Professor Susan Deeley
- Emeritus Professor (School of Social & Political Sciences)
R108 Level 1, Urban Studies, 27 Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RS
Ph.D., M.Ed., M.Phil., B.A (Hons), SFHEA
University of Glasgow Teaching Excellence Award 2012
SRC Student Teaching Award for 'Most Innovative Teaching' 2016
Research interests
Research Interests
My current research and scholarship interests are in learning and teaching in higher education, particularly within the areas of service-learning, assessment and feedback, and collaborative learning.
Aspects of my research include critical perspectives on service-learning; the enhancement of graduate attributes through work-based learning; community voice in student learning; staff-student partnership in summative co-assessment; and the use of technology in assessment and feedback.
My social and public policy research has been on sexuality and adults with learning disabilities; sex education for adults with learning disabilities; and children and young people as carers.
- University of Glasgow LTDF 2017
- College of Social Sciences 2016
- Advancing Graduate Attributes through Service-Learning
Careers Service Grant Award
University of Glasgow
- Effects of new and innovative assessment methods
College of Social Sciences Employability Award
University of Glasgow
- Identification and assessment of employability skills in service-learning
Faculty of Law, Business and throuSocial Sciences Employability Award
University of Glasgow
- A comparative study of international service-learning (Scotland and Jamaica)
International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership/ Ford Foundation, USA
Current Ph.D. Supervision
Linda Murdoch 'Institutional Responses to the 'Vulnerable Student' in Higher Education through the Lens of the Careers Service'
Completed PhDs:
Shivali Fifield 'Well and Green: Towards a Climate Justice Framework for Carbon Capability and Community Empowerment'
Anastacia Ryan 'The Sanctions of Justice: A Comparative Study of Sex Workers and Access to Justice in Scotland and New Zealand' (2019)
Ellie Conway 'Family Secrets and Social Silence: women with insecure immigration status and domestic abuse policy in Scotland' (2012)
Examined PhDs:
Victoria Williams 'Talking about food: exploring attitudes towards food, health and obesity with adults with learning disabilities' (2011)
Sam Smith 'Living with risk: exploring the concept of risk with adults with learning difficulties' (2010)
Other Postgraduate and Undergraduate supervision topic areas:
- equality
- domestic abuse
- lone parenthood
- mental health
- community engagement
- education
- disability and sexuality
Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL)
Undergraduate Teaching:
Social and Public Policy 1A - Foundations of Welfare (Course Co-ordinator)
- The Origins and Development of the British Welfare State
- Education policy
Social and Public Policy 2A - Perspectives on Public Policy: Conflicting Ideas and Changing Agendas (Course Co-ordinator)
- Mixed Economy of Welfare
- Voluntary Sector
- Informal Sector
- Role of the State
- Role of Ideology
- Ideological Perspectives
Social and Public Policy Honours courses:
Education for Citizenship (Service-Learning)
Active Citizenship (Service-Learning)
Ideological Concepts and Values
Utopias: Welfare Theory and Social Policies for a 'Good Society'
Service in the Community (Service-Learning for international visiting students)
Postgraduate Teaching:
- Professional Development and Reflective Practice (MA Housing Studies)
Additional information
Conference Keynote Addresses
Friend or Foe? Configuring the Role of Assessment as an Opportunity to Transform the Quality of Higher Education, City, University of London, 2022
The Importance of Staff-Student Partnerships in Relation to Learning and Assessment, Re-imagining Assessment Community of Practice: Interactive Resource Launch, Dublin City University and University of Limerick, Ireland, 2021
Engaging Students in Partnership: 'Revising' and Navigating the Map of Assessment, Taylor's University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019
Student Engagement in Assessment and Feedback, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, 2019
Service-Learning and the Future Quality of Education in our Universities, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2018
Invited Speaker
- Service-Learning: Students' active learning and community engagement, Inaugural Seminar, University of the West of Scotland, 2018
- Co-Design of Assessment: Crossing a threshold and navigating foreign territory, University College Dublin, 2018
- Co-Design of Assessment, University of Edinburgh, 2018
- Student Engagement in Assessment, University of Glasgow, 2018
- Course Design for Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL), University of Glasgow, 2017
- Partnership in Practice, Leading Enhancements in Assessment and Feedback (LEAF) Symposium, University of Glasgow, 2017
- Staff-Student Partnership in Assessment, LEAF Symposium, University of Glasgow, 2016
- Using a TEAL Space, University of Glasgow, 2016
- Staff-Student Partnership in Assessment, ASPEN Network, University of Glasgow, 2015
Invited Mentor
Peer and Self-Assessment, Assessment Hackathon, Dublin City University, 2021
International Conference Presentations
- A Faculty-Student Partnership approach to assessment in service-learning. Singapore, 2019
- Extending Partnership Activities in Service-Learning from Community Service to a Learning Community in the Classroom. Surabaya, Indonesia, 2017
- Enhancing Assessment and Feedback in Service-Learning. Taipei,Taiwan, 2015
- Staff-Student Partnership in Assessment. Hong Kong, 2015
- Co-assessment in service-learning. Hong Kong, 2013
- Employability skills within service-learning. Indiana, USA,2010
- Service-learning as postgraduate study. South Dakota, USA,2006
- The service-learning Scotland programme. New York, USA, 2005
- The impact of students within welfare agencies in Scotland and Jamaica/ conducting research in service-learning. Chiang Mai,Thailand, 2004
- The impact of service-learning students within welfare agencies. Utah, USA, 2003
- Meeting welfare needs. Prague, Czech Republic, 2002
Learning and Teaching Conference Presentations, University of Glasgow:
- Staff-student co-design of assessment criteria for reflective experiential learning (2019)
- Enhancing the student learning experiences in TEAL spaces (2018) co-presented with students
- Active Student Participation in Assessment of and for Learning, with co-presented with students (2017)
- Using technology to enhance student learning in assessment and feedback processes (2016)
- Developing graduate attributes and improving student employability through work-based learning: Opportunities, successes and challenges (2015) - co-presented with colleagues
- Staff-Student Partnership in Assessment (2015) - co-presented with Ruth Brown, PG student
- Co-assessment: a democratic approach to deep learning (2012)
- Identifying and assessing employability skills within service-learning (2011)
- Effects of service-learning on students in higher education (2007)