Professor Ty Solomon
- Professor of International Relations (Political & International Studies)
0141 330 8406
School of Social & Political Sciences, Adam Smith Building, Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8RT
Research interests
Ty Solomon is Professor of International Relations at the University of Glasgow. Before coming to Glasgow, he lectured in international relations at the University of Florida and the University of South Florida. He also earned his PhD from the University of Florida. He has taught a variety of courses, including American Foreign Policy, Emotions, War & Peace, International Terrorism, International Security, and International Relations Theory.
Much of his research has explored the overlapping influences of language, identity, and emotion in the politics of security and foreign policy. His book, The Politics of Subjectivity in American Foreign Policy Discourses (University of Michigan Press), analyzes how foreign policy narratives emotionally appeal to audiences. In pursuing this question, the book develops a theoretical and empirical account of how some narratives become solidified as political "commonsense" while marginalizing alternative narrative possibilities. The book applies this framework to the politics of the war on terror and the shifting influences of neoconservatism in debates over US foreign policy. Other earlier work focused on developing a genealogy of the concept "weapons of mass destruction," discursive processes of securitization in US foreign policy debates, and logics of identity in post-9/11 US foreign policy.
His current work and interests include conceptualizing international relations through micropolitical and everyday frameworks, emotions and power, the politics of space and place, and the role of time/temporality in politics. He has published in journals such as International Studies Quarterly, European Journal of International Relations, Review of International Studies, Cooperation and Conflict, Millennium, International Studies Review, and New Political Science.
Research Interests
- International Relations theory
- American foreign relations
- Critical security studies
- Interpretive methods
Research groups
I am interested in supervising students in any of my areas of research, including:
- International relations theory
- American foreign policy
- Critical security studies
- Emotions in world politics
- Politics of discourse, narrative, rhetoric
Undergraduate (Honours) Teaching
- Introduction to International Relations
- Issues in International Relations
- US Foreign Policy
- Emotions, War, and Peace in International Relations
- International Relations Concepts
Postgraduate Teaching
- Foreign Policy Analysis
Additional information
Other Roles:
- Postgraduate Taught Director, School of Social and Political Sciences
- Politics Honours (undergraduate, 3rd-4th years) coordinator
- IR Research Cluster Convener
- Advisor of Studies