Number of items: 43.
Posteraro, L., Peace, T. and Nyquist Pedersen, M.
Riding the yellow wave: the online populist communication of Rassemblement National (RN) leaders in response to the Gilets Jaunes protests and the 2019 European elections.
Information, Communication and Society, 27(8),
pp. 1712-1735.
(doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2024.2361118)
Peace, T. and Paxton, F.
Populist pragmatism: the nationalisation of local government strategies by the Rassemblement National.
Acta Politica, 59,
pp. 264-288.
(doi: 10.1057/s41269-023-00292-9)
Balazard, H. and Peace, T.
Confronting Islamophobia and its consequences in East London in a context of increased surveillance and stigmatization.
Ethnicities, 23(1),
pp. 88-109.
(doi: 10.1177/14687968221088016)
Peace, T.
Religion and the ideology of populism.
In: Haynes, J. (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Politics and Ideology.
Series: Routledge international handbooks.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 138-152.
ISBN 9780367417826
(doi: 10.4324/9780367816230-13)
Paxton, F. and Peace, T.
Window dressing? The mainstreaming strategy of the Rassemblement National in power at the local level of government.
Government and Opposition, 56(3),
pp. 545-562.
(doi: 10.1017/gov.2020.11)
Hill, E., Meer, N. and Peace, T.
The role of asylum in processes of urban gentrification.
Sociological Review, 69(2),
pp. 259-276.
(doi: 10.1177/0038026120970359)
Emilsson, H., Angeli, M., Elia, A., Meer, N. and Peace, T.
The impact of multilevel policy and
governance: A comparative study of access to
language training in Cosenza, Glasgow,
Malmö, and Nicosia.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Meer, N., Hill, E., Peace, T. and Villegas, L.
Rethinking refuge in the time of COVID-19.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(5),
pp. 864-876.
(doi: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1855359)
Paxton, F. and Peace, T.
How the Rassemblement National is using local government to ‘mainstream’.
Peace, T. and Meer, N.
Ethnic diversity.
In: Garnett, M. (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of British Politics and Society.
Series: Routledge international handbooks.
ISBN 9781138677937
(doi: 10.4324/9781315559247-13)
Meer, N., Peace, T. and Hill, E.
Displaced Migration and Labour Market Governance in Scotland: Challenges and Opportunities.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Meer, N., Peace, T. and Hill, E.
Improving labour market access for refugees in Scotland: key findings and recommendations.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Peace, T. and Chabal, E.
Why the French left has a problem with Islamophobia.
Peace, T. and Akhtar, P.
Another 'rotten borough'? Allegations of electoral fraud in Peterborough.
Peace, T. and Meer, N.
Refugee integration in Europe since the ‘crisis'.
RSCAS Working Papers, 2019(31),
Peace, T.
Islamophobia and the Left in France.
In: Zempi, I. and Awan, I. (eds.)
The Routledge International Handbook of Islamophobia.
Routledge, pp. 110-122.
ISBN 9780815353751
Meer, N., Peace, T. and Hill, E.
Integration Governance in Scotland Accommodation, Regeneration and Exclusion.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Akhtar, P. and Peace, T.
Ethnic minorities in British politics: candidate selection and clan politics in the Labour Party.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(11),
pp. 1902-1918.
(doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1443804)
Meer, N., Peace, T. and Hill, E.
Asylum and Refugee Accommodation Governance in Scotland: Key Findings and Recommendations. GLIMER Policy Brief 1.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Meer, N., Peace, T. and Hill, E.
English Language Education for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Scotland: Provision and Governance.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Meer, N., Peace, T. and Hill, E.
Improving ESOL Provision for Displaced Adult Migrants in Scotland: Key Findings and Recommendations. GLIMER Policy Brief 2.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Peace, T. , Hill, E. and Naysmith, S.
Interview with The Herald: 'Councils should house asylum seekers, say academics'.
Herald, 2018(4 Dec),
Meer, N., Peace, T. and Hill, E.
The Governance and Local Integration of Migrants and Europe's Refugees.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Peace, T.
Secularism and French politics.
Peace, T.
Religion and populism in Britain.
In: Marzouki, N., McDonnell, D. and Roy, O. (eds.)
Saving the People: How Populists Hijack Religion.
C. Hurst & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.: London.
ISBN 9781849045209
Akhtar, P. and Peace, T.
The party is over for Respect, but George Galloway could find a home again in Labour.
Peace, T.
Who becomes a terrorist, and why?
Washington Post,
Peace, T. and Akhtar, P.
Biraderi, bloc votes and Bradford: investigating the Respect party's campaign strategy.
British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 17(2),
pp. 224-243.
(doi: 10.1111/1467-856X.12057)
Akhtar, P. and Peace, T.
De-mystifying biraderi politics in Bradford.
Peace, T. (Ed.)
Muslims and Political Participation in Britain.
Series: Routledge studies in religion and politics.
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9780415725316
Meer, N. and Peace, T.
The 2015 election: BME groups in Scotland.
In: Khan, O. and Sveinsson, K. (eds.)
Race and Elections.
Runnymede, pp. 26-29.
ISBN 9781909546080
Peace, T.
British Muslims and the anti-war movement.
In: Peace, T. (ed.)
Muslims and Political Participation in Britain.
Series: Routledge studies in religion and politics.
Routledge: London, pp. 124-137.
ISBN 9780415725316
Peace, T.
European Social Movements and Muslim Activism: Another World but with Whom?
Series: Palgrave politics of identity and citizenship series.
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
ISBN 9781137463999
Peace, T.
In: Peace, T. (ed.)
Muslims and Political Participation in Britain.
Series: Routledge studies in religion and politics.
Routledge: London, pp. 1-11.
ISBN 9780415725316
Peace, T. and Duffy, J.
Interview with The Herald: ''I may be Muslim but I identify myself as Scottish': the indyref battle for the Scottish Asian vote'.
Herald, 2014(16 Feb),
Peace, T.
Muslims and the anti-war movement.
Peace, T.
All I'm asking, is for a little respect: assessing the performance of Britain's most successful radical left party.
Parliamentary Affairs, 66(2),
pp. 405-424.
(doi: 10.1093/pa/gsr064)
Peace, T.
Muslims and electoral politics in Britain: the case of the respect party.
In: Nielson, J. S. (ed.)
Muslim Political Participation in Europe.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 299-321.
ISBN 9780748646944
Mammone, A. and Peace, T.
Cross-national ideology in local elections: the case of Azione Sociale and the British National Party.
In: Mammone, A., Godin, E. and Jenkins, B. (eds.)
Mapping the Extreme Right in Contemporary Europe: From Local to Transnational.
Series: Routledge studies in extremism and democracy (16).
Routledge: London ; New York, pp. 288-302.
ISBN 9780415502641
Peace, T.
The French anti-racist movement and the 'Muslim Question'.
In: Flood, C., Hutchings, S., Miazhevich, G. and Nickels, H. (eds.)
Political and Cultural Representations of Muslims: Islam in the Plural.
Series: Muslim minorities (11).
Brill: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 131-146.
ISBN 9789004231023
(doi: 10.1163/9789004231030_010)
Peace, T.
Où sont les musulmans dans le mouvement altermondialiste?
In: Grannec, C. (ed.)
Les Chrétiens dans la mouvance altermondialiste.
Series: Les terrains du siècle.
Karthala: Paris, pp. 149-187.
ISBN 9782811105112
Peace, T.
Un antisémitisme nouveau? The debate about a ‘new antisemitism’ in France.
Patterns of Prejudice, 43(2),
pp. 103-121.
(doi: 10.1080/00313220902793773)
Peace, T.
L’impact de la « participation musulmane » sur le mouvement altermondialiste en Grande-Bretagne et en France.
Cultures and Conflits(70),
pp. 109-128.
(doi: 10.4000/conflits.13213)
This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 01:58:32 2025 GMT.