (joint programme with University of Essex)

Additional information

Selected Recent Professional Services

  • Member, Advisory Group, UK Office of National Statistics Data Science Campus, April 2018-Current (accepted).
  • Member, Scientific Committee, European Commission/Eurostat New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) 2019.
  • Member, Scientific Committee, 3rd International Conference "Smart Data, Smart Cities", Delft , The Netherlands, October 4-5, 2018.
  • Member of steering committee, NSF CMMI Data Infrastructure Workshop, Arlington, VA, Feb 6-7, 2017.
  • Member of program committee, Big Data and Transport workshop held in IIT-Chennai funded by Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, Chennai, India, Dec 5-6, 2016.

  • Member, International Advisory Committee, First International Workshop on Big Data Smart Transportation Analytics in Shanghai, China, jointly organized by Purdue University and Tongji University, Shanghai, China, July 16-17, 2016.

  • Chair, Workshop on Innovative Multi-modal Data on Urban Living. Sponsored by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Glasgow, UK, Feb 3-4, 2016.

  • Member, Editorial Board, Environment and Planning B – Urban Analytics and City Science, September 2016-Current.

  • Program Committee Member, Workshop on Technological and Social Limits to Future Cities. Sponsored by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Glasgow, UK, April 18, 2016.

  • Program Committee Member and Institutional Sponsor, 4th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2015 Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics. Melbourne, Australia, Oct 23, 2015.

  • Program Committee Member, International Conference on Location-Based Social Media Data, Athens, Georgia, March 13-14, 2015.

  • Program Committee Member, AAAI-15 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Transportation, Austin, Texas, Jan 25-26, 2015.

  • General Chair, US National Science Foundation-sponsored workshop on Big Data and Urban Informatics, Aug 11-12, 2014.

  • Co-chair, Workshop on Big Data and Open Data for Transportation Services and Public Engagement. Workshop held in Transportation Research Board Annual Meetings, Jan. 2014, Washington, DC.

  • Member, Evaluation Strategy Board, Glasgow Future City Demonstrator Project funded by UK Technology Strategy Board.

  • Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA Journal).

  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Transportation and Statistics

  • Co-Chair, Joint Subcommittee on Computational Transportation and Society, Transportation Research Board.

  • General Chair, Workshop on Big Data and Urban Informatics. Sponsored by National Science Foundation, March 28-29, 2013. Held in Chicago, IL

  • Co-chair, Workshop on Mobility Informatics: Innovations in Mining Structured and Unstructured Information for Mobility Decision-Making. Workshop held in Transportation Research Board Annual Meetings, Jan. 2013, Washington, DC.

  • Member, Technical Advisory Committee, International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo Program Committee, Beijing, China, Co-sponsored by Transportation Research Board, IEEE, IFAC and ACM.

  • Member, Expert Panel, Government of India on Sustainable Urban Transport Project' launched by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India with the help of Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP and the World Bank

  • Member, Program Committee, 5th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS) in the ACM SIGSPATIAL 19th International Conference on Advances in GIS, Nov 6, 2012.

  • General Chair, 4th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS) in the ACM SIGSPATIAL 19th International Conference on Advances in GIS, 2011.

  • Member, Program Committee, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) - GIScience for Changing Human Environment, 2011. [Website here]

  • Treasurer, Faculty Women's Interest Group, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 2010-Current.

  • Associate Member, MODAP (Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy) funded by EU, FET OPEN, 2009-2012.

  • Member, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress Program Committee, 2005-Current.

  • Member, Accessible Transportation and Mobility Committee, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, ABE60

  • Member, Committee on Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, ABJ30.